Wednesday 24 March 2021


 Welcome deskers,  to week one, post vaccination!  time to desk share again - with Julia at the Stamping-Ground

Last Friday was my first virtual funeral,  for Shaz and I have to say Doug got it just right, it was perfect. Sad, but perfect.

Vaccination day was Saturday and I documented the day in my journal afterwards - you can see in the previous post but I'll add it here too

I saved my sticker and colour-co-ordinated the page (what, you don't think these things happen by chance do you?!)

I had Monday off work too, and just chilled - I was so tired on Sunday after the vaccination, but apart from a bit of a headache didn't have any other side effects

I was hoping to do some serious crafting on Monday but for some reason once again couldn't really settle to much.

I did add a few more layers to another page in my Dina journal  - think this one is finished now!

here are some of my journals stacked up on my work mat - there are plenty more part done too but they're hanging out over the other side of the room!

Thanks for looking and I'll be round to snoop at your desk soon. 

My new Dina stencils are on the way to me - no doubt they'll come tomorrow so that's something to look forward to for the weekend and next week's desk to tease you with!! 


  1. Glad there are no lasting ill effects from the jab Helen. Love the journal pages. Have fun with the new stencils! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. So pleased there weren't any much side effects to your vaccination. I still have my invitation on the side somewhere.... hubby's reaction wasn't great and lasted a few days and he got depressed a week later too. I am so put off having one now. Anyway really impressed with you journalling it, and yes to colour coordination. I'm journalling 2020 in scrapbooking at the moment, what a time to document. Thanks for the visit BJ#9

  3. More great journal pages Helen, especially love the be brave one. I feel like I need to treat myself to some crafty goodies hope yours comes soon and you can have a good play over the weekend. I'm in need of some creative time too.
    Glad you didn't have too many side effects, MIL gets her 2nd on Friday YAY!
    Happy WoywW Tracey xx

  4. Great page to remember such a significant event. DH had his yesterday and he's feeling rotten today so I'm hoping its the 24 hour version I've heard about. Looks like I'm making my own tea today! Sending Spring blessings, Lisa-Jane #7

  5. Lovely pages, as I may have said before. I have a few stamps on the way (or I think I do - ordered but not confirmed yet that I have seen) so I am with you. Not lacking inspiration, just overwhelmed with too much input and too much house and home related stuff to make journal pages. Ah well, I'll get back to it in a flurry again, as will you, all too soon I'm sure!

    slept in so
    Mary Anne (6)

  6. Glad you’ve had your jab, Helen, and are feeling better now. It’s lovely to commemorate it it like that; your journal pages are lovely
    Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 17

  7. Morning Helen. Glad you had no real side effects from the jab - feels good, hey? A day off work sounds great - a day to just chill out - good for you. Great pages - and love all those little teaser bits hanging out of your journal pile!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  8. Hi Helen, the headache is a good sign that your body is fighting and building up the antibodies it needs. We had a similar reaction but it doesn't generally last long but it's good to know that you have some protection from such an awful virus. My father died from it in April last year and my mother was in hospital for eight weeks so I know how awful it is. Thank goodness we were negative when tested. Mum is better now but they believe it has effected her hearing, we don't know what else but she certainly isn't as good as she was before. We now know that at least eight people on our street have also had it and that's just those we know about. Now back to the important thing of the day....your gorgeous journal pages, brilliant as ever. I am trying my best to craft when I can as it's a great distraction. Take care my friend and have a happy woyww, Angela x19x

  9. It was my first virtual funeral too and while it seemed odd at first, you soon forgot and just concentrated on the service which was perfect for Shaz. I don’t have any effects after the jab apart from a slightly achy arm, sp I’m grateful for that and the chance to get back to normality...well, I say normal..... :-D
    HUgs LLJ 10 xxx

  10. Glad you got through the jab ok. Your pages look great, and such 'hidden' detail, the more I look the more I see! Stay safe. Keep on Crafting Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#21

  11. Fabulous pages Helen, and I love how you incorporated your sticker. Glad you've had your jab, I had mine last week and had two days of headache and chills and that was it - definitely worth it!
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #24

