Wednesday 9 June 2021


 Another week has flown by and once more we are getting ready to share our crafty spaces with Julia and the gang for WOYWW.  All the deets here.  

I haven't got a lot to share this week -  was a busy weekend with my morning at Kew (here)  

has to be alliums, love them so much
and Valerian

but the highlight of the weekend was... jab no 2

which of course had to make it into my journal

some of you saw this on Facebook already, sorry.

no side effects other than a bit of a sore arm at the injection site, but no tiredness like last time (just as well, the next day was a work day)  

so that's me this week - short and sweet.

Off to Kew again this weekend,  in fact I now have 8am time slots booked right through to the end of September (apart from one Saturday where there is a late opening for another fun run)  

thanks for looking and I'll be round to see your desk soon.  


  1. Glad you got your second vaccine. I got the J & J one and done nearly two months ago. It was great to see you also documented it in your art journal. Glad to know you will be going to Kew a lot this summer. The youngsters were delighted to see your photos last week. No number yet, but you know where I'll be.

  2. SO glad you got your last jab sorted with no ill effects Helen. Hoping my two eldest get their first sorted pronto. Fab page and Kew looks spectacular! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  3. Do you remember Annette? I wondered, because she was a regular desker for several years.

  4. Morning Helen, glad to hear you have had your second vaccine. My daughter (29) got the text yesterday but isn't sure whether to have the jab or not. She's already had covid, albeit mildly. I have no strong feelings either way, just knew for my age and health it was the right thing for me. Yes the alliums have been lovely haven't they? Along with the poppies they have been the star in my garden this last week or so. Sadly only a few more days for either. The roses are waiting in the wings, not sure why mine are so late this year. (My awful pruning?). Good to hear you have your Kew slots booked!! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

  5. Great page to celebrate the 2nd jab Helen, take advantage of being outdoors and seeing those marvellous blooms at Kew it's so good for our mind, body and soul.
    Hope this weekend you get to see much more, don't forget to take your suncream, I believe we may be in for a scorcher. Hugs Tracey xx

  6. I keep meaning to ask why you force yourself up for Kew at such an early hour. Then I think…we’ll, less people in the photos and if there’s sport in the maybe I know why?!!!also glad you had no real effects after your second dose. I was so tired it was all I could do to get up the stairs for bed and I’d napped in front of the tv most of the afternoon. Extraordinary feeling. Love the page you’ve made documenting it. I haven’t done anything about documenting Covid in my scrapbook. Let’s say I haven’t done it ‘yet’. Ahem! Beautiful photos, the aliums are a sight to behold aren’t they. Can’t claim them as my favourite though, because you’ll photo something else that has me swooning just the same!

  7. It must be lovely going to Kew with not so many people about, i have started to help the gardener with the garden where I live and love it,

    Yake care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #10

  8. Gorgeous pic of the alliums, I do love them ,they’re such bonkers flowers. I’m glad that you didn’t suffer from Jab2, it seems to have no effect at all or it poleaxes people, I hope that I’m the former. Loved the journal page, a reminder of a crazy time in our history.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  9. Looking forward to catching up with all your photos, never the same on a phone . . .
    Have a good week
    Christine #24

  10. Hope you enjoy your 8 am slots - my that is a lot of time booked - but hope it doesn't stop you crafting.
    Glad you had your second jab, love that you commemorated it in your blog.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  11. I bet it's lovely and quiet there at 8am - perfect for taking photos. I love alliums too - grew my first ones this year. One of the kids managed to break one before it opened but amazingly it still managed a full bloom! Great second jab page. Bye for now, Lisa-Jane, #8

  12. I love going to Stourhead, it's nearer to me and because of the covid, when we last went, mainly because of the oneway thingy, we hardly saw anyone and it felt like we were there on our own. So I know why you love going to Kew early! Beautiful! Lovely photo's I will go one day, as I said before, I have been but, many many years ago! Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #26

  13. Let's hope that we will all be fully vaccinated and life will get back to normal soon. Glad yours went well. Our alliums are looking good just now - such a beautiful plant. Enjoy your Kew trips. xx Jo

  14. Love the double-dose page, not been to FB for a bit, due to all the tidying at such, so loved seeing it here. Kew is looking fabulous and I am so happy to say I did make it to Stourhead last weekend. It was amazing but full of people. Reminds me of that AJ page I did once with the words "It's all too peopley out..." and it sure is :D

    Back from my first real HAIRCUT in 18 months - truly a HAPPY WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  15. What a fun page - I never got a sticker, not even a plaster LOL! We must have had our second jab around the same time. Glad to hear to side effects - I didn't have any even with the first, so fingers crossed it all goes well. Kew must be wonderful first thing in the morning before all the tourists arrive and it gets too hot during the day. Although it would be very painful for me to get up so early - I'm sure it's worth it though! Have fun! xx zsuzsa #28

  16. Glad your second jab went ok Helen. Your Kew pictures are stunning. I must get some alliums for the garden. I adore your picture of the little fern.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 11

  17. Alliums are so lovely. I have a small garden so they're not exactly ideal to grow, but a random bunch has popped up in the greens down the road, I'm sure they're not meant to be there!

    My 2nd jab is not until 11 July. Hopefully it will go ok. David had his on Sunday just gone, and aside from a mammoth headache starting on Monday, he's now fine again.

    Happy WOYWW
    Morti x

  18. Glad yo8 did have any after effects Helen, we didn’t either, but I was expecting some kind of reaction - pleasantly surprised! Of to look at your flowers now. Angela #12

  19. OOh that is lucky Helen ( shot feeling being behind you ) :) Love the close-ups and that you early enough to catch the light and dew. ~Stacy #31

  20. Lovely pictures from Kew as always, Helen. Thank you for your visit and for your good wishes for my upcoming treatment.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #9

  21. I love Aliums too. Great news about the vaccine.
    Annie x #16

  22. Glad your 2nd shot went well.
    Great Kew photos!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #30

  23. I thought my Alliums had died and then saw them just this week hiding behind some other plants which was a nice surprise. Pleased you've managed to get your second dose too. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x17x

  24. I do love seeing your Kew trips on FB - as often as you go I imagine there is always something new or different to see as the seasons change. Glad you are now all jabbed up - all of my lot (the youngsters!) have had their first jabs so there is a little relief knowing they are on the path to being as safe as they can be. Hope you have a good week. Love to you from Debbie xXx

  25. Hiya - just a quick pop by to say Hi - I am - like every one seems to be "flat out like a lizard drinkin" to use an Aussie expression LOL! Have a great week - Stay safe & well - Cheers Maurs xxx #35

  26. Hooray for getting your second shot, I will get it on Thursday and made a 'hug session' appointment with my parents two weeks after that (they both got 2 shots already...) I do see them a lot but we have kept our distance since March 2020... looking forward to hold them again! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. Big hug to you beautiful one, love from Holland. Marit #20 (P.S. Cataract surgery went very well, I am in the healing mode right now but am able to spend some time at the computer... and yes... I am careful, I keep your 'no cheating' warning in mind *lol* and I can SEE well, yay!!! )

  27. BIG congratulations on your second jab! WooHoo! I can't wait for mine, but the earliest (so far) I can get it is July 19 or later. Lovely flowers at the Kew! Thanks for your visit, have a great week! Lindart #33


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