Wednesday 13 May 2020


Time to meet for another WOYWW - week 571, the week before the 11th anniversary of this wonderful weekly desk sharing event.  Julia has all the details and link here. 
Instead of swapping atcs like we usually do, we aren't doing that this year, so we don't overload the postal service as they have enough to do.
Instead, Julia suggested we dig out a UFO (or in my case a project I haven't even started) and finish it by next week...

I am dithering (as usual)  and dug out this canvas picture that needs colouring...
it was a Christmas present a couple of years ago ...

dithering because I am not sure whether to use paints, pens or markers..

dithering because I am not really keen on colouring...

You also see my masks that arrived from Annie which are gorgeous.
I just need to adjust the elastic a little as they're a bit loose

So that is my very unproductive desk this week... haven't been in a crafty mood this week.

I haven't been taking daily exercise, but I do walk to the bedroom window to check out the sunsets...

these were Tuesday night.

there have been some great skies.

Come back next week to see whether I even start the picture let alone finish it!

Till then I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well or recovering if you've been ill.


  1. Wish I had a picture to colour, that would be up my street - horses for courses I guess.
    Lovely mask from Annie - I am going to have a go at making one myself but if it fails I will have to go to Annie for some. I want one I an put a filter in (paper towel) and then might even add a stocking to it for a snugger fit. Big ideas!
    Go for it, colour the picture.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Thanks for sharing your lovely sunsets. Initially I thought I wasn't into colouring but, now I think my paintings are just a big version of colouring in watercolour. Finding lots of UFO's in my craft room, decision making is my issue.
    Sandra de

  3. Well done with the UFO choice, Helen. I’ve got so many that it’s hard to choose one, and they all require too much work to complete in a single week. beautiful sunsets!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #4

  4. You have given me an idea for my UFO Helen. I have been working on that colouring page at crafty days out for nearly 2 years now. Maybe I should finish it for next week lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  5. Morning, that's an interesting picture to colour, but like you, I'm not keen on colouring.
    Pretty mask, but it is difficult getting the elastic/ ties right.
    Those sunsets are beautiful, thanks for sharing
    Chris #14

  6. Thank you for your visit, Helen. So glad you like my teddies. Also, very happy to know someone else also has teddies in their window to delight the passers-by! The world is a crazy place - we are always being told not to waste energy but then people aren’t allowed to hang their washing out because it doesn’t look nice (who says so??) - I watched a fascinating documentary on Prime a couple of weeks ago on the subject, and it gave some terrifying statistics about how much money is spent, and how much energy is used, with tumble driers in the USA because of their cultural thing about not allowing washing to be hung out. It is so bonkers. When I’d posted that picture, I realised that right in front was my enormous pair of support pants for my hernia lol lol lol!!!!! For all the world to see, splashed across the whole Internet!! Hahaha! Oh well, part of me is glad I’m not someone who gets embarrassed easily about my various bodily functions and issues, and the other part of me is glad that the only people who really visit my blog are WOYWWers and they all know how crazy I am anyway!!

    Shoshi x #4

  7. At least you have a starting point for next week! I have no idea what I'm going to do as I don't have any UFOs - Julia calls me a Finisher, lol! Why don't you write down the three different sorts of colouring media on bits of paper and choose one at random? Problem solved, the universe made the decision for you!!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xx

  8. Morning Helen. Great sky photos - you have a perfect spot in the bedroom for beautiful skyscapes! Hope you decide what and which for your unfinished - or unstarted - project! I can't believe this has come round so quickly.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #2


  9. Morning Helen. Great pictures of the sunset, I try taking them but with trees and house in the way not easy lol I

    Stay well and safe,

    Lilian B #16

  10. Oh you are funny, I take walks to the bedroom window too, not been out in ages. Pretty mask, must make hubby one. I have adjusted the elastic on both I have made for me but he needs it bigger, much bigger LOL. Remembered my wrist strap and that is helping my hand a bit, until I start typing that is!!! Thanks for the visit BJ#7

  11. There really have been some lovely skies, I do agree. This weather has helped me in lockdown, I would I think, have struggled more if it were wet and grey day after day. I’m not good at going out everyday either, I need to be in the mood to walk for no good reason, and there’s always something here to distract me. I walk to the car on shopping day!! Get to the colouring Missus, it’ll make a change, and the person who gave it to you will be chuffed to know you’re doing it. I’m the same about colouring big amounts, can’t help you with which medium though, it wouldn’t occur to me to use anything other than felt tip!!