  12. Good to hear you have had your jab and the journal page is perfect..... just perfect.
    Sandra de @23

  13. Glad you felt Ok after your jab - I think that goes for most folk thankfully. We certainly are fine and one step nearer "normality". I love your little commemorative page. Good way to keep your sticker! They didn't give me one. xx Jo

  14. Glad that the jab didn't affect you too badly.
    Love your journal pages.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #15

  15. Such great pages Helen and the stack of journals is just wonderful! I feel a bit shortchanged as I did get a sticker LOL! I didn't have any side effects - I already had an existing headache when I got the jab but it went away within a few hours - so if anything it made my headache better! If I was in a clinical trial, I would be convinced I got a placebo! I so hope it works for everyone! (The scaremongering from the EU doesn't help, does it!) Have a happy week! xx zsuzsa #28

  16. Helen, so glad you got your jab! I have mine tomorrow....I am NOT, however, looking forward to it! Love how you used your sticker in your journal, too cute!!! LOVE, LOVE the be brave, be bold page!! Yummy colors!!! Stillllll want to get that journal!! May have to get it for by B-day! Enjoy the first peeks of Spring and thanks for stopping by my desk! :) LOL Blessings to you Helen! Felicia

  17. As always, I love the colours you've chosen for your pages, Helen. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #22

  18. Love the journal pages. My reaction to the vaccine was similar to yours - extreme tiredness and a bit headachy for a day or so afterwards along with a sore patch where it had been applied. Now all fine and relieved to have had it. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#17)

  19. Great journal pages Helen and my reaction to the vaccine was similar to yours. I am very grateful for the hard work done in producing the vaccine and hope and pray it means an end is in sight. Have a great week and happy WOYWW Angela #3

  20. It’s been a busy day for me so I’m late doing my visits...better late than never eh?
    I love what you’ve done with your sticker...I didn’t get one 😩
    Annie x #13

  21. I Have heard such different stories ( side effects) for me it was just a little bit of a sore arm ( less than 24 hours) so, glad to hear it was not bad for you either. :) I had to smile over the sticker ( I did not get one) but, I did get a vaccine card so, that is something. I love that you color coordinated that. ~Stacy #31

  22. Hi Helen! Congratulations on your vaccine! One step towards normalcy! I love how you incorporated the sticker into your journal, and I really like the other journal pages as well. So talented! Glad to hear that someone else likes background noise on all the time too. I have my CD player going all day long in a loop of 5 CDs (mostly classical) that I change every week. I can't hear the CD player in the kitchen so I play Spotify (usually piano jazz!) while cooking. And the TV, like you, it's on but I'm not really listening, when I'm crafting. I read somewhere once that this is a real thing, engaging one part of your brain so it will leave the creative part alone! Thanks for your visit, have a great week, Lindart #30

  23. Great pages Helen. So pleased you got your vaccine. I didn't feel too good for couple of days but then fine. Worth a little discomfort I think. Takd care. Anne x 26

  24. Yay to getting the vaccine hopefully we can get some sort of normal back soon. I'm glad the funeral went well, they are always so difficult but this one seems to have hit the spot well and hopefully was a celebration of life. Your journals look lovely and I love how you've documented your Covid vaccination badge.

    I hope you have a good weekend and week ahead.


  25. Hi there! So sorry for the late visit. It’s been a hectic week. I’m glad to see you got your vaccination shot. I’ve heard many good things about Shaz’ services and am glad to hear it went well considering. It’s nice they were able to have something for her even if it was virtual. Hope to visit in a more timely basis next week. Dorlene #33

  26. Thanks for sharing the fun journal pages. Hope you find some vim and vigor this next week. Nothing is real normal for me finding energy. A little late with the visit, but between 2 days of router issues and time away I'm still trying to get printers in sync. Thanks for your visit. Enjoy the weekend.

  27. Great pages, love the jab one esp. Very jealous I didn't get a sticker!! I can't settle to anything either but hey ho, the sun is shining!! Hubby and I had our first sit in the garden with a glass of wine between 5 and 6 today - was lovely!! Sorry I'm so late, reverse commenting this week and I think you are the last!! I do use exclamation marks quite a lot don't I? Must stop.... Happy belated WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs, Cindy #27


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