Wednesday 5 December 2018


So it's December... not entirely sure how that happened!  I am still working on Christmas cards, think I just have a few special ones to make now.. but I am so not in the mood any more!   But we're here for WOYWW - meeting like minded desk-sharers at Julia's

these were a few I finished at the weekend that I'd shared last week - used some of the new JoFY words as I planned.  . 

Last Friday saw me at the Christmas at Kew event which I told you about, and it was magical!  We were lucky that the rain of the previous few nights went away and it was mild too, I can't resist adding a link to my post about it -  Christmas at Kew 

In case you don't have time to follow the link, and as there really isn't a lot happening here, I'll add a couple of photos here too.

 this tree was spectacular
but the laser light show over the Palm House was magical.

Happy WOYWW and see you (and your much more crafty desks)  soon! 


  1. Oh my, what stunning photos!! AND festive creativity on your desk :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Claire no. 2

  2. Morning Helen, I've really enjoyed seeing your Kew photos on FB. They really go to town with the lights at this time of year. Glad you managed to get a few more cards finished. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. Morning Helen. Oh my - what a fun night out. Kew must have looked amazing - lights everywhere you looked! Well done on the cards - nearly there now!! I think I have just a few real specials for close family to do and I'm done then as well.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  4. Hi Helen, I'm sure you will get your special Christmas cards done.

    Going over to see the photos at Kew. Thanks for sharing them.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #9

  5. Give yourself a good pat in the back Helen you really are too hard on yourself regarding those Christmas cards but I know that feeling when you have to continue when you just want to move on to something else..!
    I saw Kew on TV the light show looks spectacular.
    Happy WOYWW & Thank you for visiting Hugs Tracey #8

  6. I must sit down and write my cards over the next couple of days, I don't know where the time has gone! Great pics of Kew especially that amazing tree, love it!!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

  7. I think we are all feeling the same about making Cjristmas cards now...inm y case sewing demand is really getting in the way so I may need to buy some to finish mine off.
    Annie x #15

  8. Lovely Christmas cards and great photos of Kew - I've just popped over and had a delightful journey around the gardens again.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #20

  9. Helen, I do so enjoy your photos and 'Kew at Christmas' ...... stunning to say the least!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us all.
    Christine #23

  10. Oh Helen, that looked like fun. I love lights during the holiday season. I drove down our main street last night and really enjoy seeing all of lights lining the street. Wish they could stay up all winter. Have a wonderful week!
    Belinda #24

  11. Love your Kew photos and promise I will catch up with your photography blog later but at the moment my life is in as big a tip as the house. Need to get the bedroom done, rooms back to some normality and I can get back into routine - too much time wasted at the moment.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  12. Hi Helen, loved the Kew photos, they were magical. I'm really glad to see the back of the Christmas card mountain, I can tell you. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  13. Hi Helen, I'll pop back later for a look at the other photos, bet it looked stunning. Have a great woyww, Angela x16x

  14. So I’m going your way, have had an idea and it involves master board. at last I might make a Christmas card this year. It won’t last, you know how easily bored I am! Christmas at Kew looks wonderful, I urge anyone to take a few minutes to browse your pics, really lovely wasn’t it. Isn’t that Jo’s writing lovely, makes great stamps, huh.

  15. Hi Helen, It looks like the light show is totally worth shivering to see :) ( it's really cold here so, I am just assuming) :) and I like how the big sentiments POP on those Christmas cards too! ~Stacy #28

  16. Gorgeous pictures! We haven't gotten out to view Christmas lights for ages. Love seeing what people post.
    I'm still making Christmas cards and will be for quite some time. Your cards are so pretty!
    Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #22

  17. Hi Helen. Thanks for popping by. Your photos are gorgeous off to your link to find out more. Anne X 19

  18. Hi Helen, I do like the big Christmas words on your cards. I might make a few like that - I need some inspiration! I agree the tree picture looks spectacular, it must have looked even better in the flesh, or should that be "bark". Thanks for stopping by earlier. I do like my trusty Big Shot, so I won't be getting rid of it, just weighing up the pros and cons of adding an electric die cutting machine. Decisions, decisions! Have a lovely week Heather x #14

  19. Kew looks fabulous! Good luck with the Christmas cards!

  20. Oh my goodness, that lighted tree with all those little lamps, just magical!!! I have a big oak outside my balcony and wish it could light up like that (it's in a neighbors' garden...) Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, big hug from Holland. Marit #21

  21. That tree at Kew is amazing! How do they do that? You are cards look lovely, mine are done, but not mailed yet - it seems it's the hardest part! Thanks for the same Sooty, I will add all the names to a list and see what happens! Thanks for your visit, have a great week, Lindart #26

  22. Hi Helen, I know the feeling - wouldn't it be lovely if the cards could just make themselves! Oh dear, I'm clearly starting to hallucinate!!! Lovely photos from Kew - that tree is spectacular. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #25

  23. Everytime you post pictures of Kew I want to go there and I still haven't been yet! Maybe that should g on my list of things to do next year!

    Sorry I'm so late in visiting, I don't know where the days are going!
    Carmen #31 x


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