Wednesday 30 August 2023


Not sure how it's Wednesday again already, let alone the last Wednesday in August... but here we are, meeting for WOYWW once more...the day we meet to share our crafty spaces or projects.

I had a bit of a nightmare at the weekend as when I got back from Kew I couldn't get the photos to download from the camera... an update by Microsoft had stopped the app that reads the photos from the camera transferring (i think....)  I was all set to have to take the computer in to be "looked at"  on Tuesday (they couldn't do it on Saturday)  but I faffed about on Sunday after I'd stopped panicking, and re-installed the old version of the app and ... bingo.

anyway I am rambling.  Once I'd belatedly got Saturday's Kew trip blogged, I had some playtime on Monday....

I tore the masterboard in half and glued it to each half of the journal, having used another of Seth's new stencils (the one Julia thought looked like teeth...)  round the edges.  

I dithered for some time to think about a focal point and found a couple of older stencils of Seth's (they are all by Stencil Girl) including the large one which is just a small part of a 9x12 stencil.  There are some splatters on the page too but they don't show up very well.... 

Here's the link to the fateful Kew post (so pleased to be able to share it!)  

 the snail that freaked Elizabeth out last week, was still there, and so was this spider 
there was another burst of flowers on this cactus group in the Princess of Wales conservatory too. 
perfect timing!  

thanks for visiting, and I'll see you soon.

Happy WOYWW 


  1. I had intended to get by sooner, but blogger is really messing with me tonight. I like that journal spread. It is truly colorful. I hope you enjoyed your bank holiday. Ours is next weekend. I'm off to see your latest Kew post now, dear. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  2. Love what you've done so far with the masterboard and I agree the stencil does look like teeth - LOL. So glad you got your camera sorted, they update software sometimes with no regard to some devices. Hugs BJ#6

  3. I just knew that the teeth stencil would be fab in your hands...doesn't it make a great edge to that page. Love the page too, that big old TIME is a fab standout on the colours the cactus flowers are amazing aren't they...that spider at home on the teazel...don't these slugs and bugs recognise a little prickle!!!

  4. Hi Helen, I know how you feel as Microsoft have done similar things to me too. Can't stay long today as we're on the move soon. In Whtby (home of the Goths) at the moment and then off to Matlock. Happy creative woyww, Angela x12x

  5. Been there as well with updates Helen, progress isn't always good but pleased you got sorted.

    B x

  6. Phew, I’m so glad you got the problem sorted, well done! Love the journal page, the text works well with the background. That’s a very elegant little spider, well spotted!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx.

  7. A beautiful journal page, Helen. Glad you overcame the software issues to upload your photos. Your close up flowers like the trumpet vine and the sunflowers are spectacular this week, especially the pretty spider.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 5 xx

  8. Those flowers on the cactus are beautiful. What a magnificent show.
    Can just imagine the flap you must have got into when your photos would not download. That would have been a major catastrophe in my books.
    Good to see you working with Seth's stencil, he is such a lovely man.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  9. Great journal page and such beautiful photos of the plants and critters. I too struggle with getting photos onto my computer. I use google photos but they have changed the app i use as well. It just makes my crazy!
    Glenda #18

  10. I'm on a roll this morning. I've done the wedding dress and bridesmaid's dress plus shortened another dress and now have time to blog before the next customer arrives.
    I love the journal page and the pics of the cacti in bloom that I saw on facebook were gorgeous.
    Annie x #9

  11. Great journal page. Time is a subject that everyone is interested in. Too much, too little, where does it go? Happy WOYWW. Angela #17

  12. Fab page. I made one, maybe last week but really need to begin using my fodder school goodies and make more. I would really like to finish up a journal or two in advance of an upcoming class in FS for making a journal in a new way :) Also OH NO! to the photo problems, I recall a page I made for Scrapbook Inspirations of a trip to Disney which included a faulty memory card on the page. I wonder if it could be saved with some sort of newer technology?

    Happy desk-hop day!
    Mary Anne (4)

  13. I'm so glad you resolved the problem Helen ⭐️❤️💕 I adore your journal pages 🤩 The snail I cdn live with 🐌 not soooo much the spider 🕷 though you take the most beautiful photos 🥰⭐️I was thinking of you just the other day when I was up the hills trying to photograph the bark of a tree that intrigued me 😉 you'd have know how to capture it perfectly ... me not so much. Sending much love and hugs Tracy #13 xxxx

  14. Hi Helen! Getting photos off of my phone has been a big problem for me as well with my new phone, but thankfully I finally figured out a way to do it by messaging myself the pictures! I’m glad you figured out a way that works for you as well. Your journal page is coming along, time is a good word to use with all of those layers. You’re KEW pictures are beautiful as usual and that spider is quite awesome! Have a great week, Lindart #22

  15. I love that whole page you have created. Lovely colours and such clever details . I'm glad you managed to download the pics. Techy stuff is so frustrating at times! x x Jo

  16. Happy Belated WOYWW. Glad you managed to sort out the photos from phone to pc issue. Mine are meant to transfer automatically to Dropbox, but my new phone seems to delay that process. They always appear within 24 hours, but if I want them more urgently, then I have to go and copy to Dropbox manually. A bit annoying! Yes, I am enjoying the colouring. The tutorials are excellent and I am pleased with the results. Ali x #19

  17. Good morning, Helen
    Getting 'round late but my week really isn't complete without your photos from Kew. Such an enchanting place!
    As to the app, I really wish companies would stop updating things that are working just fine. They are as bad as hackers sometimes.
    See you Wednesday! Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #21


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