Wednesday 28 April 2021


 Happy Wednesday peeps,  time for another instalment of WOYWW.    our fearless leader Julia has all the details.  

We'll start with enabling this week 

a new stencil /mask combo -  a vase of flowers in sillhouette

and some stamps.

I've not had time to play with them though...because...

On Saturday after my trip to Kew (see here)    I was due to have a Facebook class with Dina Wakley  - called the Power of a Mark,  it was all about mark making ... that was, strangely quite hard... Harder still was the next step of the class, "interpreting" the marks - could I see anything in the marks I'd made?  could I heck... and then, even harder,  adding to them to make into a picture or drawing  - well I'm a stamper, I can't draw... 

but I did end up with a pile of pages of marks...

Dina says it's all about playing and practicing, and it IS only paper and a little bit of paint/ink 

collage fodder, she calls it.  so watch this space, who knows where these may turn up!  
I did  cut up a bold brush stroke mark to adorn a journal page. 

so whilst it wasn't a particularly successful lesson it was fun - eventually!  

and to whet your appetite for Kew from the link above,  

here's the Japanese Garden on Saturday, bathed in (cold) sunshine.

Thanks for looking - more enabling next week (already had the 'order complete' email!)  


  1. How lovely to do a workshop with Dina - if only virtually. SOunds like it was different. Liking the way you used one of the pieces as a background Helen. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Interesting info on the class, and confirms my concerns about online classes in general. You just never know if they will be a good fit for you. I get the point of taking a class out of your comfort zone in order to learn or grow you style, but so often it ends up in frustration. How I feel about Life Book. I KNEW I hated drawing faces. Why the heck did I sign up for it? Bah! Still what you made is fab so maybe there is hope for me too!
    Happy Woyww.
    Mary Anne

  3. great to try something new and its something I like to do, find something you have not done and have a go, something I am going to try very soon,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #10

  4. I think these classes need to be taken in a block, so that you can get aligned with the mind set, pretty sure if you do another class you’d find the whole arty/drawing thing starting to flow rather than be gouged out of you! I’m a stamper because I can’t draw, so I get that part! Bet the pieces of paper will speak to you way after the event, when you aren’t quite so focussed on them giving results! Interesting stuff. Your Kew pictures are stunning, hard to believe that it was cold isn’t it. But I was outside too, and I know it was!!

  5. My textile lady says it all about playing and not thinking you need an end product. Just play, the rest will follow. Enjoy the journey.
    I think she’s right even though I find it hard to do
    Lynn xx 13

  6. Lovely to hear you enjoyed your class....eventually. It's good to be taken out of out comfort zone from time to time I'm sure.
    Annie x #11

  7. I agree playing is good without though of an end product but once you have the pieces it's good for someone to lead you onto the next stage but looks as though you are working on it. Take care and happy creative woyww, Angela x14x

  8. I like your new stash especially the long stemmed flowers, very pretty! Well done on persevering with the class, I’m glad you enjoyed it even though it was a challenge!
    HUgs LLJ 6 xxx

  9. Hi Helen, love that silhouette stencil - stencils are definitely all the rage at the moment aren't they and so many lovley one about, I love how inexpensive and versatile they are. I know how you feel with the class, they always say enjoy the process and don't worry about the end result but that's easier said than done - maybe it's worth tucking them away for a couple of weeks and then come back to them with fresh eyes, and if all else fails you have some gorgeous colourful collage fodder! :) Have a great week. Annie C #21

  10. Haven'tbeen to Kew since the year dot, hubby says its a bit too far for us, but I'd like to go again. Its about time we started visiting places again. (take sandwiches) The bits of 'fodder' will be used! I was scribbling with a pen the other day and decided to keep was reflecting the mood I was in! Like the Universe man.
    Stay safe! Keep crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #8

  11. That looks like an interesting class and yet I think I would struggle with mark making. The more you keep playing I am sure it will come together. Love those stamps you have in your top pics.
    Sandra de @22

  12. The class sounded very interesting and you've ended up with some great little samples for future collages. It's often good to get out of your comfort zone I find, but I only appreciate it after the event, not during!!
    Looking forward to visiting Kew when I have a cuppa and a few more visits under my belt!
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #23

  13. I must admit Mark making, by itself, I find a little aimless. But perhaps that says more about my hate of “wasting” paint and paper. Your photographs of Kew are beautiful, you must get so much pleasure from your visits. Happy WOYWW Angela #16

  14. I grinned Helen, I think in my head the same way, I am a stamper why do you think I own so many stamps lol... I am totally impressed with the marks and I can see you building on some of them sometime too :) ~Stacy #24

  15. You must be their number one fan (PPA) - how many of their stamps do you have, or have you lost count?
    I would be right there beside you with the DW class - I would wonder what on earth I could see in marks I had just made. Must be wonderful for those who can but sadly I am one that can't.
    Enjoy your Kew.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  16. Helen....your killing me!!! You really must take up another pastime!!! The enabling has gotten out of control!! LOLOL That being said....those STAMPS!!! I love them! Can't wait to see how you use them! They are just gorge! Love the "markings" you did in your Dina class!! I'm particularly drawn to the one on the bottom left! Love all those colors! Once again, the Kew pix DO NOT disappoint! They are all gorgeous! I love Japanese gardens and would love to have been sitting right by that gorgeous blooming tree...cold sunshine and all!! Have a beautiful rest of your week and many blessings to you! :) Felicia #27

  17. Sometimes I think things become worthwhile sometime after the event in another situation but it's hard to know what you'll you'll get out of it beforehand isn't it? I did a real class with her a good few years ago now (before Ranger fame) and she was really fab. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #5

  18. An interesting exercise, Helen. It's really good for us to be forced outside our comfort zone once in a while and do something really daring! I know you will do something wonderful with your marks. Your first page is already amazing.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #18

  19. Thanks for your return visit, Helen - so glad you like the progress on the kitty throw! That ginger tip is a good one. I can't remember where I first heard it.

    Shoshi x #18

  20. Interesting class. Not up my alley but I bet you come up with some cool stuff. Love the bold brush stroke page. And what gorgeous trees!
    Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #26

  21. The one positive thing is I love Paperartsy ! The stencil looks so fun. Well class or no class guess collage is what you'll be doing ! And OH I love those trees We don't have sun or warmth here yet and our area is in bad need of rain. Have a great weekend.

  22. The class sound to have been a challenge but that's good cos it makes you spread your wings. You will do some fab stuff with your "experiments" I am sure. Enjoy your weekend - I am so late with my blog comments this week! xx Jo

  23. Mark making and then finding what the marks lead to. Oh my!
    Sounds like fun though!
    Excellent enabling...
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #17

  24. oh I love all your little mark making bits and pieces, and the Japanese garden photo. How exciting to have a class with Dina! Elle x (eotc 29)


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