Wednesday 16 March 2022


 Can't quite believe it's Wednesday again already,  time for WOYWW once more.  

I had a great time at Ally Pally last Saturday - not because the show was good, because it was a mere shadow of it's former glory and the number of stands was very poor (unless you're into peel offs)  but it was great to meet up with my friend Lin for the first time since Covid and probably a year before that too.

This was what I bought...

a pack of A4 white card, which was what I needed to get.

the square plate I snaffled from the cafe as Lin's daughter persuaded us we'd be able to "do something with those"  

I've not even opened an ink pad this week so nothing crafty to actually share today
because Lin had a hospital appointment in the morning we didn't get there till 1 - this was the hall...  very different to the craft shows I remember
you do always (weather permitting) get such a great view across London 

So that meant my Kew trip was Sunday - shame, because the weather was much more drizzly and cool but I was determined to go.

the orchids have been removed but the centrepiece was still in place - and the reflection made it look like a ferris wheel!  
and the magnolias were awesome

Thanks for visiting, I'll pop round later but work is manically busy so it may not be till later.  


  1. I expect a lot of the craft shows will be smaller from now on Helen - it will be interesting to see how big the NEC shows get this year. I shan't be visiting any so you were very brave. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. I can see why our craft show is advertised as Free - and with free beverages. Hopefully that will draw some people in for the poor vendors. Is it covid fear or have people got used to buying online?
    Love the magnolia.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  3. I think that the craft shows are going to have to adapt to continue as they’re fighting the online market so much. Shame really, I’ve enjoyed going to them in the past but would think twice about it now. How much yarn could I buy for the cost of travel and entry? I’m more glad that you were able to meet up with Lin, hurray!!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  4. Hopefully as the year progresses it might get better for the craft shows but I think so many people have got used to buying on-line and feel safer that way. Pleased you enjoyed your day out though bet it was fun. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww, Angela x15x

  5. I'm glad you had a great time at the craft show, it's a shame for the vendors that it was a lot quieter, but definitely safer I would think. I am being very cautious and am not going to craft shows - I have realised how much 'extra' I buy that I don't need or use - since doing all my shopping on line I've easily halved my craft spending! I love the Magnolias and will be visiting Kew later. Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #16

  6. Hi Helen!! Yes Ally Pally was not the joy it once was. I don't even think there was much in the way of samples or they weren't striking enough to catch my eye. That said it was about the right size of 'busy' for me, post covid. Still a little unsure about crowds! Glad you got to Kew on Sunday, I know how much your visits mean to you. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx #12

  7. Morning Helen. Glad you got to meet up with your friend, even though the show wasn't what you had hoped. Some folks are still very cautious... I actually, for the first time in what feels like forever, went to church without a mask on Sunday. The rule has been relaxed here in Wales, so we could sing out as much as we wanted. Wonderful feeling!!! - But, if the show had been in Wales, we would still have had to wear our masks as that law is still in place here. We'll get there...
    Your purchases were extremely small - only a pack of card. Wow. I always overspend at a show.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #11

  8. The last big craft show (pre Covid) I went to seemed to poor on craft stalls. The common complaint was the stall holders were not making enough money. Whether this is an affect of online purchasing or the cheap imports from China that flood Amazon, I don’t know. I certainly go with the intention of spending money, but if want you want isn’t there? Happy WOYWW, Angela #13

  9. I am glad you enjoyed the craft show I always found the NEC one very crowded so maybe the "new" post covid versions will be better for having more space but sad if the stalls are not so good. The Kew magnolias look lovely - my little stellata is just opening but we had frost two nights ago so hope its not done too much damage. xx Jo

  10. A smaller craft show sounds better as long as they have all you need. I’m glad you had a good time.
    Annie x #7

  11. Hellooo Helen, I'm so glad you and your friend made the show,hope the hospital appt went well for her. Sad that it was quiet but I do think people are still very wary due to Covid. Loving that photo with the gorgeous clouds, truly stunning⭐πŸ’•⭐πŸ’• and you got to Kew ... one day I hope yo make it for a visit πŸ™πŸ€ž it must be wonderfulπŸ€— I can't wait to see what you do with the plate 😘 Have a beautiful week in all you do, be safe πŸ€— Live and hugs Tracy #17 xxxx
    I managed to get the cup glazed and fired with the bowl in for its first foing just now ... still no psinty time.... yet 😘❤πŸ€—

  12. Predictive text went crazy just as I clicked on publish πŸ™ƒπŸ˜œ should read love ... firing and painty lol, sorry about that.

  13. Interesting feedback on the show! I guess I maybe expected that because a lot of smaller businesses might have closed, but peel offs? Wow. Happy to see there are a lot of masks in evidence - everyone looking out for everyone else is great to see. The Kew photos are wonderful - can't wait for our magnolia tree to burst into bloom.
    Happy late-in-the-day WOYWW
    Mary Anne (1)

  14. Our closest craft fair (about 175 miles from me) usually isn't heavily attended or loaded with vendors. But I remember attending it about 20 years ago and it was HUGE! And packed! Curious as to what you do with the plate. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #19

  15. Lucky you to get to Ally Pally even if it was a shadow of previous events! I know quite a few people who went. Usually a very expensive day out!
    It is Thursday morning here in Melbourne and I have just discovered my link isn't on Stamping Ground so here I am at #22!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  16. I’ve never been to Ally Pally but used to ‘tip my hat’ to it when I came from Newcastle on the train, for being the source of the best TV shift pattern.
    I loved your Kew visit, thanks so much for sharing it. The magnolias are looking magnificent.
    Take care; have a good week
    Lynnecrafts 14

  17. I haven't been to a craft show in years... I'm curious to see how they are now (but I still don't dare to go, my mum is still very weak and I cannot risk getting the virus to her...) I saw Magnolia's ready to bloom last week, I love those so much!! Have a good week dear, love & peace from the Netherlands! Marit #4

  18. So pleased you made it and I love the phrease "snaffled from the cafe"!!! Right up my street :-)

  19. So sorry to be so late this week, or was it last week! Son gone, feeling a tad better so loads to catch up with.

    Thought I was the only one left with peel-offs - a by-gone era I thought. Shame the show was so limited but great to see Lin. Views across London are always good we get some here too, especially up on the Downs. Saw the opposite view returning from Cambridge last week as well. Our Magnolia is about to pop - always late here. We get it cut back every 3-4 years so this will probably be it's best show in ages.

    Thanks for visiting me BJ#8


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