Wednesday 23 September 2020


It's Wednesday... it must be WOYWW  - again...  already...  week 590.  Julia as always has the link at the stamping-ground  join in. link up and we'll all come to visit you soon.  

I was writing this on Tuesday evening whilst watching Great British Bake Off which I love and at the same time finishing a journal page  that I started at the weekend - 

I love this flower stencil from Donna Downey,  and think I've used it over a stencilled brick wall before... 

shortly before Bake Off started, there was a broadcast by PM Boris (not going to be rude although I feel like it) pronouncing on COVID restrictions and knew I had some stencils that could add to my page (Stencil Girl designs by Seth Apter)

so added some sentiments and then the arrows were a last minute addition in  keeping with the words.

It feels we are going round and round in circles (there's an idea for the next page!!)  and the number of people you see who appear to think the rules don't apply to them... don't get me started! 

Link to last weekend's trip to Kew for you as we all missed not having one last week!!  

it is definitely becoming autumnal

I have slots booked for the next few weeks (so here's hoping they don't have to impose further restrictions on our freedom! 

Catch you at your desk soon.  Happy WOYWW  



  1. I must admit that I fell asleep before Boris yesterday evening but have since caught up. Personally I wish they'd stop households mixing in England too, even if it means eva and I can't craft together for a while. About time they started fining more people over masks (or lack of) as well. Love the journal pageHelen. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Your journal page is beautiful Helen, lovely burst of colour from that flower against the wall, that stencil would be one of those go to's for me. You take care during these tighter restrictions, keep super safe * carry on crafting Hugs Tracey xx

  3. Hi Helen. I love the latest pages. I think we all feel the same in that I wish they would make rules and just make sure everyone sticks to them.....every time we get used to them they move the goal posts. The latest one about shutting the pubs at 10 really won't affect us as I can't remember the last time I went out clubbing :-)
    Just stay safe my friend.
    Annie x #9

  4. Hi Helen. Love the journal page. I'm sending you a giant virtual hug! ((()))
    Glad you have some visits to Kew booked in - trust you still feel confident on public transport for your early morning visits. It's going to become a cold start for you, I think - but does mean the light can be spectacular!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  5. HI Helen, gorgeous journal page, definitely echoes that feeling of autumn in the air, I love autumn :) have a great week. Annie C #17

  6. I love your gorgeous journal page with the colours feeling very autumnal. I am gutted about all the restrictions as it means I am unlikely to be able to see my family again this year. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#11)

  7. I bet Kew looks spectacular in the autumn! I love your Boris inspired journal page LOL. I think me and my family definitely took the scenic route through the pandemic so far - my husband really enjoys working from home (so did I up until last week when I went back to the office) - and to be honest the restrictions don't really affect us as we do not do those things anyway. Stay safe and keep journalling! zsuzsa #20

  8. I love your pages Helen, and that flower stencil is gorgeous. I love the words you added, they really work well. I don't think the increased measures will impact much on me as I haven't really come out of the first lock down yet! Walks in the remote parts of the forest and supermarket deliveries make up my life at the moment!! I'm off to Kew now as I really do love sharing your visits there.
    Hope you have a good week and Kew visits continue,
    Diana xx #22

  9. I love your journal pages! Matt Lucas’ impression of Johnson at the start of Bake off was brilliant. I didn’t watch the original as I’d only be swearing at the tv.
    Your Kew photos are lovely.
    Stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lynnecrafts #13

  10. Hi Helen, totally agree about how people are behaving with this virus. I reckon the sooner they start fining more people, especially now the fine has doubled- the better, as word will get round. For some reason people are quite prepared to gamble with lives, but not if it hits their wallet!
    Great journal page, the flowers look good against the brick wall.Hopefully you'll be able to get your Kew visits in. Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #4 X

  11. I love the pages Helen - great Autumnal look to them and well, what do I say about more restrictions?!! I just plod on, doing my own thing and keeping away from anyone as best I can. If everyone did that there wouldn't be a problem. Keep safe. xx Jo

  12. Beautiful stencil and pictures ~ We love the British baking shows too. ~ Stay well and enjoy the week. Love, Karen #28

  13. Hi Helen, so long no visit, no excuses just my time seems to evaporate. Great journal pages and beautiful photos, Rudbeckias I believe, my Dada use to grown them but they don't like the heavy soil here.

    B x

  14. I've got Bake Off recorded so will watch that when my menfolk have something else to do, lol! Love your journal pages, reflecting the autumnal feel.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  15. Great pages and so apt! Love the autumn colours of Kew Angela #23

  16. Good idea to use flowers against a brick wall and then to use that as a background to your voice. But don't get me started on the rules of Covid - some of us wear a mask to protect others why the heck can they not wear one for us as well. Mind you I rarely go anywhere I need to wear one.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  17. Use the flowers and brick wall as often as you like, they look marvellous. Funny how you were moved to add the words, just goes to show how we are affected by our surroundings. We watched too and to be honest, left us silent, we’ve run out words to shout out!! As for the ones that don’t wear a mask etc....plenty of words there!

