Wednesday 5 July 2023


 Another week has whizzed by and it's time to share our crafty spaces again with Julia at the Stamping-Ground for WOYWW

I've been shopping!  Been a while, but I was watching You Tube and saw some of Dina's old stamps being used so went hunting...was only looking for the birds!!  

so I used some of them  to finish the journal page from last week  

and stamped some more of them out on some copy paper

I will be adding them to projects at some stage...

Paperartsy are also having some new releases this week and I've put in one order so far.....some Seth Apter stamps.  They'll be sent out to me at the end of the week as Stampers Grove are having a mini holiday this week.  

So to Kew... 

I love the way that alliums explode!  

Thanks for dropping by, I'll be round to repay the visit soon. 

Happy WOYWW  


  1. Beautiful stamps and a lovely completed spread. I like the grid pattern you set up on the spread.

    SO sorry I didn't visit you at Kew. It has been a very busy few days here and I am suddenly under water. I'll visit when I can, dear. No number yet, of course.

  2. Well, if you spot something that goes with what you want it would be foolish not to buy. Lovely Dina stamps there and a lovely journal page as a result.
    Hugs Neet xx

  3. Those bird stamps finish that page baurifully Helen - no wonder you were tempted. Have fun with the Paperartsy stamps when you get them. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  4. Such a great way to explain the Aliums as they flower, you're absolutely right! More fab photos Helen. I think the addition of the birds to that page was genius, they work so well! That is a really nice set, well done on finding them!

  5. Great old-stash haul (I will race you to those leafy fronds if you are hunting too!) and a lovely page. Sad Kew was a miss. Next week?
    Happy miserably wet WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (4)

  6. That's funny because I've just bought another set of Dins's stamps and these are lovely, very useful too. I do love her style of drawing. Love the new journal page too. Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x9x

  7. Alliums always look like little fireworks to me! I do really love them but they don’t like my garden soil, I’ve tried. Great new stamps, useful for all sorts of projects.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  8. Perfect finish to the page . . . love the bird stamps.
    Look forward to seeing your new stash
    Christine #14

  9. Fab new stash Helen and your Kew pics always raise a smile.
    Annie x #7

  10. Great journal page, I do like those birds. Love that orange daisy, great shot. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  11. Fab journal page Helen. I love birds so it's great to see you using them. x x Jo

  12. Ooh look at you getting all creative! Love what you’ve done with that page. I am such a sucker for seeing things on a vid or Pinterest then going hunting! Thanks for your earlier visit I got distracted by the huge number of birthday cards I need to send this week - as you know my track record isn’t too great in that regard! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15

  13. Love the bird stamps and the sentiment on your latest journal page, finishes it off perfectly and reminds me of a scripture, Isaiah 40:31 - But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Hugs BJ#10

  14. You defo needed those stamps to finish what is a gorgeous journal page Helen.

    B x

  15. Thanks for the visit, we were out and about earlier then entertainment in the park. The guy who sang at our wedding was the vocalist of the evening. He does a lot of 60's Elvis etc Always like the projects you share, And I always like Dina's stamps Good choice on the birds. I have been using background stamps with most of the projects I've been doing in this Collage work. Your 2 flowers are beautiful. I lost a rose bush from winter Not a lot full flowering here yet, our weather is either cold or hot no 70's which I like. Have a great week


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