  12. Nice new masks Helen. Gorgeous photos too. Have a lovely woyww and good luck with the UFOs. Hugs, Angela x16x

  13. Morning Helen

    WOW what a view you have. The SKY can be so dramatic to look at and one is never able to catch the right colour, I think. I actually do the same like you, going to the window and take photos of the sky ;)

    Thank you so much for sharing!
    Happy WOYWW
    Mariane #21

  14. Share your feelings about colouring, leaning over my desk makes my back ache, so I don't do much colouring.... think how good you'll feel to get it finished! I would use paints, only cos I'm not very good with pencils and markers!
    Have a good week and stay safe
    Christine #23

  15. Gorgeous sunsets Helen, and I had to smile at your exercise regime - it sounds like mine!
    I'm sure you'll enjoy the colouring experience once you get stuck in - sometimes it's the actual starting that's the hardest part of a project.
    Have a good week,
    Hugs, Diana xx #21

  16. I'm not really a colouring in person - get bored too easily. A big picture like that would really put me off! Your sky photos are wonderful, I do so look forward to seeing them. Sounds like you are working from home for another week ... it's not just the work though is it? It's the commute that is the worry. Stay at home as long as you can!! Stay well, stay safe, Happy WOYWW Cindy #24

  17. I have not even thought about what I might do for next week yet - hopefully will sort something out . I have not been out this week yet to walk - its been too windy and cold. Take care and stay safe Soojay #27

  18. Hi Helen, great mask, looks fab. Doug actually bought a box of the 'normal' face masks back last year after I spent the week in hospital, so he could use them on his course if anyone had a cold, so he didn't bring it back to me.Smiling at the 'walk to the window', mines a walk to the kitchen to make coffee, lol. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #10 X

  19. I like seeing your sunset.sunrise pics - we have lovely ones out over the fields from my lounge window. One day we will be able to roam freely for hours and enjoy them but just now I'm not inclined to go far. The masks are fab - I've been making a few for NHS in the community with some bits and bobs from my stash and fabric Annie gave me ages ago. xx JO

  20. Oh yes try colouring I find it very therapeutic. Know how you feel about lack of enthusiasm I feel the same. Still have a good week. Ani #12

  21. That is quite the coloring project! Pretty mask.
    Love your sunsets. I finally got back to my desk yesterday after staying away for 4 days. Been busy elsewhere along with my job.
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #28

  22. Beautiful sunset photos. I never seem to be able to take good ones. Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #33

  23. Gorgeous sunset photos. Colouring isnt really my thing either - I am a bit too impatient! I think I have decided on my UFO but it wont be finished by next week - at least I hope to have made progress! Happy WOYWW. Stay safe and well and take care my friend, with love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#6)

  24. oOH I Had thought I seen something about you all being allowed outside a little more now. hopefully you will get to have some outside time soon Helen, ( I love to color so that would be a fun thing to me) and I'd probably do both use pale colors of marker as a base and add shadows over the top with the pencils.
    ~Stacy #30

  25. Sounds like a fun UFO to me, as I like to colour every now and then - so relaxing! But if you don't like it, find something else to do: no point in doing something you don't like! Thanks for your visit to my blog yesterday, have a nice week and stay safe! Hug from Holland, Marit #20

  26. Beautiful photos of the sky Helen 😍

  27. Hi Helen! Bee-u-ti-ful sunsets! Worth the walk to the bedroom if you ask me! Good luck with your colouring. I used to love to colour, even as an adult, but it just doesn't appeal anymore. My daughter got a Jason Momoa colouring book which she will pass on to me once she has puled her fav pics! Actually, he kind of looks like her fiance! We will see colouring appeals to me again when I get the book! Have a wonderful week, stay safe, Lindart #31

  28. It's a lovely canvas, but like you I'd be procrastinating trying to decide how to tackle it. I'm sure once you get started you'll find it all flows. Hope your crafty mojo kicks back in again soon. Gorgeous skies!
    Alison x

  29. Ah hun hope the crafting mojo returns quick pronto for you, hugs

  30. Hi Helen!
    Lovely to see your "desk". I was very undecided what to do for my UFO but I did finally decide and finished it yesterday! I love your photos and I think the skies are really lovely these days! I hope you will decide what technique you will use for your UFO and manage to finish it!
    Love and hugs,


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