Wednesday 22 November 2023


 Hello, deskers,  here we are again, meeting for WOYWW 

It's still Christmas card factory here, but batch making does mean they add up quickly...

I was up early on Sunday to watch the F1 which started at the crazy time of 6am  so once it had finished I could get back to Christmas cards...

I had a count up and I've probably only got another 12 or so needed, but some of those will be slightly more special ones so will take a bit of planning.

I wasn't happy with the colouring (never really like doing that)  so probably won't do any more of those designs, although I quite like the neon "trees" 

however I've stamped out some more masterboards 

I used blues and green, as I really liked that combination on some of the earlier ones,  and pink/purple.

I had a good trip to Kew on Saturday, the weather was much better than forecast and the rain stopped after a while.  it was good to see some more of the Christmas lights trail, which has now opened (booking essential)  

Snapper was my favourite...

he's the star of this year's John Lewis Christmas ad.

and I had fun with the bauble selfies, although it was hard to see some of them for raindrops 

thanks for looking, I'll be round soon.   


  1. Love the latest masterboards Helen - always good for a quick card with added sentiment. The neon trees are fun too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Good to see you working in the card factory. Could you not craft whilst watching the TV? That's what I do some times.
    I am a blue and green person when it comes to colour combo's but my second choice is purple and pink. How strange. Great cards.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  3. I lik the Neon trees, that’s not very traditional but looks great! Good use of time crafting so early on a Sunday, my cards were a bit quick and dirty but they’ll do! Love the baubles at Kew, fun pics!
    Hugs LLJ 1 xxx

  4. I Helen, sorry I keep tempting you with the reindeer, I didn't need them either but pleased I got them now. Now i wonder which card you would like for Christmas? I keep seeing the Venus on TV and still find him a bit scary after seeing Little Shop of Horrors Hee! Hee! Loving your card collection too. Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela xXx

  5. Love the new master board…just my colours. I love the huge Venus fly trap.
    Annie x

  6. Oh those baubles all together look scrumptious, bit like my basket when taking mine down. Think I'm going to have to look up the John Lewis Ad for snapper... Love the masterboards with just one stamp, they are super, as are the cards. Hugs BJ#14

  7. I like the neon trees, I am never completely happy with colouring in either, but I have to persevere or give away my colouring pencils 🤣. That plant is amazing - I thought it was real at first! How scary that would be! Happy WOYWW. Angela #6

  8. Great new masterboards and I love the neon trees. Colouring always seems like a great idea till I have to do it - zero patience, prefer a bit of splash and dash. I thought I had seen snapper before but wasn't sure!! Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindyxx #12

  9. Happy WOYWW. Lovely selection of cards, and the neon trees are my favourite too. Something a bit different. Wonderful photos from Kew. Ali x #15

  10. Lovely delicate masterboards Helen. Isn't Snapper fab and I love your bauble close up. xx Jo

  11. Lovely Christmas cards - you have been busy! That fly trap looks like it could gobble up a person! I love the last photo of the purple flower covered in raindrops. Have a wonderful week, Lindart #16

  12. Lovely Christmas cards, Helen. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos of Kew. I loved snapper too, and you always find nuggets of colour to show us.
    Yes ALD care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 13 xx

  13. Your cards are always so lovely! Only 12 to go sounds like you have made a ton in the last couple of weeks while I was away. I'll pop back to check on them. Oh, and that purple flower photo is amazing. So so pretty!!
    Nothing more tragic than dodgy internet on WOYWW day!
    Mary Anne (late at 8)

  14. Love the neon trees too!
    Great pictures from Kew!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #4

  15. Ooohheeee... Christmas cards... it's always 'last minute' overhere so I haven't started yet (I usually make one card and have it print, or do some simple gelli-prints with stamps, can make 50 cards or so that way...) I love your cards, especially the neon colored one. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, have a great day/weekend. Love from Holland, Marit #10

  16. Great Christmas cards Helen.
    Just had a count up of the cards I've made, it's a crazy 108! Lol
    Have a lovely weekend.


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