Wednesday 27 June 2018


Well I had a lovely birthday yesterday, even if it started at work... and now it's time for WOYWW
 I left the pile of early post on my workspace to wake to on Tuesday morning.

I had intended to keep it till after work  to open
but woke early and by 6 had opened the lot.

crafty presents from Lin Lesley and Emma, love you girls!

some very beautiful cards too..

 and some gifts from work too...

plus some beautiful flowers which I seem not to have photographed on the camera...
 some of my gorgeous handmade cards

sorry the photos aren't better, the light is so bright I was really struggling.

 yay! found where google stores my backed up
phone photos...

Work may have been interrupted on Tuesday afternoon for a piece of cake (Colin the Caterpillar, but no photos exist)
and er....

obviously I didn't drink all of both bottles...

you do believe me don't you!

because of the heat, Monica (my boss) decided it was too hot to keep working so some of us decamped to her garden... for ....err...  more drinks...
 it was lovely sitting in the shade of the house under a huge parasol...

 Lisa (a friend of the company) and Natasha
 James and Monica soaking up the rays
"George"  - I love him!
and Kirsty's puppy Coco played shadow selfies with me!

All in all, a fabulous birthday...

Happy WOYWW!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Helen, what a happy happy post. Crafty presents are the best and it looks like you have had some smashers. Beautiful cards.
    How kind of your Boss to take you all home with her, looks like fun in the sun with the help of that HUGE glass full.
    Thanks for sharing WOYWW.. Have fun creating with it all.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  2. I really enjoyed your birthday post. You have so many incredible friends and they all seem to love you so much. I can tell by the wonderful handmade cards you received. Most impressive gifts from friends and colleagues alike. Looks like you ended the day on a high (no pun intended). No number, but you know where I live!

  3. Happy belated birthday Helen. What a nice boss you have! Some fabulous cards and crafty gifts too. Happy WOYWW Sarah #5

  4. Belated birthday wishes - looks like you had a good day and was thoroughly spoiled. Love all the goodies you received and the beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing today - Hazel, WOYWW 473 #8 xx

  5. Sorry the link was wrong - should be here:

  6. What a super birthday - you are obviously loved by a lot of people. Gorgeous gifts and cards but what a fabulous day at work. Any vacancies?
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. I will add my Happy Belated Birthday to the others. What a lovely post to remember your day with. It looks like you had fun. Thank you for already visiting my space. #10

  8. Belated birthday greetings. Such lovely gifts and cards, not to .mention cake and prosecco!!! Perfect. You have a great boss! Anne x #10

  9. Belated birthday greetings. Such lovely gifts and cards, not to .mention cake and prosecco!!! Perfect. You have a great boss! Anne x #10

  10. It looks like you had a great birthday Helen...

  11. Now THAT looked like a fab birthday with friends/family, a great selections of cards and presents and I LOVE the statue and puppy!

    Happy WOYWW


  12. Oh Wow Helen! happy belated birthday. I don't know where to start, all those fab cards and pressies! Have a great woyww too, Angela x13x



    Happy Birthday you all seem to be having a great time, Nice of you boss to let you go in te garden.

    Lilian B #15

  14. Love the photos Helen. So pleased to see you had a great birthday and had lots of lovely treats....just what was deserved.
    Annie x #14

  15. So pleased you had a lovely birthday. Some fab goodies you got in the post too.
    Ellie #21

  16. Happy for you Helen. Pleased that you got to relax in the garden too. Xx

  17. Oh what fun photos. The little dog looks just like my little Sir from years past. Miss his still. Such beautiful cards. Colors are lush And that New THAT'S Crafty package is one I really love. Wish we could get them in the states but the postage is so outrageous I haven't ordered them yet..And Happy Belated Birthday. glad you had so much fun. Enjoy the week and Happy WOYWW

  18. What a fabulous array of cards Miss Helen, and some gorgeous pressies too, I hope your heart swells with how much you are loved. I must say some time off in a shaded garden and a gin sounds just the perfect June birthday treat doesn’t it. I love the picture of Coco, don’t think you could get a more perfectly matching shadow!

