Wednesday 14 October 2020


 And here we are again.  Wednesday.  Which means the best day of the week (apart from Saturdays at Kew, sorry Julia) WOYWW  with Julia and the gang. 

I'm in enabling mode again today as my latest splurge goodies arrived...

2 more stencils and some stamps, plus a couple of stabilo all pencils (finally! been wanting these for ages)

the stencil you can't really see is a stencil and mask set - a leafy shape

I tried to take a close up 

but not sure you can see it still... you'll have to wait till I use it!

I added some more to the page from last week
in the hopes that adding to it would hide (in my eyes) the bit at the top I didn't like 

I used the faces stencil and the quote from one of the stamp sets as they seemed to go together

I also used a white posca paint pen to outline one of the sets of leaves stencilled 

I stamped one of the other images on the second page I'd started last week..  No I don't know where this page is going yet! 

I have yet another order placed too (in a bit of a spendy mood at present, can you tell!!)  hopefully that will be here for next week's desk share!

I'll leave you with the weekly link to Kew... no rain this week luckily - or very little.  Pics here   and a teaser or two

one of my favourite autumn views from Kew
and  some of several funghi patches I found on Saturday

I'm hoping for an equally enjoyable visit this Saturday coming

Making the most of it in case London joins other areas in the country under tighter COVID restrictions... if you find yourself unable to go out and mix with friends and family I feel for you.


  1. Enjoy all the new stash Helen. I am a bit broke until payday now so will have to wait to splurge lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW Sarah #3

  2. Lol! Spendy mood. When are you not. You are like my own personal shopper cause I like what you like. Love the goodies and the pages. And I also have a page on my desk that could go one way or another. Half thee fun! Right?

    Happy Woyww.

    Mary Anne

  3. Happy WOYWDW I think we all get spendy moods I know I do, I love your kew
    pictures all the tree's are such pretty colours,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #8

  4. Yes I’m with you on spendy mood at mo, I’ve done three orders in two months, mostly needs not wants, but not entirely. Have couple note sitting in wings too. Bad huh! I don’t share mine cos mostly inks and such not terribly interesting. Although latest spend is in my stamping tool the misti corners, been wanting them for ages, finally bit the bullet.
    Love your favourite Kew pickie and yes new purchases yum, understandable why top of that one annoys wonder if more white ink outlines would help?
    Happy WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. That's a lovely lot of happy mail Helen, i've tried to be very good this month but I feel the need for some happy mail too. Loving the white lined leaves always gives a different view. You could replicate that stunning Autumnal tree with that leafy stencil.. Wishing you well & Happy WoywW Tracey xx

  6. Fabulous new stash - I love the leafy stencil and mask - anything leafy is a thumbs up from me! Your pages are looking great, I love the finished one and the white outlining really works well. That photo of Kew really is beautiful and would look stunning framed and mounted on a wall.
    Have a great week and here's hoping your trips to Kew aren't interrupted again by new restrictions,
    Diana xx #10

  7. Hi Helen, yes I can definitely identify with speedy moods! Make the most of beautiful Kew
    Stay safe and happy WOYWW, Lynnecrafts 15

  8. Shamed again! You are so good. You get the new stuff and use it straight away which is a very sensible thing to do whereas I buy them and they sit there until I either get round to unpacking them and then maybe doing something with them. I simply must learn from you, well I'll just have to try harder. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x19x

  9. I can just about make out the looks a little prehistoric! If youd asked me what it was before telling me it was a stencil, I’d have said it might be a mould or a fossil! You’re allowed the speediness....I’ve had a little spurge myself after selling some stuff on eBay, so my conscience is clear. No room for it all though, for sure! I keep emptying wardrobes and being tough on things I dont need in the rest of the house.....! Loved your Kew outing, Autumn is such a fab photo opp for you. Sincerely hope your lockdown level doesn’t change. However, be super aware and stay well.xx

  10. Love the latest additions to your page - I'm hopeless with stencils - too slapdash I think! Looking forward to enjoying your Autumn Kew pics. xx Jo

  11. Well, having just ordered Janet Klein's new set of stamps from somewhere I am broke. Well, might even be tempted to spend more with Tracy's new release (will - not maybe). Perhaps I need to knit a balaclava and rob a bank.
    Enjoy your new stash and order more - might as well enjoy crafting whilst there is nothing much else on the horizon. Except tea and cake at Kew (or has that stopped)
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  12. I've had a busy morning...been to the hospital for blood tests, back for a late breakfast and then had to shorten 3 the 3 nurses dresses and a pair of jeans before I could start my blog here I am a little late today.
    Love the new stash and the pages you've been working on. I have also enjoyed the pics of fungus you've shared.
    Stay safe and well.
    Annie x #13

