Wednesday 15 December 2021


 I'm writing this on Tuesday night, watching a programme about the making of Christmas at Kew and it does look magic!  I might get together a group to go again next year (it's definitely best enjoyed in a group and not on your own!)

But you are here to see my "desk"  for another week's WOYWW  - although I am not sure if Ihave a lot to show you this time...

last week after bemoaning how I would have to crack on and write my cards, I did just that, after finishing the round of desks...
and a short time later a pile ready for the end it didn't take too long! 

which they duly were, last Thursday morning  

I feel a lot better having got them in the mail!

This Thursday should have been our office Christmas party, but we've taken the sensible decision to postpone it for now to hopefully allow everyone to stay Omicron Covid free and not have their Christmas plans put into isolation 

Instead, some of us are attending a quiz night by zoom.  

in the meantime, for my own magic of Kew - head to last weekend's trip here (shortly before my Covid booster) 
I am afraid I can't give you a light display though!

see you soon at a desk near you.


  1. Just stopped by to say HI and hope your booster wasn't too painful. I think it was wise to get it on the weekend, just in case you didn't feel well the next day.

  2. Glad you managed to sort your booster out Helen and it's done. Sensible decision about the office party - I didn't go to ours or the footie on Saturday for that very reason. At least one more positive test among staff this week - hoping it doesn't spread. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. Such a nice feeling isn't it when cards are all made and written. I think it's wise to delay the office party, there just seems to be too much of the new variant around. Enjoy the Zoom quiz night - sounds fun.
    Stay safe and well,
    Diana xx #12

  4. Sounds like your company are very sensible the way things are going. We all love a party but it makes sense to avoid busy places at the moment and there's nothing to stop them having it when things improve. Take care my friend and happy woyww, Angela x14x

  5. Thank you for your lovely card as well…I know people moan about Christmas cards but I love doing and receiving them, hearing about everyone’s news and just keeping in touch in a lovely way! The Kew programme was really lovely and made me want to go, just not right now in these crazy times.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  6. Glad you got your booster sorted Helen. I loved your Kew photos and I’m up for coming with you for Christmas at Kew next year! I had to go and look up Chinese Water Dragons. I saw people keep them as pets though they grow to 3 feet long!
    I found this cute photo of one though:
    Well done your company for switching to a zoom party
    Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 3

  7. Oh, Christmas lights at Kew's must be magic! You're right it's probably best to go in a group, otherwise you'll have to bottle up your excitement instead of sharing it. Very sensible of you to cancel your Christmas party - we've cancelled our meal as well - to be honest - not to sound antisocial - but for me it's a welcome excuse LOL. It always feels like extra work attending these things, unless it's within my working hours. Well done tackling all your Christmas cards! Happy #654! xx zsuzsa #17

  8. thanks for the visit Helen, I am so happy to see that stack of finished cards. Oh I'm so far behind. Hope to do the xmas letter if we have power today, labels, and mail by Saturday. Spent 3 hrs getting ready for a storm I hope don't happen ! Cat carrier,shoes, coats, flashlights, keys, water, chargers, all in our safe place basement. ENJOY the Hustle and see you next week.

  9. Thank you for your lovely card - I managed to get mine in the post at last - I start off with such enthusiasm and then find I am still rushing at the end! A shame you had to cancel your party but it's sensible and common sense when we just don't know what's coming at us with the latest virus wave. Stay safe. xx Jo

  10. Don't think my comment went through so:
    I've taped the Kew Programme so will watch it later.
    I think the idea of a Christmas Quiz via Zoom sounds wonderful - much better than having a party and risking things.
    Stay safe - Hgs, Neet 6 xx

  11. A great feeling to have the cards posted. A zoom quiz sounds a sensible idea, good luck with the answers. Happy WOYWW Angela #11

  12. It’s been such a busy day for me (it started at 8 am with my first of many customers). I’ve been head down sewing all day but have stopped to eat and blog now.
    Really glad you managed to get your cards finished....thanks for ours xx
    Annie x #9

  13. We had our zoom Christmas party today. I had an in person Christmas curry with friends yesterday but there were only 4 of us and we all took an LFT before going. I hope you enjoy your party. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#16)

  14. Well done on getting that pile of cards done, Helen. I'm still working through mine and progress is slow. My grandson's work have cancelled the planned Christmas party after this week's message from Holyrood. Christmas at Kew sounds wonderful. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #18

  15. Good job getting your cards out! I mailed about 40 and am still making more for friends at church! Bet Kew was gorgeous!
    Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #21

  16. Glad you got all your cards sorted, I do mine in batches to break it up a little. 3 languages only so I can up my experience (XP) to move up the league tables, bit of fun as I've dome Welsh and French before. Hebrew is quite taxing reading different characters and back to front! Very sensible re works do, zoom all the way I say. BJ#20

  17. Fab that you got your booster! I wish the advice were more clear, as CW said something about 4 doses (!) for people like me but I'm still unclear if that means 3 primary and one booster or 4 primary doses. Sure would be nice to have some idea if I am protected at all ... Ah well. Sensible with the party cancel - well done to your office! And congrats on your cards getting done. I did about as well with mine as I have in recent weeks with my one-the-day WOYWW visits! Shocking. I get there in the end but I sense a new Year's resolution coming!We'll see how long that lasts...
    Late AGAIN, but Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  18. Hi Helen! Glad your co=workers are doing the right thing with the office party! If I ever get to visit England, Kew will be on my list of places to visit! I just dropped the last of my cards in the mail today, hopefully they will get to their destinations before Christmas! Sorry I'm so late, stay safe! Lindart#22


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