Wednesday 11 August 2021


 Hail fellow crafty deskers.  Wednesday can only mean one thing - WOYWW - desk sharing day.

After a break of a few weeks, I have new stash to share - and it didn't cost me a penny... birthday money doncha know.  actually I lie, I think I put a little towards it!

some blank collage tissue, a couple of stencils (well, why not; only got one or two...)
some stamps and some tags

I think I did well holding on to the money for that long! 

I stamped out the images and have them handy for quick application when the mood strikes me
(that means the sheet of card will sit in a pile of others causing more clutter...I know,  I know...)

but some of the pile gets used.... 

this is one of the pieces of layered collage tissue, with a simple stencil over the top and torn round before adding to a burlap page in the Dina journal

and the faces got used too, on a denim page in the journal over a stencilled background with added splatters.

almost looks as if I've been crafting this week!  

Last Saturday at Kew was wet.. very wet... but of course I was there!
Fewer photos than normal, perhaps understandably... post is here 

this was what it looked like whilst I waited for the  gates to open 

that rain that bounces off the pavement.. 

my walking boots took fully 24 hours to dry out....I probably should have worn my wellies!

but as you may have seen, there was still colour

I do love echinacea (or coneflowers) they always look like ballerinas to me.... 

the forecast for this weekend is much kinder; thank goodness!

Have a great week, happy WOYWW - be round to see you soon. 


  1. Lovely pages H, and your lack of stash worried me for a bit. Back to normal,I see! Kew is lovely as ever and your gorgeous photos such a joy. Have a great Woyww day!
    Mary Anne

  2. Lucky you birthday spending money to buy things. Enjoy using them. Oh for some rain like you had, our temperatures have been in the high 30's for weeks now even reaching 40 some days. Enjoy Kew. Ani #3

  3. Hope it's not so wet for your visit to Kew next weekend Helen. Nice stash with your birthday money - I particularly love the tissue page! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  4. I think that photo of the echinacea is one of your best yet - the light is soft and very beautiful, better than harsh sunshine really. I could live with that pic on the wall! Hooray for new stash and didn’t that collage tissue piece turn out well, love the sentiment too, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  5. Happy WOYWW. Fab new stash bought with birthday money (I wish people gave me money for my birthday!). Loving both your journal pages. We have had some rain here, but not as much as other areas of the country. Ali x #12

  6. This is proof that the weather does not put you off visiting Kew. Good on ya girl!
    Great purchases with the birthday monies and love the tissue heads.
    Hugs, Neet xx 10

  7. Don't think I ordered anything new last week but made up for it this week, well you have to if it makes you happy. I was surprised to hear you say you were waiting for the gates to open at Kew, don't think I've ever been anywhere and had to wait for the gates to open Lol! I'm never up in time. Enjoy the new stash and happy woyww, Angela x14x

  8. I’m hoping for a bit of birthday money on Friday so that I can have a treat or two. Some paints I’m thinking.
    I like what you’ve done with the tissue paper. I’ll put that in my to do list Helen.
    Lynn xx 13

  9. I was getting worried about the lack of stash . . . thought you'd given up and were trying to use up what you had!! lol
    Love those faces and the tissue paper . . . . must try that . . . thank you.
    Have a good week
    Christine #16

  10. Lovely photos of Kew in the rain, Helen. I do enjoy your weekly walks but last week took a lot of dedication on your part!
    I love your use of tissue in starting to use your new stash
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 4

  11. Sorry you had a wet visit to Kew, I imagine it was still worth going. I hope the coming weekend is better for you. Great pages and I think I need to copy your idea of stamping the images so they are ready to go. Have a great week Angela #9

  12. Love the pages, and what you've done with the tissue paper.

    Always good to see some new stash, have fun with it!

    Have a great week
    April #17

  13. You made good use of that new stash! I love rain, but I don't think you could drag me out into it on a Saturday morning! Though I'm sure it was very atmospheric! My best memories of Cornwall are when we got fully soaked - and I didn't like it at the time, only in retrospect! Have a lovely week, Helen! xx zsuzsa #19

  14. HI Helen! Looks like you made some great choices! I always find it so hard to choose! Nice journal pages, I really like the second one! How nice to be able to walk in Kew Gardens, if that were near me I might walk more! Have a great week, Lindart (I haven't been able to link to WOYWW yet, Norton is blocking me :-(, but you can go to if you like)

  15. Looks like a lot of fun goodies! And kudos and just a little out of pocket! Cool pages! We've been enjoying our rain, up to about 8 1/2" so far since mid July, much much needed.
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #20

  16. Well, my dear, you have been remarkably restrained of late, new stash-wise! Glad to see you are now back on form! What a wet day at Kew, too.

