Wednesday 7 July 2021


 Can't believe it is Wednesday again already and time for WOYWW   the day we all share and bare our crafty spaces..

Not a lot has been going on here, craft wise..  I dabbled a bit in two of my Dina journals 

the one on the right isn't finished, words required and the background will have something else added to it eventually
just playing with the new spray colours

again, will add some words

some abstract patterns (based on a recent Dina supporter video on facebook)

There was a wet (partly) trip to Kew on Saturday last week - pics here as ever!  

(centre of a passionflower in macro)

The COVID numbers keep going up but restrictions will be eased in a couple of weeks.  well that makes sense huh!  We've had scares and one likely positive at work (though not in the office I work out of ) but we continue to take precautions and soldier on!  

Good luck to England tonight in the Euros semi-final (international football-  or soccer if you must - tournament which along with the tennis has kept me occupied for a couple of weeks!  ) 

Happy WOYWW  to you and I'll be along to visit when I can.  


  1. Once again, your Kew pictures are lovely and so are your new spray colours, love the patterns too! Stay safe! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #4

  2. I love the spread where you played with the spray colors. That is a great abstract. too. You created some great pages in your journal. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  3. Easing restrictions completely does seem a little mad to me too Helen - hopefully the uptake of vaccinations will increase further if there are further bonuses to being doubly vaccinated. I will be continuing to wear a mask in shops and on public transport and take care with social distancing. Love the latest arty endeavours. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  4. I'm not sure why the scroll bar keeps disappearing on these comment boxes, it's playing havoc with trying to comment at the moment grrr but I got there in the end by refreshing a few times.
    Glad you got to play with those new sprays, loving the abstract pages too. Love layering paint in a patchwork style.
    Happy WoywW stay safe & keep on wearing your sensible hat... it's going to be an interesting time ahead. Hugs Tracey #9 xx

  5. I fear the blonde has gone off again with his decisions but hey ho, who am I to say? Am contemplating a visor, up here there seem to be a lot of people wearing them, not so at home I imagine.
    Anyway, here to see desks - lots of lovely journal pages and lots more to come when finished I see.
    Have a good week and stay safe
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  6. Hi Helen, your photography is stunning this week, Helen. I love your macro shots of the flowers, especially the passionflowers.
    I’m afraid the government has bowed to business lobbying. I’m staying at home more, again.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10

  7. Happy WOYWW. Great journal pages, and I bet Kew smells wonderful in the rain. Our lifestyle here in Pembrokeshire means that we generally keep away from any Covid risks. There are a lot of visitors to the county now (and more due to arrive in the school holidays), but we avoid the crowds. Not going to Silverstone for the F1 this year, as it is the first 'full capacity' sporting event and I would not feel comfortable being there (plus the thought of having to wear a mask for long periods of time is not very pleasant for me - I get hot). Ali x #12

  8. Well, you’ve been having some crafty fun! Great journal pages, I particularly like the bright circles with white liner, they remind me of pebbles. Fab pics of Kew, the poppies have been amazing!
    Hugs LLJ 1 xxx

  9. Your pages are looking fab Helen, the colours you've been using are gorgeous and I love the face with the leaves.
    I think we are in for a bumpy journey with the Covid easing, it all seems a bit crackers but like most people I know I shall continue to be very careful.
    Stay safe and have a good week,
    Diana xx #17

  10. Hi Helen, I always love to see what you're up to in the journals. Just been watching Prime Minister's question time and the mask discussion continues, what can I say, we wore masks from the beginning and even though my parents got Covid we didn't despite the fact I do all her housework (we are registered as carers for her) so we shall definitely continue to wear them, it seems like the sensible thing to do. Take care my friend and wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x

  11. Good to see you having fun in your journals, looking forward to seeing your new photographs of Kew. Happy WOYWW Angela #3

