Wednesday 29 July 2020


Morning happy deskers, tis already Wednesday again and desk sharing day with Julia at the Stamping-Ground...
I had hoped to have new goodies to show but they aren't here yet as they aren't yet in stock, but maybe next week!

So what crafting have I done you ask... yeah right.... well I added another layer to the journal page from last week
I used the stamps I bought a few weeks ago (using new stuff, yay me!) in Thistle, which is a gorgeous archival ink in a deep purply/plum colour. I didn't want black over those pretty stencilled flowers, it would be too harsh. 

and that is it. the sum of my crafting this week!  I need a birthday card and a wedding anniversary card like yesterday but have I done them... have I heck! 
I should be making them instead of prepping this post (Tuesday night) but am watching the final of Bake Off the Professionals.... chocolate hat anyone? (yes, really!) 

so instead of crafting I'll give you the link for last week's trip to Kew 

I forgot to tell you last week that I had a letter from the hospital to give me a date for a telephone consultation for a cardiology follow up for my "after care"  - on 3 September... so presumably the MRI and heart monitor I had last month didn't flag up anything dangerous or in need of urgent attention (much as I suspected) or I am sure it would be happening a lot sooner! 

Happy desk day.   head to Julia's for the desks. 


  1. The journal page is coming along nicely!
    Love the daisy photo!
    Keep Safe and Stay Well! Susan #6

  2. You’re right, that plum colour is gorgeous and a much better alternative to black. Liking the page very much! I’m a bit with you on forcing ridiculous deadlines for birthday cards, I have no idea why I do it though, it’s not helpful!

  3. Glad it sounds like good news from the hospital Helen. I am awaiting the detailed results of the MRI that I finally had on Saturday (4 months after the telephone consultation with the neurologist). Love the next layer on your journal. I agree that Thistle is a much better choice than black. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

  4. A quick peek and hello after a bit of an enforced break, pretty card as always.

    Telephone consults seem to be the order of the day now!

    B x

  5. Good news on the health side hopefully. Keep on crafting it’s a good focus isn’t it
    Lynn x 13

  6. Sounds as if the heart stuff is ok. Good to hear. Let's hope it was a blip that caused the faint.
    Nice journal page now with the additions.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  7. Hi Helen, that sounds like good news health wise. Loving the journal pages and I'll be back later to look at the photos when I've walked the dogs. Have a lovely crafty woyww, Angela x14x

  8. If they were really worried about you, you'd have been dragged into hospital before now, but it's good to have that confirmed eh? I like that plum ink, you're right about it being less punchy than black. That photo of the yellow and purple flowers is fab, you need to print that and have it on your wall!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  9. Hi Helen. Yes, I think you are right - that purpley plum colour is so much gentler than black would be... page is coming on nicely - even a few words added - well done. The photos of Kew are great!
    Glad you have an "after care" appointment - even if it is still two months away!!

  10. Love your pages and I'm sure you're right about the lack of need for anything urgent needed healthwise.
    Annie x #9

  11. Your journal pages look fab Helen - that plum colour just looks perfect. Glad they are in no rush to see you at hospital. Stay safe and keep well. xxx Jo

  12. Hi Helen, yes, you can always tell how urgent something is by how fast you get seen! The fact it's September does make it seem there is nothing worrying there. Love seeing the Kew photos again! I do like that Archival colour, must restrain myself, lol. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  13. Glad nothing nasty happening with your health. Beautiful flowers xx Soojay #18

  14. Hello Helen. Really like the journal page. Lovely photos linking to Kew. Glad to hear your health is good. Anne X #16

  15. Oooh I love what you've done with your journal page, Helen! That's brilliant, and so interesting seeing how the layers have developed. I am very glad to hear that they are following up on your "funny turn" and you are right, if it was something really serious they would have dealt with it sooner. I do hope your arm is healing up nicely by now. Thank you for visiting - no problem with your comment from your phone. I'm glad you like my new head magnifier - it's absolutely brilliant and I'm really pleased I got it. I really feel as if I'm getting somewhere with my bladder now. I've got another phone appointment with the physio tomorrow.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12

  16. I love the layering on that page and look forward to seeing how it develops. I'm glad you have a follow up appointment as well. Those flower photos are gorgeous! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#8)

  17. Love the idea of building up that page layer by layer - a few years ago there was a project like that - we were only allowed to add one thing/layer at a time and during the course of the month, we completed the page - and the results were very unexpected. Loving the daisy photo! Thanks for your visit earlier! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #23

  18. Happy WOYWW day!

    It's flower and photograph season, so not surprised that you haven't got much crafting done. You do take rather good photos... :)

    I have cards I should be making too. Ooops.

  19. Great looking journal page, Loving the colours, and the different layers
    Hope all goes well with you consultation on the 3 September

    Lilian B #24

  20. I love the big stenciled flowers. So far so good with the journal spread. Dorlene #29

  21. Oh that's a lovely page and good news fingers and toes crossed on the cardiology side of things.


  22. I think I've done WAY less crafting and not even been to Kew!
    Love your journal page and the Thistle ink was a good choice.
    Thanks for the visit BJ#11

  23. Oh look - you're back with that lovely Thistle colour to tempt me again! It looks amazing over the stencilled background - so pretty. Fabulous teases to get me over to the Kew post... I'm on my way.
    Alison x

  24. Oh, and very pleased to hear it's evidently nothing too serious from the MRI results xx


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