Wednesday 25 December 2019

WOYWW 551 - it's Christmaaaassssss!!!!

Well Happy Wednesday deskers and a very Merry Christmas to you all - there may be fewer of us gathering today but before we all get on with our Christmas duties, I'm sharing a quick desk for may be Christmas but it is WOYWW too..


a Christmas greeting for all of you, may the day be filled with sparkle and fun! I used a bit of the background I made for my brother's card - it can go in the box for next year !

some "almost" crafting got done when I was making a kind of tag/wallet thing for some money for my niece and nephew...(they are of an age when they appreciate hard cash for gifts from their auntie!   I stencilled one tag with distress oxide spray and used the leftover in the (very nearly full) journal.... Forgot to photograph the finished tag/wallets though... doh!

I am spending the day at my brother's with his wife and two (grown up) children and my sister in law's parents;  so will be having a busy old time. 
their gifts were wrapped at the weekend and are now packed ready to take when my brother collects me later (depending on what time you read this)   I had to use the hallway as there wasn't enough space in the living room so it was a bit dark

I know lots of you will be too busy to join Julia and the gang today, but for those that do, I hope you enjoy your Christmas!


  1. *Happy Christmas* Helen, I hope you have a super day with your Brother and family. Love how your card sparkles and shines. A really nice touch making the money wallets yourself, money is always a winning gift for teenagers.
    Wishing you the merriest of days & happy woyww Tracey (?) x

  2. Looks like you have a busy and fun day ahead. It sounds delightful, filled with family and lots of love. I also came to wish you and your loved ones a delightful, safe, healthy, and joyous Christmas, dear Helen.

  3. Merry Christmas Helen. Have a fabulous day with family. Funnily enough, I have been making wallets for gift cards this week too. It does make shopping quicker though. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  4. I hope you all have a really lovely day. I'm off to my parents soon so not much time but wanted to send you Christmas hugs before I go. Angela x9x

  5. Merry Christmas Helen hope you enjoy your family day. Ani


  6. Happy WOYWDW Christmas.

    Happy Christmas Helen have a wonderful time,

    Lilian B #10

  7. Well Helen, so glad you are going to your brothers rather than being on your own. I know you will have a lovely time, always good to have company. We are away for Christmas which makes for a nice change so hopefully after a hearty breakfast we might go for a walk (back permitting) and then back for Christmas Dinner.
    Have a lovely day, enjoy the whole Christmas period - eat, drink and be merry.
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  8. Merry Christmas and wish you a fun filled day with family.
    sandra de @16

  9. Hi Helen, and Happy Christmas. Hope you have a fab time at your brothers.Love the Christmas card, and yes, our younger ones prefer hard cash too, which is a great relief as it's easier than trying to figure out what presents they'd like! Have a lovely Christmas week, Hugs, Shaz #11 X

  10. Happy Christmas! Hope you have a marvellous time at your brothers. Love the Christmas greeting, you can't have too much sparkle in the festive season :-)
    Hugs LLJ 13 xxx

  11. Merry Christmas Helen, hope you had a lovely day at your brother's. I've no desk to share this week as my craft room is my guest room. Love and hugs, Heather xx

  12. A very happy Christmas to you Helen, it has been a whirl of activity today, but great fun. I am amazed you had time for crafting 🙂

  13. I hope you have had a lovely day with your brother and family, Helen. We've had a quiet day but I was very busy in the kitchen!! Thanks for your visit.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  14. Merry Christmas Helen! Hope you all had a fun day! x

  15. My intentions really were good yesterday. I planned to visit all the WOYWWers at some point between our visits but it just didn't happen so here I am, a day late. I am determined to call on each and every one of you to wish you a wonderful Festive time, thank you for all the love and friendship over the last year and to say I really hope we can enjoy many more WOYWW over the next year.
    Much love and the biggest hugs,
    Annie x #5

  16. I hope you had a lovely Christmas Day Helen! We went to one of my son's house, but our family party is on Friday!
    We are finally getting a break from the rushing around we have been doing - time soon for some crafting, blog catch ups and blogging I think!
    Enjoy whats left of Boxing day!
    Hugs, Chris

  17. here's to lots of sparkle in the new year! robyn 2

  18. Happy Christmas to you too Helen, although belatedly, love the sparkle card its great colour and glimmery!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #4

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  19. Aw Helen, I thought I’d have bags of time to visit at leisure, and look at me, five days late! I hope you had a magical day with your fam a lam, I really enjoyed your visit to skew this weekend! Prolly nice to low some of cobwebs away too.


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