Wednesday 28 August 2019


As the saying goes .... whizzbang  it's Wednesday!  or will be by the time you read this and time to check in again with Julia and the gang for another WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday)...

Now, I know I suggested there would be crafting to share after our Bank Holiday weekend .... but what with one thing (the intense heat) and another (a thrilling if tense, day watching the Ashes test match)  not a lot got done...

apart from a little bit of meece colouring!!

I used Sharpies.   but didn't have a very  pale grey or even any browns..
so I stopped.

I also mentioned in my Kew post (here) having come across (two weeks running) our very own Kyla's abandoned art

which I left behind again - partly because I am intrigued to see if anyone does pick it up - but partly because I knew it was there before I came across it so it feels like cheating if I were to bring it home.

I am really hoping that the weather cools down again during the week so I don't melt again at Kew on Saturday, and maybe get to do some proper crafting before we meet again!


  1. Well I melted in the night. Think this is my third time of waking. Too clammy for me.
    No shopping this week Helen? OK so I guess you have been too busy and too hot to bother.
    Now you have us all intrigued about the abandoned art, my question is though, is it waterproof, just in case we get real heavy rain like we had in Preston yesterday. Yes, it poured down just as we parked up for the chiropractor - and guess who was all summery ... and with no coats?
    Have a good week, Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. Morning Helen. Love those little meeces! I like them as they are - without brown or grey added... I'm just a simple country girl! Thanks for your lovely comment - I know I can't "do" email or the internet when away, but I'll do a post when I'm back so you can share in my travels. Do you know; I can hear rain on the windows... oh my!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  3. The mice are cute Helen. I am rather glad that I missed the last day of the last ashes test match as I don't think my nerves would have stood up to it. You were very restrained leaving Kyla's tag at Kew, it is a lovely piece of art work. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  4. Morning Helen
    What an interesting thing that Abandonment Art is. I’d have been intrigued with that.
    Enjoy Kew, it’s somewhere I haven’t been yet.
    Lynn x 9

  5. Morning Helen, Love your tags, really cute little things. this heat is terrible I think I only has about 4 hours sleep. I had the fan on but the whirring kept me wakened too. No win situation. However, it's another lovely day and the sun is shining so better not complain. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xx

  6. The little mice are cute! And the tag is gorgeous - hope someone picks it up. The weather has been warm here too but not as bad as your way..thankfully!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  7. Don't know how you survived down there in you corner of the world ....
    Love those meeces....
    Have a good week
    Christine #17

  8. We are enjoying a brief break in the hot steamy weather we have been enduring for about a month here. It actually stormed during the night with a brief period of heavy rain. I am so ready for Fall and cool temps with brisk breezes! Love your little mice they are so stinking cute!
    Happy WOYWW
    Glenda #16

  9. Hi Helen, agree been much oo hot & sticky! Sleeping is a nightmare on its own, despite having fans running. Loving the mice, very cool. Tescos have some grea prices on packs of Sharpies in the back to school stuff if you have one near you. :) See, I can enable in comments too,lol. Have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #4 X

  10. Colouring is a great way to still keep our crafty hands working whilst our eyes are occupied else where. Hope you find some browns and greys amongst your stash, i'm sure they are around somewhere. Beautiful find with the abandoned art, hope it gets found by someone who will appreciate it.
    Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #15

  11. I'm sure colouring meeces is proper crafting...they are really cute with or without the light grey. I'm so glad its coming a little cooler too even though sleeping is aided with a ceiling fan here :-)
    Annie x #10

  12. Just stopped by to say HI and tell you the youngsters sent me a long message that also involved you and Kew. I'll share it there later.

  13. Good morning, Helen. Gray is a tough color to replace but those meece are adorable! Love those big ears. Lovely tag Kayla left. Creative Blessings! Kelly #22

  14. Good morning Helen, Love those mice they sure are cute, I have a grey promarker thats called silver linning and use that a lot.

