Wednesday 29 January 2020


Hello deskers, it's time to meet up again for What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday again.. Julia hosts as ever
I'm still on the masterboard kick at the moment, added a few more layers to the two I was working on last week and started another one... none of them finished yet
 since I took this picture I've added some white pen doodling,
 to the yellowy-green one, added some stamping in yellow and green archivals.

and the new one, done with paints and a brayer, and some stamping in archivals.

I intend to cut these up (once I'm happy with them) to make some more birthday cards, one of which I need to get in the post before the weekend

Kew link from Saturday here 

I'll be round to see what you've been creating soon


  1. Love the master boards Helen. They are so useful for card backgrounds aren't they? Hope your card makes the post in time. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Oh such pretty additions I really love the masterboards but for some reason I never have enough time ! Enjoy a great week

  3. Great masterboards, looking forward to seeing what you do with them. Happy WOYWW Angela #8

  4. Don't forget to take a picture of your cards when you've cut up those masterboards and transformed them Helen, I often forget when i'm rushing to complete & get posted. They'll act as fab backgrounds.
    Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Search those pens out you maybe surprised at what you find :))

  5. Liking the zigzag stamp very much, and the colours..the yellow green board looks fab and almost dimensional. I forget to use these sort of colours. Mind you, quite often I start what I think is going to be a fab masterboard and end up with a muddy puddle!!

  6. Great Masterboards Helen. You know this is my favourite thing foe cards but best of all I find that playing with the stamps like this very relaxing and often inspires me with ideas when the brain goes flat. Look forward to seeing the cards. Wishing you a very happy and productive woyww, Angela x15x

  7. I really love the masterboards you've been working on. You work so hard on the backgrounds to your cards before you make special.
    Annie x #12

  8. Hi Helen, masterboards looking great. I have intentions of making some for Christmas cards one of these days.Love how you put them together. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X

  9. I like your Masterboards and was reminded of something I found yesterday in my little 'tidy up' of my craft room. My friend Mary (who sadly passed in America) once showed me how to cut a piece of card up to make ten other cards from it. Your Masterboards would be perfect so perhaps I will make some myself one day.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  10. Mm lovely work Helen rarely do big things like masterboards, love yours and Angela does great ones too but I seem to stick to small as dont have backgrounds that big really to start with, A4 maximum .. love the added shadings, stamping and nuances and so agree if not happy you’re not finished motto! Stunning Kew, love it! Joy!
    Happy WOYWW. Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #6 😊

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Those masterboards are great, you've obviously had fun creating them! They're a great idea for using for various projects.
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  12. Hi Helen, super masterboards - they will make fab backgrounds for your cards. I've been thinking about starting a journal just with backgrounds - they're so fun to create and no pressure to take them any further. It would eliminate the "what now?" stage, just for the fun of playing with colours and textures. Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #18

  13. Your well set up for future makes with those masterboards Helen, like you I find them useful.

    B x

  14. These are looking really good. I can’t wait to see them all finished.

  15. Loving the masterboards - looking forward to seeing them finished and made into cards. Happy WOYWW. With love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)

  16. Thank you for you visit to my blog and you lovely comment, What great master boards love them,

    Lilian B #21

  17. Love your masterboards, Helen. I love your use of colour, and your pen doodles are fantastic! Great stuff all round. Thank you for visiting and for your good wishes for the trial. I shall definitely be taking part in some of it, even if I can't manage it all. Glad you liked my ultra tidy desk this week, and my hubby's Valentine card.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #16

  18. Lovin' your masterboards!
    Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #20

  19. Hi Helen, I will be an echo to what Tracey mentioned, I am curious to see how the backgrounds are going to play on the cards you create with them too :)
    Love the yellow and green one esp. ~Stacy #29

  20. Hi Helen, your masterboards are fab. Cut up, several cards can be made at a time - always a bonus. Have a great week, and enjoy Kew at the weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #19

  21. That's what's so great about masterboards, every single one is unique to that person and their own style. So awesome! I am looking forward to seeing what you do with your wonderful masterboards! Thanks for your lovely visit to mine, Lindart #23

  22. I love your master boards..... They are looking great!

  23. Hi Helen. Thank you for your visit and your kind words. I've not come across the masterboard concept before, but really love the way it provides a springboard to so many different possibilities. Have fun!

  24. Love your masterboards have pulled some of my shaving foam ones out this morning to make some cards. Sorry I am late this week late on Wednesday and late to comment. Ani #27

  25. Hi Helen! I love your masterboards. Can't wait to see what's next!
    Belinda #24

  26. What fabulous layered masterboards - there are oodles of beautiful cards waiting to made from these! Have to catch a train to Birmingham shortly, so I'll be back to meander round Kew at leisure soon.
    Alison x

  27. Fabulous masterboards - you're bound to get some lovely things made with them! Hugs,Chrisx


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