  18. Stunning journal pages! such pretty photos too

    Ellie #30

  19. Hi Helen, it's difficult to understand some people. We have hardly been anywhere other than the supermarket, delivering mum's shopping then I do her housework as well as my own and her gardening and to ensure her protection that's about it. As much as I would like to I don't go to the Craft Club or the Gym, we've not had a holiday and wont be having one until things change. You have people who ignore the advice and go to the pub standing together, refuse to wear masks and even in the supermarket there are staff who don't wear them which is not a good example so I understand how you feel. I think if it wasn't for my crafting I would go mad. I could go on but that's not what I'm here for. I love your journal pages and your gorgeous photographs and wish you a safe and happy woyww, Angela x15x

  20. Hi Helen,
    Personally, I will do anything asked to keep the virus at bay. Our covid numbers are increasing as well, and we too have a lot of "anti-maskers" here. But you and I can be grateful that our leaders are not doing everything opposite of what is recommended like they are in the US. It is horrendous what Trump is doing, and that they are now at 200,000 dead. He says it's a "shame", and then makes fun of people who wear masks.
    Anyway, your journal page is lovely, and the sentiments are really good. Sometime we do have to re-calculate...
    Thank you for your kind words about my DD's wedding. And we are definitely catching up on our sleep! Have a wonderful week, stay safe, Lindart #32

  21. Hello Helen. Thanks for popping by. Love the pages in your journal. I love Autumn - have to admit. Take care and stay safe though people from Planet Stupid don't make it easy do they. Anne x 26

  22. Helon I like the journal page you made. I have been gathering my stencils to use for a few days now so I can't wait to play.
    Your photos of the leaves changing make me happy. Our leaves are just beginning to change and I love seeing all the colors. Thanks for stopping by and stay well.
    Belinda #33

  23. I love your pages! The arrows and words really add to them. And the Kew photos are gorgeous as usual. Thanks for popping by and hope you have a good week!
    Carol n #24

  24. Super journal pages - I am envious of that flower stencil...
    Lovely Kew photos as ever. Hope the restrictions do not become more severe for you...
    Happy woyww, Susan #14

  25. I can fill in the things you wanted to say about Covid/Boris/people who don't follow rules... the same things are on my mind looking at the Dutchies. Art journaling helps to get the frustration out doesn't it?! I love the flowers against the bricks! Have a great week/weekend, stay safe! love from the Netherlands! Marit #1

  26. Happy Belated WOYWW. I would love that flower stencil too. Very versatile. I watched the Facebook Live with Seth Apter and Tim Holtz last night, and it was so inspiring. Got some ideas for some pages now - but need to sort out my mixed media box first though. I don't think I have got any stencils or masks any more, but planning to design my own and cut them out on the Silhouette Cameo. One day! Definitely felt like autumn here this morning. I had to meet our builder outside and needed woolly hat/gloves. Ali x #34

  27. Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog, what a great page and the sentiment so good, Love the colours, and th kew pictures,

    Take care

    Lilian B #10

  28. Helen, you are SOOOOO right!! It's alarming to think that there are those selected few that feel as though they are excluded from what would be safe not only for US but for them!!! Why wouldn't you want to keep your own self safe? Oh well, like you, don't get me started!!! LOL I love Donna Downey stencils! I had the great opportunity to visit her shop and meet her whole staff, whom were all just lovely people! She's great! At any rate, I love your journal pages for sure!! Thanks for stopping in on my blog and commenting! You have a blessed rest of the week! Felicia, #25

  29. Lovely journal page, Helen. I love the flowers, and I always like a brick wall background. I made a stencil of one and have used it with polyfilla to great effect! Even feels like real bricks lol!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12

  30. Your post can be copied from everywhere. I am so surprised the amount of people who still refuse to wear masks and think it’s a hoax. What?! People are dying...I just don’t get it. We have had some restrictions lifted in our area, but there are still restrictions and precautions which is fine with me since I do not want to get sick. Beautiful journal pages and I love the flower stencil. SO pretty. Dorlene #31

  31. Hope you're doing okay. I'm so very very sorry I've been missing in action - utterly distracted by so many different things to deal with - builders, travelling to and from CZ, removal firm quotes and list-making for the packing. But I'm hoping that over the next few weeks a bit of blog-visiting will be just what I need as relaxation after days spent sorting through (way too much) stuff.

    These flowers are fabulous - fiery and bold against the brick wall. I'm also looking forward to some lovely catching up with your Kew visits... I hope the new restrictions won't lose you your visits. (Be as rude as you like about Mr Johnson and his cronies, crooks and conmen... there are no words bad enough.)

    I'll be back (now, where have I heard that before?!).
    Alison xx


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