  12. Looks like you're on a roll, Helen - fantastic stuff! I've got dozens of buds on the passion flower plant, but at any given time there's only one flower open, maybe two at most. I didn't realise they only open for a day! When one closes, the another one opens. So weird and wonderful, but I wish they would be open at the same time and stay like that for weeks! Happy creating! xx zsuzsa #22

  13. I love your bold squares and circles this week, Helen, and that is an amazing macro picture. Passion flowers are so exotic, aren't they, and the detail is amazing.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #19

  14. It suddenly occurred to me reading your comment that I've not been here is a week or two, looked down my reading list and you appear nowhere. Popped here and I'm no longer a follower, not sure how that happened so re-subscribed, is blogger at his dark works again I wonder?

    B x

  15. Love the journal pages, that one with the new sprays, the colours look fab. I will be keeping my own restrictions in place lol Happy WOYWW! Elle #24, EOTC

  16. I had a busy morning shortening 3 hems on a bridesmaid’s dress and then steaming it And since lunch I’ve been for my annual diabetic eye test (although it’s 18 months since my last thanks to Covid!) so I’m just catching up with a few blogs before the football starts.
    I love the pages you’ve been busy with this week and your photos of Kew are always gorgeous.
    Annie x #13

  17. Hello Helen. Thanks for heads up re link, I keep doing it, missing the m off .com - sigh . Hopefully Julia might be able to sort it. Love your pages. Anne x 29

  18. I had heard that Covid was increasing in England - we still have to be careful! We were down to 4 cases in my city when BOOM 9 more cases pop up. People are starting to ease up when they shouldn't be. A friend of mine rents a room from a lady who refuses to get vaccinated, and last week her landlady drove a friend's son to the hospital, who later tested positive, and now she has to quarantine, and so does my friend - losing 2 weeks of pay. My friend was furious, because her landlady knew that the son could have Covid, and didn't see why my friend was so upset. Grrr. Anyways...great journal pages! Experimenting is so much fun, then going back and adding things, words more images, just so much fun! Right now my mojo has gone on vacation. I hope it comes back soon! Have a great week, Lindart #28

  19. Thank you for visiting, Helen, and for all your good wishes for the coming operation. I'm so glad you liked my little hug ring - it was a really touching gift. I've found the Distress Archivals on one website and asked them to notify me once they are in.

    Shoshi x #19

  20. Cool journal pages! The sprays are so vivid!
    Amazing passionflower!
    Hope you stay healthy!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #26

  21. Great photos of some fun creations. Thanks for visiting, we had 2 days away so playing catch up, time just flies by and I seem to accomplish less each week. Here too so much freedom, with no mask wearing. I don't believe we will keep the numbers down Enjoy a great weekend

  22. I REALLY like the circles. What is it about them that draws us all in?? And Kew must be gorgeous (if a bit wet) this month. Hope you have a productive week. Me, I'm always behind...

    So very late this week!
    Mary Anne (5)

  23. Yes we have enjoyed the tennis and footie too. Looking forward to finals over the weekend. that macro passion flower pic is wonderful - looks quite mysterious. x Jo

  24. Loving the different pages on display this week, and that passionflower is stunning. Sorry I'm so late this week - it's chaos here as usual! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)

  25. Just thought I'd pop and see some of your creativity,the journals are looking fabulous I really must get my journals back out.

  26. Thanks for popping by to my workspace Helen - Love macro photography - sometimes its fun to try and work out waht something is and then zoom out - Nature is amazing - Have a great week - Maurs xxx #21

  27. Good morning, Helen.
    I love seeing your journals. This isn't my style but I really admire what you and others can create. Thank you for the visit. Creative Blessings! Kelly #30

  28. I am afraid I am very late this week but hope to get around everyone...
    Love to see your journal pages even if they will have more added!
    Always love the Kew pictures - miss the UK gardens but I am enjoying the Aussie ones too...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #20
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  29. Amazing shot of those stamens Helen, hopefully the numbers start swinging the other direction so you guys can open up again. ~Stacy #27


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