Wednesday 2 August 2023


 Hey deskers, welcome to August - doesn't seem very August like weather here, damp and cool... But, Wednesday is Wednesday and another WOYWW.  

my productivity didn't continue into this week.. 

all I did was put the background from last week onto a card blank and add some words (another mini stamp by Seth Apter for Paperartsy)

It was rainy at Kew too on Saturday - fairly light, and luckily it passed over. (not sure the coming weekend will be as nice!) 

I am sure you've all been much busier than I have and I will be round to visit soon.  

See you soon!


  1. WQell, at least you turned your background into a finished card. More than I did some weeks.
    Lovely photos from Kew, do hope this weekend brightens up for everyone.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  2. In all my craftiness I only actually made one card too! Love the blues/violets in the flowers. I'm actually enjoying this weather, cool at last LOL Hugs BJ#3

  3. Ditto on the weather Helen!! A pretty journal page, there's always craft to keep us occupied if the weather doesn't play ball and of curse cricket, The 100 kicked off yesterday to keep us occupied.

    B x

  4. Your Kew photos are so lovely. That yellow/blue one is fab and would make a great set of cards. Have you ever thought of getting them printed? Love the colour combo on your background. x x Jo

  5. Progress, no matter how small it seems, is still progress! Embrace it. Lovely Kew photos as ever, but gosh it has been a bit wet for laying on the ground... :D
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (4)

  6. That worked really well with the sentiments over the top. It's pouring it down here today so maybe I'll get that journal out again that I haven't opened since june. I did get started it on but then got distracted, another job half done! Nice flowers. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs Angela x8x

  7. Some weeks are more productive than others - it doesn’t matter! I really love that ;ast photo, that would make a great card, I’d buy it!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  8. The weather is really starting to tick me off...I can cope without massive heat, but a bit of reliable dry would be nice! Beautiful photos at Kew, I have to say that I think this coming weekend will be a study in rain drops!

  9. I like how the background works for you on the card Helen. Hope Kew isn't too wet on Saturday. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

  10. Lovely photos from Kew, Helen, despite the damp weather. I like the sentiments on your card a lot. Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12 x

  11. Great card, loved the word grouping . .
    Blue flowers but not I hope a blue lady, here's hoping the rain stays away for Saturday
    Have a creative week
    Christine #18

  12. That blue/yellow Kew pic is really lovely.
    Annie x #10

  13. Love the flowers colours this week. I am never sure about using words - maybe I should set myself a challenge - words with every 🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

  14. I meant to stop by earlier today, but life got in the way. I didn't play this week because I am hosting my own link party and didn't want to confuse anyone. See you at Kew SOON, I hope.

  15. Hi Helen. Well that turned out quite well with the words - although it's alarmingh some weeks how little gets onde!! Life got in the way Weds afternoon and Iended up going out, hence my late visit. Seems there is always a drama on Wednesday (rolls eyes, never mine). Hope you have a dry w/e at Kew, my daughter is going today with some friends - fingers crossed it stays dry enough. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

  16. Hello Helen. My reply from yesterday seems to have gone walk about.
    Love the Kew photos, the colours are exquisite.
    The guinea pigs go outdoors at their home, though in at night. They have a pretty large area to roam in :)
    I find them very entertaining. Anne x 17

  17. ooh lovely and your kew photos are amazing (as usual) particularly the runner bean flowers ;-)


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