Tuesday 15 August 2023

WOYWW 741 (early)

 Time already for another WOYWW -  and indeed Julia has published early as she's off out and about early doors on Wednesday.. I stopped by for the link to find it's already Wednesday in Dunnit-land...

I have splurged again this week.... can't resist a stencil, and when they are designed for Stencil Girl by Seth Apter... well... what's a girl to do..

I'll make it a big photo so you can see nicely!   lots of Seth magic, mark-making favourites...

oh, and one of Alison Bomber's Paperartsy stamps launched a couple of weeks ago fell in too...

first off I played with the Dogwood Blossom stencil (not, you'll realise, one of Seth's!!) 

I had to search out a large enough piece of paper to get the whole image in... found a pad of newsprint paper gathering dust over yonder by the radiator.... perfick!

I used a make-up sponge (Primark specials) and 3 shades of Distress Oxide, including, topically given Julia used it last week, the pale Spun Sugar, attempting some shading with Kitsch Flamingo and Picked Raspberry.  and a splodge or two of Seedless Preserves which is a more purpley ink.

Had to trim it quite hard to fit it onto a journal page.
I intend to stencil some more of the flowers and layer them over the background.    eventually!

then it was time for Seth.... I used a variety of Versafine Clair inks  this time and several of his stencils but it's not progressed since this stage....

still it was a fun hour on Sunday morning...

Here's the link for Kew on Saturday  

the Broad Walk has huge drifts of echinacea and rudbeckia and i love them...

we've had some cracking sunsets the last few evenings too, though i can't see a lot of it from my bedroom window --  too built up, but
Tuesday  - loved the way the rays shone through the cloud

ok that's me done,  Happy WOYWW and I'll see you soon - 
thanks for dropping by!  


  1. I did debate waiting until tomorrow but I’m out quite early so thought I may as well link up! Glad you like the jungle fabric, I do too, that green just makes me happy! I enjoyed seeing your pages too, the dogwood is a pretty pattern.
    Hugs LLJ 1 xx

  2. My word, you have been busy and I notice your latest piece mat ches that beautiful flower that follows it.
    Now should I go and seek a sunset tomorrow? Like yours.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  3. I love the dogwood stenciled beauty you created. I was truly impressed with it. Of course, I also loved the Seth stencils, too. They are certainly different styles, indeed.

    Your sunsets are stunning. Such pinks, reds, and violets. I was surprised at the cars parking facing each other in the last photo. Yes, I find weird things to hone in on. Yes, I'm very late and still early. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

  4. I love a stenccil too - was a bit shocked to realise how many I have!! I think they often get thrown in the basket to make up a 'no postage' total lol. Love the flowers, very pretty. Haven't noticed nice sunsets but that's my crash on the sofa time....Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #9

  5. I love Stencil Girl they have some of the best artists working for them. I hardly dare think how many I have but they are one thing that does get used lots so you go ahead and buy whatever you like Hee! Hee! Wishing you a very happy and creative day. Hugs, Angela x15x

  6. Hello Helen 🤗 I'm so glad I joined in today, I'm so sorry it's been so long. What a feast for the eyes the stencils are along with Alison's stamps ( she's a gorgeous soul) too that lush dog wood stencil ... absolutely beautiful what you've created Helen ❤️💕❤️How I looove Echinecia, gorgeous blooms they are 💖🥰tooo the most beautiful of sunsets ... stunning photos, pure joy in seeing them it is, thank yooou ❤️ Sending love and hugs Tracy #14 xxx

  7. I have to say the dog wood stencil just has to be my fav....such a pretty pink.
    Annie x #11

  8. Love those stencils Helen. Especially the blending on the blossom one. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #16

  9. What a haul of stencils! I can't wait to see all the lovely things you create! The sunsets are beautiful...I usually take note of the sunrise as the sunset is on the side of the house that doesn't have windows looking that way.
    Hope your rest of the week is wonderful!
    Glenda #18

  10. Yay, mark making stencils, love those, done a few sketches as I can try a couple with the Posca's, love mark making and am building up a repertoire. Alison Bomber was one of the fodder school teachers, loved her class and all the items she did for the other sessions too. Gorgeous sunsets, I caught a glimpse of one last night but too busy crafting these days LOL. The one with the rays is divine. Hugs BJ#5

  11. You’ve a great new stash to play with, there, Helen. I love your dogwood and the shading on the petals.
    Beautiful photos of Kew, as ever. I loved the sunflowers and the different patterns of leaves this week.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10 xx

  12. Oh gorgeous sunsets! We had one 2 nights ago and the sky looked like molten copper. Stunning. Your crafty activities with your new stash look fab I love pinky purples. x x Jo

  13. Great haul Helen - I bought a couple of the new Alison Bomber stamps at the weekend - the cornflower is beautiful isn't it. Love what you did with the stencils. Sorry not to have visited lately - things getting on top of me lately. Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Dealing with aging-parent health issues yesterday so a bit late.
    Lovely new stencils. Where on earth do you find room for them all??

    Happy late WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (7)

  15. Had to post early...did a draft post that I then couldn't work out how to schedule from my phone! We're in Cornwall, so can't sit at PC and make corrections if I did it wrong!! Loving the new selection of stencils....the dogwood is beautiful of course. Not so keen on the very bottom left, it looks like teeth!! No doubt you'll change my mind though, s usual. I must say that you have eally got me quite into the mark making types...

  16. enjoyed sharing in your splurge! and travel log. thanks! robyn 4

  17. There's some nice looking stencils there Helen, might need to check them out. Your working in some lovely colours and that Passiflora is a stunning colour.

    B x


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