Wednesday 23 November 2022


 What?  Wednesday again?  it must be time for WOYWW  then... head to Julia's for the link and the desks..

I took this view from the sofa on Tuesday evening whilst watching the football...  evidence on the "desk" of Sunday' batch of Christmas cards and to the left of the photo the as yet not cut up masterboard for some more...
I should be doing more each evening but can't summon the enthusiasm!

Time is fast zooming by though and I am very behind with them this year...

Saturday is always Kew though, and last week was no exception.

as will the one coming... possibly in the rain again.  

Thanks for visiting, it will probably be evening before I get to visit back unless lunchtime at work happens!  
Happy WOYWW  


  1. Thanks for the visit already Helen. I am sure football will be a distraction from crafting for a couple of weeks lol. Hope it's dryer at Kew this weekend. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. I’m trying to come up with a Christmas card design that is entirely different to my usual so that I don’t fall into the lack of enthusiasm section. It’s not working, I don’t think this leopard can change its spots! Love the cards I can see on your ‘desk’. Guess what, I caved and bought the new Distress ink pad colour (name forgotten) already! No plan for it, but it was there, so I picked it up!! Raining cats and dogs here, I very much hope this isn’t going to extend to the weekend, I’m not sure you’d be able to actually see much of Kew through this downpour!

  3. Ugh. Football. Not a fan, but happy you are enjoying it :) Lovely Kew, hope he rain departs - We are meant to go to Stourhead tomorrow but not thinking it will be a lovely fall day, I'm afraid. Poo. Cards looking good, but cannot believe you are behind, with that stack! Amazing. Oh and pop back. Not sure what happened to my photo but it should be there now.
    Happy, and thankful for WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  4. Goood morning Helen ⭐️ wow you've been busy,what a glorious collection of cards you have created🎄🥰💟❤💛⭐️ Beautiful photo from Kew, love seeing the trees change colour .. hoping the rain stays of for you at the weekend. Wishing you a good day ahead with love and hugs Tracy #9 xxx

  5. Your cards are looking very pretty so far. Making them as a batch is the only way I get enough made and things have turned out okay so far. I think getting an idea to start off with is more difficult than the making for sure. The weather is awful here today so might get round to starting some more. You take care and sending warm hugs for a happy woyww, Angela x12x

  6. You'd be happy in this house - football all the way - thank goodness we have two TV's and I don't have to watch it. I can see it will drive me potty over the next couple of weeks.
    Well done on all the Christmas cards, it can become a never ending job can't it. I do think this year there will be one or two commercial ones from us. It's the 'special' ones I have problems with. Stuck this year as to what to top last year.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx
    ps forgot to say I love that picture from Kew - that autumnal tree!

  7. I do very much like the cards you’ve made already so I hope you carry on with them! I should really drag mine out and get them written, I really like doing that, it’s not a chore. I love getting cards too, I know the postage costs might impact that this year but I’m going to send cards out. Hope your’e enjoying the footie, it’s not my thing but lots of people are happy so that’s ok!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  8. Hi Helen, sounds like you are busy at work. Love how those cards are coming along - my few overseas cards need to get to the PO today or tomorrow. I really do not know where the weeks go - think as I'm not feeling very mobile with this shoulder I'm just not getting much done - you would think thew time would drag but apparently not!! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx #7

  9. Hi Helen, there's no getting away from football at the moment, believe me I try. Just not a fan. Your doing much better than me with making Christmas cards. I considered it a bonus to discover a box of wood-mounted stamps - I spent a happy few minutes putting them back on the shelf where they belong. Hope the rain stays away for you on Saturday. Hugs, Elizabeth x #29

  10. Hi. I'm late as always but I have beeen using my time wisely today. I only had one little sewing job to do this morning so I have spent my day finishing the last batch of Christmas cards that I needed...job done now. I just need to get them sent now :-)
    I really love your cards.
    Annie x #6

  11. I am enjoying the footie this week too. I love your cards - I still have only made six so need to get cracking. x x ,Jo

  12. So glad you still have room on the sofa for you despite it being to watch football - LOL. Loads of cards in my opinion and that sure id a statue to make one smile - sign. BJ#15

  13. Hi Helen, thanks for the visit. There is plenty of football to watch at the moment! I am not a fan. I hope the rain holds off for you when you go to Kew. Happy WOYWW. Angela #8

  14. Thanks for your visit, running late on visits. We took the day out for errands, lunch and casino wins !!!! Most everything will be closed today and I need to pack and get this house in order before I leave in the early morning. Your cards are beautiful. I too watch football, college is my fav, but pro's get the attention also. I just don't know where time goes, wishing you good weather, sounds like I have that in my favor 1 day ! Have a great weekend.

  15. Hi Helen! Football is all the rage here with hubby and nephew-in-law in Ireland watching "together" and commenting by email! I don't watch unless DD is playing, which obviously she's not! I'm not much of a sports gal. It seems like you are coming along with your cards, I haven't started yet. I have ordered on of Tracy's stamps to be my 2022 Christmas Card, so just waiting for it to arrive. Have a great week! Lindart #2

  16. Thanks for your visit earlier.
    I gave up with the stamp.... Printed an image and painted it.... Waiting for the stamp to turn up!!!
    Hope you can get your enthusiasm up to finish your cards, they are so very pretty. Christine #18

  17. ah yes, I know what you mean trying to get the enthusiasm for xmas card making (hence I try to make 20 by the end of January each year) I should be making tags for pressies for xmas and cant get the excitment for that either! Loving Kew updates though :-)

  18. Love the festive red stamping - the deer look wonderful.
    Alison x


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