Wednesday 21 July 2021


 Welcome to another Wednesday Workdesk... even less going on than last week!  Head to Julia's for the link up and tour the world's work spaces.  

all I've done this week is play on some collage tissue from a Dina Wakley supporters video session -  but not yet got round to doing anything with them
so instead there's a sideways look at some of my stamp storage... the 4 boxes with the pile of stamps on top are my Paperartsy stamps,  the wooden boxes behind contain my wooden stamps (there are lots and lots - and that's not all of them)  

It's been far too hot to do anything creative (and my weekend was taken up watching golf and the F1 after I got home from Kew on Saturday)

We had a heavy rain storm on Tuesday evening with thunder but it's still as muggy as anything.

I'll be a bit late visiting - none at lunchtime this week as we are having to go to a "photo shoot" at work to have updated photos taken for the company website - we've had lots of new staff join since the last ones were done.  Not looking forward to it at all!!

Leaving you as ever, with the Kew link - thanks for looking and I'll see you soon.

picture from the Temperate House

(Fern Tree - Jacaranda Mimosifolia - it's not a fern!)


  1. Good job they've waited for the photos until after lockdown Helen, I can imagine some of the hairstyles otherwise lol. Hope things cool down soon. At least Kew is enjoyable in this weather for you. Keep cool, stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  2. Hi Helen, stunning Kew photos this week, a masterly use of light and shade. You should definitely get them published.
    Love your hairdo!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 7

  3. Still pretty sticky this morning despite the storm. Sunday's race was was a cracker wasn't it, makes me happy seeing I'm not the only sporty crafter.

    B x

  4. I did appreciate your photos last week and your hat . . . so elegant . . .
    I hope the photo shoot goes well, lots of shiny foreheads . . . and that's just the ladies . . .
    Tale care and stay cool
    Christine #11

  5. I thought it looked as though it was going to cool down here today but the sun is coming out again sadly. I'm sure you'll enjoy the photo shoot....maybe! We watched the race too, very interesting! We had a tiny bit of rain at my mum's yesterday and nothing at all in Lincoln sadly. Stay cool and have a lovely woyww, Angela x13x

  6. Never sure if the art or Kew is the highlight of my visit here. I love both so much! Stay safe, stay cool, and pray for rain- I could use about 8 degrees cooler for sure!

    Happy Hot Day Desk Hopping!
    Mary Anne (1)

  7. I think you should take a large fan to the photo shoot and peek over the top, that would be different! I’m not enjoying this heat at all, can’t wait for the weekend when it drops a few degrees!!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  8. Well, some bushes in the garden seem to have suffered with the heat, had to cut the fuschia back to 8" last year to save it but the azaleas look the same this year. Wonder if I can cut them back when the cooler weather comes (like Autumn I mean). So it's not just we humans suffering in this heat.
    I'm not good at sticking papers down for collage so it will be interesting to see what you do with the tissue. Do you use Mod Podge to stick it or what?
    Good luck with the photos, bet you are glad it wasn't photo shoot time with lockdown hair.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx
    ps I knew you had lots and lots of PPA stamps but four big boxes!!! |Wow, that is a lot - any particular designer?

  9. Your stack of stamps look very much like mine! If I put them into neat folders, I would just forget about them. The fern tree looks interesting - it does have fern leaves! They must be watering like crazy at Kew's - although the downpour must have helped on Tuesday - no rain around here for the past two weeks at least. I'm not sure I would like my picture taken either. Show us the company's website! It would be interesting to see what they do. Happy #633! xx zsuzsa #17

  10. I hope the photo shoot goes well....not one of my fav activities either.
    I love your Kew pics.
    Annie x #8

  11. Hope the photo shoot went well - and that the weather is cooling down.
    Love the picture of the Fern Tree...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Stay safe and keep well!
    Susan #5
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  12. Oh the collage tissue looks fun. Hope your photo shoot goes well, I dislike my photo being taken. May your area return to some normal temps and all will be good. Have fun

  13. That last photograph is beautiful, I have not heard of a fern tree before. I love what you have been doing with the tissue paper. My you have a lot of stamps, do you know where to find what? I never do, no matter how I organise mine. I have a box of Georgette Heyer books under my bed - every single one of her historical romance books. The pages started to fall out as I was reading so they don’t get touched now. I started buying them all again both as physical books and on my Kindle. I have 24 on my Kindle so far. Although I love real books I have to,admit it is easier reading on my Kindle. Have a great week Angela #12

  14. Only just getting round to commenting after two exhausting days with Ben - lol. Loved every minute but goodness - how much energy a six year old has - even in this heat! What a lovely colour the blossom on that Fern Tree is. I do envy you your fab trips to Kew. Thanks for supporting Tilly - her little coasters are cute aren't they. x Jo

  15. That collage tissue looks gorgeous, Helen, and what a lot of boxes of stamps! Mine are in 2 folders and a hanging bag - totally disorganised, and not sure quite the best way to organise them. Lovely Kew photo too.

    Thank you for your visit - I had my phone appointment with the surgeon this a.m. and all is well - no cancer detected beyond the lump, so no further surgery required. However, no definite answer on the chemo question until I've seen the oncologist next month. My cold was awful but fortunately I was soon over it and am fine now, apart from a slight lingering cough. I'm so glad you like my surgeon's card - it was a huge amount of fun making it and I'm really keen to do some more painting like this with the vibrant colours and lots of opportunity for added pattern too.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #15

  16. Helen, getting around a bit late myself this week! LOL our collage tissue is off to a great start for a project!! Can't wait to see what may come out of them! Your stamp storage is VERY INVITING!!! If you ever decide to have a fire sale....I want to be at the head of the line!!! LOLOL I bet you have some awesome stamps in those boxes!! Paperartsy is one of my fave vendors!! I also LOVE their Fresco paints!! Steady with the new staff, sometimes it just takes time!! Thanks as always for stopping at my desk and the well wishes! You are right..I think my new stash will pull me through! LOLOLOL Blessings Helen! Felicia #21

  17. Sorry for the late visit. We’re working 9 hour days so we can take a half day on Fridays. I hate this schedule but going along since everybody else likes it. Anyhow, I love the tissues that you are playing with. How fun! Enjoy your week! Dorlene #24

  18. Love your collage papers and I am amazed that you have 4 boxes of Paperartsy stamps and a little envious! It's dropped a few degrees here today and there's a nice breeze. Thanks for visiting, late but sunny, Happy WOYWW! Elle #19, EOTC

  19. Thanks for stopping by Helen, WOW - I thought I had a lot of stamps - see you next time - stay safe & well Maurs xxx #26


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