  13. Happy WOYWW. Loving the new stencils and stamps. I am on a crafty non-spending ban for a while now. Still paying off my credit card debt (last payment in March or April) and hopefully a pair of rescue guinea pigs will be arriving here soon, so then I will be stocking up on feed/bedding etc for them. Got plenty of stash to play with anyway, and the new Sheena Douglass USB has got literally hundreds of images. In Pembrokeshire we are not under any additional restrictions, but we are generally avoiding busy places. Ali x #9

  14. Hi Helen, some gorgeous enabling from you this week! Nothing has caught my eye this week, but not played with what I've recently bought yet, lol. Loving how the journal pages are coming along. No extra restrictions here yet, but to be honest, I rarely go out, just once a week have a walk into town. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  15. That's what I like about mixed media - there's no mistakes - you can cover up anything! Look at my last photo this week - that green heart covers up an oopsie that I was trying to hide, but it actually became the focal point! Loving all those layers and autumn colours - one of our trees have started turning colour too - I must remember to take a photo before it loses all the leaves! Happy Wednesday, Helen! zsuzsa xx #20 (I think)

  16. *** has started *** just to be grammatically correct!

  17. Hi Helen. It has taken me all morning to pick up my click and collect order, so I am really late (for me) starting to work down the list - sorry!
    That tree in its autumn colours is glorious - well spotted!! I had my spending splurge last month, so no more now until February - that will be after the car tax, insurance, MOT and service, two grandies with 18th birthdays, and Christmas!!! I like the words on your page. Add it to "never despise the day of small beginnings", and nothing is impossible...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  18. Helen, LOVE your Dina Wakely goodies! Can't go wrong with anything she puts out!!! love how your pages are coming along as well! Once again, your Kew pictures are amazing!! Oh but I could go there, it's gorgeous! I love the sculpture photo!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a wonderful rest of your week! Blessings, Felicia #22

  19. Lot's of great new items to play with ~ great background design and sentiment. The tree color is beautiful ~ Enjoy!

  20. Love your photos Helen. Very inspirational. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sue. xx

  21. I had to laugh at myself as I actually sat on my left hand when I clicked on your link. I think you had warned there was enabling this week - glad to say have survived temptation evben though I do like those stamps and stencil! Have such a backlog of new stuff to get through I'm trying to be really good ...(not working). Beautiful bit of Autumn colour in your Kew picture, I've noticed the view out of my window is starting to turn golden. Love the look, but sad because it means winter is coming... it's gonna be a long haul this year I feel. Happy Wednesday, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #21

  22. Nice new stash, Helen, and I do like your leafy background. Thanks for visiting, and I'm glad you like the needle books!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #17

  23. Lovely new stash there - I look forward to seeing what you make with it. The journal pages are great. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#12)

  24. Lovely new goodies. That Autumn picture of Kew is fabulous, I expect you have photographs all over your home. Happy WOYWW Angela #29

  25. I do like getting new goodies.Love the Kew photos. Anne x #33

  26. Helen I was going to say you, naughty girl, for being an enabler but I did the same on my desk today!! I blame the pandemic for our naughty shopping habits as of late. I love your goods and I especially like the second page with the green tones. Oh and that tree at Kew is fabulous.
    Belinda #27

  27. Lots of goodies! I shared mine last Saturday. Seems a few of us did some recent shopping....
    I love the leaves on your pages. They swirl so daintily.
    The tree is gorgeous! I miss the vibrant fall colors (none here around us). And the fungi is cool!
    Thanks for popping by! Have a great week!
    Carol N #25

  28. You are an enabler! LOL. I love that face stencil. So cool! Have a great week. Dorlene #30

  29. I really like the pages with the leaves and faces! Lovely masks you got there! Thanks for your visit to my blog yesterday. In the Netherlands there were stricter rules announced in order to get the covid-number down but I am allowed to stay working at location - pfew! That's a release! Stay healthy and happy! Love from Holland. Marit #2

  30. Hi Helen! I love all your new stamps - jealous! Your journal pages are coming along nicely, I like the way the faces are peeking out from the leaves. Beautiful tree at Kew! Thanks for your visit, have a great week! Lindart #28

  31. Lovely leafy pages - I really love the woman's face, with those highlighted eyes, looking at us so sorrowfully from within the dying planet (that's what I see - especially when taken with the words, and all the Attenborough stuff at the moment). Great new haul - looking forward to visiting Kew later.
    Alison x


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