Wednesday 8 March 2023


 We find ourselves at Wednesday again, time to join Julia for WOYWW once more.

I managed to finish the neon journal page I shared last week

I also assembled a birthday card with one of the stencilled backgrounds from several weeks ago

this will be for my mate Kim at Kew who's birthday is later in March.

Of course I did go to Kew last Saturday, photos are here.   
I didn't post much whilst walking round though.  I was too busy chatting...
to Kyla!!    

she messaged me on Friday to say she and Lee were hoping to make Kew on Saturday and could we meet up....

they did make it, and we did meet up!  

Kim took this one  (which I didn't know about till she sent it to me when I got home) 
and Kyla's hubby Lee took this one

as we knew we'd not be forgiven if we didn't take photos!  

it was great to catch up - and thanks to Lee too for spending part of his birthday with a total stranger!

I didn't include these in the Kew post at the time to save the surprise for today (will go and edit it now)

Happy WOYWW!  see you soon 


  1. How fab that you were able to meet up with Kyla Helen. Loving the journal page and birthday card. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Satah #?

  2. Ooh, the page turned out great! And I love the card. Lovely to see when Woyww ears meet in the wild Lol
    I think we’d forgive you if the chatting overtook the photographing but it is fab you shared.
    Happy Woyww

  3. That must have been nice meeting up with a WOYWW'er, now why didn't Chris and I think of having a photo on Sunday?
    Great journal page.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  4. Just love those neon colours Helen, great to see photos as well, imagine it was chilly there last weekend.

    This weeks lucky number is 7!

    B x

  5. Oo I love that poppy seed head card - lovely colourway. Hope the snow is not too problematic. x x Jo

  6. Loving the journal pages with all those bright colours. I must try and use more myself. Pleased you had a good day out too and meeting with WOYWW friends too, brilliant. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww, Angela x10x

  7. Every time I see the neon pic it remind me of a redicut rug kit we had years ago...not the colour but its the mesh :-)
    Stay warm and cosy in the's snowing here now and supposed to snow all day!
    Annie x #9

  8. Good, bright journal page Helen, and I love your poppyseed birthday card. How lovely for you both to catch up at Kew. The orchid photos are beautiful. I hope you manage to sort out your autofocus.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15

  9. Wow, those neon colours are fab aren't they and I do love the birthday card - the seed head stencil is gorgeous. Glad you had a great time meeting up with Kyla, smashing pictures - I'll pop over later and catch up with Kew when I've a few more desks under my belt!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #16

  10. How fabulous to meet up with Kyla, great pics - you can tell you chatted a lot, lol!! I dont’ think deskers are ver short of something to say *grin*. Still love the neon colours but the seed heads are my fave, great card!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  11. I suppose Lee is used to us crazy Woywwers by now!!
    Great photos and how special for you all.
    Love this neon page
    have a good week
    Christine #18

  12. I'm loooving the words on the front of yoyr finished journal Helen 💕🥰💛Yaaaay for you and Kyla meeting up 🤗fabulous photos of your time together 💕Sending love and hugs,have a fabuuulous week Tracy #17 xxxx

  13. Hi Helen! How nice that Kyla was able to meet with you ate KEW! I love the words on your neon journal page - so true! Have a great week, Lindart #19

  14. Well, when I caught up with FB on Saturday I was amused and surprised by your late post, I totally get why now! How fab to see Kyla, bet it was like seeing some parts of Kew with new eyes! Loving the completed neons page, bit taken aback by the words….OOh errr, I attribute so much in my life to ‘random’🙃🙂!

  15. Love the sentiment on your neon page, indeed! love the birthday card. Sounds like a lovely day was had by all at Kew. Hugs BJ#11

  16. How lovely to meet up with Kyla. Will you still go if it’s snowing this weekend? It does seem to be settling here and the flakes are getting thicker. I love to watch the snow, but not to be out in it🙃. That’s a great quote on your top page. Have a great week. Angela #14

  17. Hi Helen, how lovely to meet up with Kyla at Kew - the photos are great! I like your artwork too - the bright colours are gorgeous in the first photo. I expect your off to Kew again tomorrow, weather permitting, so enjoy your day. Hugs, Elizabeth x #20


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