    Thank you for visiting. I am thinking about how I'm going to organise my stamps - I see you have stamped yours on a sheet. It might be useful to have a crib sheet of them to know what to look for in the storage. Lots of thinking and planning to do! (I'm not actually as organised as you think I am!! - I've got really messy and disorganised in recent years and there's been a worrying reversal of roles between me and my hubby, who used to be the untidiest mortal on this earth.) Anyway I am thrilled with my new baskets which are going to work very well.

    Yes - published Zentangle designer! It was a great privilege to be asked to contribute to such a lovely book. Time to get it out and look at it again, and definitely time to do some more Zentangles which have been neglected of late.

    My appointment went very well - thank you for your good wishes. The good news is that I don't need to have chemo, which is a huge relief. However, the other treatments sound pretty awful but I'm going to just have to knuckle down and press through. Cancer is a B****r to be sure.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #11-ish - Lunch Lady Jan signed me up this morning as Norton is blocking Julia's blog as "dangerous" for some reason!

  17. New stash no matter how small, always makes me happy! Enjoy your stencils! My Hubby's happy too, he's bought himself a new helmet with a camera attached to it. I thought, I migh borrow it and film myself making a mess in my craft room. It seems all the rage these days. Love Coneflowers, they last ages. Stay safe. Happy WOYWW? ((Lyn)) #23

  18. OOh I love how it smells when it rains so, I had that thought seeing the rain dance like that :) Love cone flowers too Helen, tfs. ~Stacy #25

  19. I know this is radical, but on days when the rain is like stair rods, you could stay at home…it’s not as if you never go! Just suggesting! I can see your face as your read that!, am liking the fact that you managed to do crafting this week too, that collage tissue is lovely stuff..had to scripoll back to see it in your first phot because non MM types (well, me) didn’t realise you have to do the colour on it. That’s a good product isn’t it. As for more stencils…I’m following your lead, bought one last week and that brings me up to a about a dozen!

  20. I love the page with the collaged tissu, great colors and vibe! We had a lot of rain too... it even came dripping from the ceiling (yup, big problem up there on the roof, the plumber can be here any minute with a aerial Platform 'cause we live right under the roof on the third floor... eeck!)Today is sunny and bright and I hope your day/week is the same! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, it was good to 'see' you! Hug from Holland! Marit #7

  21. Once again I have stencil envy. And those stamps were hilarious. I LOVE the refund one. Just stopped by to say hi because I am so far behind, I can't even find my behind at the moment.

  22. well done on holding onto your birthday money and spending it of some lovely things and judt love tose stamps

    lovely works also,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B =22

  23. I hope you are collating a calendar with your stunning photos from Kew - that one is a beauty. xx Jo

  24. How fun to treat yourself to new crafty supplies! They all look great and very useful. Love the echinacea flowers too, I have tried several times to grow them without success :( thanks for visiting Happy WOYWW! Elle #21, EOTC

  25. Glad to see you used your birthday money well, love your pages, the texture pages are well cool. Oh and doesn't the rain add a certain kind of something, makes the colours pop, the drops add texture too, super photos.
    Thanks for the visit BJ#18

  26. Hi Helen, lovely goodies and your pages are fab. I have a pack of the printed DW tissue, received in a mixed media kit. I have little idea of how to use it, I don't art journal, and I'm not sure if/how I could incorporate into scrap pages. First world problems, eh! We've had rainstorms like that - real Welly weather. Hope this weekend is much better for you. And I agree that echinacea are nature's ballet dancers.Hugs, Elizabeth x #24

  27. Love your pages! I need to use some of my denim pages...
    I am sure Kew was lovely despite the wet!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #27
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  28. Hi Helen thanks for the visit. Still managing to be online but the witching hour approaches lol. I love echinacea too but I don't have much luck with them, no idea why. But my calendulas look great this year (been trying to establish them for years, no idea why not successful and this is not an unloved garden) such a lovely pop of colour. Bit of sun too, just walked round the garden with my coffee - not quite Kew but I get the same kind of satisfaction. Reading about your goodies just remembered there is unopened post - better get to it!! Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #13


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