Wednesday 20 October 2021


 Welcome back deskers,  it's Wednesday again and time for another WOYWW  - Julia's is the place to join in at the Stamping-Ground 

the goodies I was waiting for last week, arrived, of course on Wednesday - but had to wait till this week for their starring role.   New stencils,  because of course, there are never too  many stencils!

the two on the left are in a series called "soulful scribbles"  and the other is a cityscape - you can see I had a play of the middle strip (you can't tell form the photo that the top and bottom edges of the stencil also has a city skyline border  (I haven't tried them yet)

 This week, I have more goodies on order - one will arrive today again,  and one is a pre-order of the new Distress colour launched on Saturday  - did you see it?  a really dark purple.  I wasn't going to get it -   but then looked again and hey ho before you know it, they pop into my basket!

I also had a play in one of my Dina Wakley journals, on the canvas page - gloss spray through the lattice stencil (obviously loses it's gloss on fabric, but the sage colour is gorgeous)  

it was a fun page to play at.

You may have seen some of the photos from Kew last weekend - I unexpectedly got wet as I wasn't aware it might rain!

but in the gallery out of the rain - a stunning new exhibition  (click the link for the Kew website details about this ) -  see the blog for more photos  (Kew) 

close up  - one of 17500 steel, etched , painted flowers based on Victorian botanical drawings
and from the other side they are brightly coloured!
Beautiful,  but I prefer the other side!  

I can't wait to go and look again this weekend  

there was plenty more colour in the gardens but you'll have to check the blog or I'll get in trouble with Head Girl!  

I'll be round to catch your creative spaces soon - happy WOYWW!  


  1. It's good that there is plenty to see out of the rain at Kew too Helen. I have the full new Distress collection on order too so hoping it arrives for a play over the holiday. Love the new stash. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I do miss being able to visit Kew... but at least I have your photos to look at!

    Looks like a nice set of stencils. I too am waiting for some goodies - but they are taking their time! I must try some spray on one of the fabric pages...

    Happy WOYWW!



  4. What a great exhibition at Kew, I love the monochrome dies too! Those new stencils look fab, you’ll have fun playing with those!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  5. Lovely post Helen, enjoy the new DI colour, I dabbled with ordering by not done so yet as thought it looked a bit close to chipped sapphire.

    B x

  6. Love your new goodies and the pics from Kew were stunning...thanks for sharing them with us,
    Annie x #7

  7. New goodies so lots of fun to come. Always love to see the Kew pics as the seasons change there's so much going on. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x12x

  8. Your new goodies look fun. I swear my phone hypnotises me into pressing the “buy” button 😏. Gorgeous photos of Kew and really interesting exhibitions. I agree the black side of the metallic flowers is very effective. Thank so much for sharing them.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Hugs hugs
    Lynnecrafts 13.

  9. My eyes are doing me no favours Helen, I can’t for the life of me see a cityscape 🏙 in that stencil!! I haven’t seen the new distress ink either, man I’m so far behind. Will check it out, but I’m alr3ady telling myself I don’t need it and I haven’t even seen it!!! I have seen your Kew blog though, that exhibition is amazing isn’t it…not sure I realised they were silhouettes on one side and coloured the other, too blown away by the work to take in the detail! marvellous photos, they can’t have been easy to take!

  10. I must use my stencils, I'm surprized to find how many I have that came 'free' with magazines. I've bought a variety of paint,sparkle medium, and texture pastes and gesso, very cheaply (all new!) from a charity shop (I noticed the next time they'd gone up a pound or more!) so, will have a go and see what happens. It has rained a lot lately but there are some places I like to visit even in the rain! Have a great week, stay safe Happy WOYWW? ((Lyn))#16

  11. Its always good to get new stash and play, I had a first go with some dies that were my sister lol
    Il ove gardens this time of year there is so must happening.

    Take care and stay safe

    Lilian B

  12. Lovely to have new stash to play with. I think that new exhibition needs to be seen to be appreciated- I thought it was a snowscape at first! Angela #10

  13. Good to see the new Distress colours jumped into your basket - when you say 'they' do you mean the whole range?
    So excited to see the cityscape - can you use it soon please as I love seeing cityscapes - good choice by me.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  14. Hi Helen,oooh that display is so interesting, I prefer the silhouette view too. And nope I was strong. (well at least on one thing) I have not caved and ordered the newest color. :) haha (stamps are still headed this way) ~Stacy #21

  15. Love the new stencils and your page. That exhibition at Kew is stunning! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

  16. Great new stencils, Helen, and the Kew exhibition is amazing. I hopped over via your link and there's some incredible work there. I am interested in the new Distress colour because I think purple has been somewhat under-represented in the collection and I do love it! I have been thinking of getting Prize Ribbon and possibly Crackling Campfire, and this new purple does sound like one I would use. I absolutely love Speckled Egg which I got not long ago.

    Thank you for your visit, and for your advice about the stamping platform - I am aware of this and know you have to turn the lid over for either clear or rubber stamps. I think it's my technique that was at fault. I've done a bit more and am getting better results now, especially with the fun foam mat in place. I think I just need to practise more! I am glad you liked my butterfly cards.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #9

  17. Getting an early start a day late :) Your always inspire with your Dina-play, but I have been well off the art journaling path at the moment. Trust I am filing it away for when I get back to it, tho' :D Lovely Kew photos and the exhibition looks fab. Maybe one day when I venture out again....

    Happy WOYWW, all jabbed!
    Mary Anne (2)

  18. I love the DW page - that Sage is beautiful, you're right (no, I must not put it in a shopping basket - CZ helps with that... postage and customs is a nightmare!). The new stencils look scrumptious.
    Alison x

  19. Oooh! New toys! What fun! I was just thinking of a cityscape stencil yesterday, now I will have to find one! I can't imagine the amount of work that went into that exhibit at Kew -wow! Have a great week, Lindart #23

  20. Stencils look interesting, and craft supplies are very tricky aren't they, always jumping into your basket on their own lol. So sorry, RL got in the way, and I am terribly late. Happy belated WOYWW! Elle #11, EOTC


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