    Happy WOYWDW

    Lilian B #12

  15. I love the idea of abandoned art! What a lovely thing to come across at random. The tag is so beautiful! Thank you for your visit and I'm sorry my post was so long when all you had time for was a quick skim lol! Hope you are having a good day at work.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #20

  16. your "Meece" are so cute. It seems a little cooler today , hopefully the horrible sticky nights are now ending.Have a great week Soojay 24

  17. Nice mice. Meece. Mouses. You know. As for sharpies...argh, try and hold yourself back, I can’t stop buying them now!! Can I assume that the people visiting knew wither never sit on that particular bench or are too polite to lift Kyla’s tag?! I wonder.....

  18. Hi Helen! I love the abandoned art. I bought rocks to paint last year for a similar thing and never painted them (yup, I am hiding my head in shame!)
    Loving your mice! They are so cute.
    I peeked at your Kew post and once again blown away at the beauty. I wish I lived close to someplace that beautiful! Thank you for always sharing the gorgeous photos.
    Belinda #23

  19. Love the little mice! So much fun. The idea of abandoned art is an intriguing one - I hope someone picks it up before it gets spoiled. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#11)

  20. I love the idea of abandoned art. What a nice surprise to find something so lovely. xx Jo

  21. I just don't think that this weather is good for crafting. I think the little mice are growing on me. Love the little tag. I belong to a Facebook group called The Lincoln Ninjas and we leaving little pieces of art around the city, it's a such a nice thing to do. Wishing you a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x8x

  22. I hope your temperatures drop soon! We finally cooled at bit but still hot here. Love the little meeces! They all seem to have attitudes! Cool tag!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great (and hopefully cooler) week!
    Carol N #21

  23. Hi Helen, I can well understand that it's been too hot for doing much at all down your way. Not so here - we did have a couple of good days but generally the temperatures have been very much lower in Scotland. Not that I'm complaining - I wilt when it gets anything above 18 degrees. Still love those meeces but I was stunned to learn you don't have a light grey marker - goodness, how remiss of you! That's lovely thing for Kyla to do - somebody's going to love finding that label. Hope the weather at Kew is just right for you on Saturday. Hugs, Elizabeth x #19

  24. Hi Helen, fun fun thing to come across the tag. I have read of people tucking them into store shelves and such too but, I never have actually done it as it seems to me the stores pay people to go around cleaning up and such. ~Stacy ##26

  25. Oh I would love to come across some free art like that! Not cheating at all - I see quite famous people post about dropping art and within minutes it's been claimed. I heard the cricket - Craig was back this weekend and he had it on all day but I must confess I don't have a clue what is going on. He was happy though.

    I hate this heat. I hate it. 'nuff said.

    Carmen x #30

  26. I hope the weather cooled down at your place 'cause that will mean it will cool down overhere too! (The weather usually hits you first before it comes to Europe...)Thanks for your visit to my blog the other day, happy - belated - woyww. Hug from Holland. Marit #14

  27. Hi Helen
    The mices are very cute! You showed great restraint leaving the abandoned art for a second time. It's such a nice idea, and must be fun for the artists when finders tell their stories on the FB page. I have a childhood memory of my school releasing balloons with return address tags attached to see how far they would travel. Not something we'd do nowadays with all the worries around plastic waste pollution, but it was exciting at the time!
    Amelia #29

  28. Love the cute meeces - I'm sure you could fill in the grey/brown blanks with watered down Frescos. What a lovely idea the abandoned art is - I've not come across that idea. Profoundly happy that the weather has cooled down. I went with my niece and nephew to Hampton Court yesterday - and it was a perfect summer's day, warm(but not too hot), blue sky, and a wonderful breeze. I'm sure you'll find Kew equally lovely this weekend!
    Alison x

  29. Whomever finds your beautiful found art tag is sure to cherish it. The graphic design makes it very striking. Happy belated WOYWW!

  30. VERY late Helen, love those meece, only way I like them, don’t like them inside.. Kyla’s art work is lovely and pretty interesting to see it still there.
    Happy very belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #4

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


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