Wednesday 6 February 2019

WOYWW 505 - enabler alert (again)

Er... sorry!  been spending pennies again.  But before I share, let me welcome you back for another Wednesday desk hop... time to share all with Julia here 

  this time I bought the new thinlet wildflower dies, 5 to a set this time, and a friend wanted to know the difference in size to the others - the ones on the right are the original smaller ones (7 to  a set) and the ones on the left are the Bigz dies.

 then I thought you'd need to see them all in their packaging for a bit more of an idea.

sorry about the glare on the pic.  and the smaller pack has some spares inside kept safe for use on a project!

Seems the best place to store die cuts...
 I had a couple of friends who had birthdays recently, so I used the original smallest thinlets (as the others hadn't come and the bigz didn't fit the card blank I was using!)

both ended up being very similar

I have more goodies on pre-order but it'll be a while till they come (the Distress Oxide sprays, I couldn't resist in the end, even though I swore I didn't need more sprays... but having seen them in demos I caved.....
I am also very tempted (to the extend that they are sat in a virtual shopping basket) with the new Seth Apter Baked Velvet  embossing powders.. also a pre-order... by the time you read this they may have been purchased too!    Till next week,  happy desking! 

In case you missed it, last Saturday was SUNNY and Kew was beautiful... lots of pics on the other blog (here)  but here's my favourite to tempt you over...

I love the duck that sped through my shot!  


  1. Morning Helen, I have the sprays on pre order too as well as the Distress Archivals and re inkers. Glad you finally had a decent sunny day at Kew. I do like how you've used the die cuts on that card. Happy WOYWW Sarah #4

  2. Morning Helen, those dies look fabulous, and the card is beautiful.
    Such hard work, isn't it resisting temptation? I keep telling myself that I don't need anything new, but "Oh I would use that......" and more money has gone!
    Look forward to seeing what you do with the Distress Oxide sprays.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Chris #8

  3. Fab shot with the ducks!
    I think you are tempting me with your purchases, those wildflowers of mine need some more adding to them. Love the card you made for your friend.
    Hugs, Neet xx 9

  4. Morning Miss Enabler. Those dies are lovely aren’t they, and combined with that swirly text...wonderful. Secret...shh....if I cut too many shapes, I rarely keep them for later use....ssshhhhh.i had a Shirley weekend so missed you’re Kew visit, will treat myself at lunch time, meanwhile...Love a Duck!!! Ha, I slay myself!,

  5. Morning Helen. Those flower dies are lovely - such good sizes, too. The card is great - I love the squirly "happy" marching across the card front!! As for the duck... he was certainly determined not to be missed! - a great shot.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  6. That duck is surely saying a very loud Quuuaaaaaccck as he skids to a halt in your pic!! Som great shots of Kew again but that is a good one. Those new flowers are pretty, they remind me of Diary of an Edwardian Lady!
    Hugs LLJ 14 xxx

  7. Hi Helen, loved that duck pic too. The wildflower dies are fab, can see them falling into my basket one of these days. And also am tempted by the Oxide sprays.Love the card design, the stamping and die cuts work great together. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  8. Beautiful photo Helen, stunning bright colours.

    I love your Wildflower Dies and your card is lovely, I have a Wildflower stencil, not impressed with it yet but I shall keep experimenting.

    Have a great week

    Jan no18

  9. Hi Helen, just been so busy that I've not been over yet to look at your picks but promise to get round to it soon. I have got some of the new dies but not got round to using those either, lots of family stuff at the moment. Love your card too. Have a good week and a happy woyww, Angela x12x

  10. Oh I know all about caving, especially after watching demos! I have those two new sets of wildflower stems thinlet dies on my wishlist as well - I'm just trying to decide which one to buy - I think it's gotta be both as I can't decide! Have fun with all those lovely new dies! I've got my commenting changed to Blogger, Helen if you want to visit - I know you couldn't leave comments when I had G+, but it seems to be working now - if you want to stop by and say hello I would be so happy! xx zsuzsa #17

  11. HI Helen, that is good to see the sizes. I have caved on the Misti cutting ruler (mind just went blank on its name) but, it has a way to cut in the center. (its not here yet, shipped yesterday) :) Looks like a very cool card with those blooms too. ~Stacy #25

  12. I just heard about the distress oxide sprays yesterday, great, more sprays to buy and play with! Good thing I got a gift certificate for Christmas - I think it will go very fast. I love those dies, and the card you made - lovely! Have a great week, Lindart #27

  13. I'm late joining in the fun today cos I've been really busy with a steady flow of customers plus been finishing off my 7's all go here.
    Really love your new dies and what you've done with them.
    Annie x #11

  14. I've grabbed most of the new Wildflowers (though not the Bigz die yet, just Thinlits), because I know I'll get lots of use out of them - but it's good to see that side-by-side comparison with the ones I already have! The card is really pretty - just cutting them in different papers is so effective. I'll have a couple of Oxide sprays and Baked Velvets awaiting my arrival in NYC... yup, I just gave in straight away!
    Alison x

  15. Those are really cool dies! Your birthday card is pretty cool! And love your photo! We're having rain and, hmm, the wind just stopped! Anyway, hope you have a wonderful week!
    Carol N #21

  16. You enjoy your new stash but, a word of warning, don't try to tidy it all!!!
    I love that duck as well, will you enter that photo in a contest ..... bet you'd do well.
    Christine #29

  17. What a lovely lot of new the dies. Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a nice week. With love and God bless, Caro x (#30)

  18. Hello to my favourite enabler. I have spent a fortune this week, so these will have to go on the back burner - for a while at least! Thanks for the visit, Cindy #20

  19. Those dies are amazing. I can't believe how tiny they are. That card is awesome. Sorry I'm so late visiting. Seems to be the story of my life lately.

  20. Hi Helen, Those die flowers are great and your card is lovely.

    Off to check out your other photos.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW 505
    Sue #15

  21. Ohmy.. how I long for sunny days! The flowers look Springlike to me and I like them! I saw Seth's new 'powder'and am curious to see what you do with it when it arrives. Have fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, happy ~ belated ~ woyww. Hug from Holland, Marit #16

  22. Love your cards... I have those wildflowers and love them! Don't start tempting me with the baked velvets!

  23. Hi Helen, love the wildflower dies they do make great cards, well done. Sorry very late for WOYWW.
    Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in OzX

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  24. So glad that I eventually got round to check the desks this week! I love the Kew picture - especially the duck - brilliant. Your flower card is so so beautiful - you are clever but it did make me chuckle when you listed the things in your basket waiting for you to purchase - we all do it - like we NEED more!! xxx Jo


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