Wednesday 31 July 2019


as Julia says... Whizz and it's WOYWW  day again.... since we last met we've had the hottest day ever recorded in the UK and then I got soaked at Kew on Saturday.....
It was far too hot last week to do anything but I did have a bit more of a faff about on a journal page at the weekend.

 the page I shared that I had started last week - shades of purple have had some added layers of spray stencilled on top of stamping.

then I added some fibre paste through the same stencil over some of the shapes, and dripped some of the pink and purple sprays into the drying paste.

I did put some more paste on top of the drips and it's absorbed the colour a bit.

It needs a focal point and some text of some kind... maybe by next week it will have been done!

the two bottles to the right of the journal are new...(enabler alert!) - I got a couple more of the newest release distress oxide sprays; although one of them seems to be missing it's mixing ball, so the supplier is sending a replacement - bit shout out for great service to Joanna Sheen for that - never used them before but am very impressed, not only with the original speed of order but also responding to my email query on a Sunday! 
I only ordered from them because I was curious after receiving my birthday gift from them of some of the oxide sprays and had a look at their website - very good prices and a very low total to qualify for free postage. 
I will be using them again! 

I realised I forgot to give you the link to Kew in last week's post but here is the one from the wet visit...  
as you see it was so wet I had to go and buy a brolly  (you may well ask why on what was going to be such  a wet day I didn't take one with me.... there is no sensible answer!)  


  1. I'm a great advocate of 'If I don't take brolly, it won't rain...' - I often get wet!!
    Gorgeous journal pages - can't wait to see how they develop.
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no. 2

  2. Yes, I have always been satisfied with Joanna Sheen and her online shop. Really great service and often best prices around.
    Good to see your Journal page coming along so nicely, I am sure you will like the stencil I just bought (Birgit Koopson) which I got because I had seen it used on a You Tube video and knew I just had to have it. Taking a leaf out of your book this week and buying a bit - but only a bit this time.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx
    ps just had a nightmare and woke early - why do I keep dreaming about dead people?

  3. I have ordered from Joanna Sheen in the past too and been happy with the service Helen. Thanks for reminding me about the sprays. I will get some out to work on my latest page today I think. Hope the weather is a little more sensible for you at Kew next week! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

  4. Hi Helen. You made me smile today Lol! that is not your happy face, it's either the weather it's self or the fact you had to spend money on a brolly. I used to have stuff from Joanna Sheen quite a lot but haven't done for ages even though I still get their news. Might look at them again. Have a great woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x13x

  5. I'm taking a quick break from cutting squares for my quilt and enjoying a coffee while I catch up on a few of my favourite blogs.
    Love the latest pages Helen and as for your trip in the rain I would have really enjoyed that....I love rain especially on a warm day.
    Annie x #10

  6. The fibre paste looks so cool - that's something I haven't tried yet. I like rainy weather - it makes me happy - but only if I can stay indoors! I have had more than my share of getting soaked this year - there comes a point where it doesn't matter any more because you can't possibly get any wetter. Have a lovely week and stay dry if you can! xx zsuzsa #16

  7. I had to smile reading Claire's comment... I was going to say something similar, ha! Love the colour of your umbrella (I never heard of 'brolly') Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland, Marit #15

  8. Well, it's alovely brolly and will do you good service over the years - so it was a good investment!! Great journal pages, like the colours v much.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  9. Since we're in our monsoon I carry 2 "brollies" in my car. So far it hasn't rained while getting in or out of my car.. LOL. And brolly is a new word for me!
    Your journal pages are getting more interesting. Looking forward to how they end up.
    Thanks for popping by and glad the heat as abated!
    Carol N #20

  10. Happy WOYWW #530 great desk you have been very busy! xx Jan (21)

  11. Hi Helen. I like Joanne Sheen, have ordered from her several times. Always excellent service. Like the pages. We have had so much rain, but I welcome it after the heat - which I don't like. Anne x 12

  12. Still haven't had a chance to return to your Kew post, but the youngsters sent some comments to me. You know they LOVE your photo blog.

    I've used that fiber paste before, but I don't have many stencils, so your journal spread turned out great. I know it will come together beautifully in the end. Hope you are having a great week, dear.

  13. Great spread Helen, love all the texture! x

  14. I wouldn’t have taken a brolly either, it’s just something else to carry and get in everybody’s way, and anyway, the rain can’t last, can it?!!! Mind you Helen, not sure I’d have gone to Kew having looked out of the window....far too good an excuse for a lie in! Love the colours on the journal page, and that you’re prepared to let it unfold in its own time...I’m not patient enough I don’t think...even drying paste makes me curse!

  15. You've made great use of the fibre paste, I love that stuff. Nice pages Helen.
    Joanna Sheen is always so prompt with sending out products, they used to have an ebay shop too which had great bargains and always so polite. I have an email to send to a company this weekend regarding a product, I will let you know if they are as courteous. Happy WoywW & have a fab weekend Tracey#14
    P.S Remember to take your brolly :))

  16. I love the purple pages - always a colour to suit any mood I think. Fab wet day at Kew pic - you usually are lucky with the weather I think. I bet it was lovely even in the rain!

  17. Hi Helen, I use Joanna Sheene on occasion, I agree she is very fast to ship, and a sensible spend to get free shipping. Lots of interesting texture on the pages. Really late this week, spent most of yesterday afternoon in A&E, as the breathlessness wasn't easing off. They gave me IV Antibiotics & steroids, and some nebulisers, which has helped, but it's still not what it should be. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4X

  18. Don't you love it when customer services works on your behalf. I'm looking forward to seeing the final journal pages. Dorlene #22

  19. I have ordered from Joanne Sheene in the past and always found them excellent. Good for you going to Kew in the rain. Have a good week. ANi 5

  20. Lovely pages, Helen, and I'm sorry you had such a wet day at Kew! I expect it was still lovely, though, and probably not too crowded either. Thank you for visiting, and yes, our kitties are quite different characters! We've had a lot of cats over the years and every one has been different and individual. It's lovely watching their little peersonalities develop from when they are tiny kittens.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  21. Thanks for your visit earlier, I just love those trollies.
    You just wanted an excuse to own a Kew Brolly, come on, admit it!!
    Enjoy Kew today, should be perfect weather.
    Christine #23

  22. Love your pages Helen.... Lots of depth in them!

    While you were getting soaked last week I was longing for rain. Today it rained for the first time in weeks but only lasted 5 minutes and is now muggier than ever!

  23. So happy to see the pages going back a step or two... do you know, I didn't even notice those fabulous textured circles before, I was so caught up on the relationship between the eyes and the girls. You don't look very happy about the rain, but I'm sure the plants were!


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