  19. Hi Helen, Happy Birthday, and wow what a fab selection of cards! I see a few Lavinia stamped cards there.Pressies are ace, look gorgeous. Great Boss to decide the heat was too much! George is fab. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 XxX

  20. Hi Heken, many happies for yesterday, and what a beautiful array of cards, what.. and of corse, yummy yummy stash too!! Wouldn’t be WOYWW would it.
    Love the flowers 💐 seems everyone enjoyed your birthday, hugs Shaz in Oz.x #25

  21. Happy Birthday Helen! Looks like you had a wonderful time! Some yummy Goodies and such beautiful cards! have a great week! Ginny #30

  22. So glad you had such a lovely birthday - sounds like you have a fab boss too! Love your hand made cards - you've got some beauties there, and some great stash too.
    Have a great week,
    Diana x #17

  23. Happy Birthday! It looks as if you had a wonderful time! Lovely cards, crafty pressies, friends to break bread (and wine) with - who could ask for more? Have a wonderful week, Lindart #38

  24. Happy birthday Helen - what gorgeous cards you had. Enjoy those refreshing drinks!! xx Jo

  25. Hi Helen. Well, happy birthday for yesterday. What a fantastic boss you have - I like the principle - too hot for work, let's go sit in the garden and have a relaxing drink! You have had some lovely cards and presents. I'm sorry you won't make it up to the crop in September - it would have been good to see you again.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  26. Belated birthday wishes and boy did you get spoiled for sure what a lovely bunch of cards hugs Nikki

  27. Belated happy Birthday Helen - what wonderful presents and photos. I am a bit late to the party tonight - thanks for sharing. Caro x (#42)

  28. Happy belated birthday!! Such fun stuff in your packages! And gorgeous cards is right! And the rest of the pictures look like a lot of fun was had! Have a great week!
    Carol N #33

  29. Belated birthday wishes! Looks like it was a good one! X

  30. Happy Happy Birthday Helen :) It looks like it was a really good one, with good company and beautiful cards too ~Stacy #37

  31. What a wonderful birthday celebration and some gorgeous goodies in the post as well - perfect :o) Annie C #18

  32. Wow, looks like you had a wonderful day, Helen, you're a much loved lady,

    Lucy x

  33. Helen, Happy belated Birthday. Glad you had such a nice birthday. Loads of lovely cards.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #16

  34. Happy birthday to you!!!! It looks like a fabulous day indeed, oh those present and cards that came in the mail - wonderful! IT's the real b-day feeling getting mail isn't it? I (sort of) believe you when you say you don't drink all the bottles... I'm sure you left a sip for your friends ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, have a great week! Love from sunny (and warm!) Holland. Marit #28

  35. Didn't you do well. Happy Birthday. Thank you for visiting me . Karen #12

  36. Thanks for your visit earlier, Felix is certainly in honoured company!!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and I am so pleased for you, sunshine and Prosecco - who could ask for anything more!
    Enjoy the rest of your week
    Christine #44

  37. Belated birthday greetings - looks like you have a lovely haul of cards to admire, and had plenty of gorgeous sunshine to enjoy on the day. Sorry for being MIA at the moment - it's all a bit mad round here!
    Alison x

  38. Had to just pop back to thank you for the comment over at mine. Been to the NEC all day today so just catching up. Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  39. Belated Happy Birthday - well done to your boss for halting work and spending time in the garden! Hugs, Chrisx

  40. Belated Happy Birthday wishes, Helen. You had a beautiful day for it and that pile of packages must have been such fun to open. Lots for you to experiment with too and how lovely are those cards! And what a lovely boss you have ... it's definitely much nicer to get outside when it's too hot to work. Birthday hugs, Elizabeth x #32

  41. Happy Belated Birthday, Helen! Looks like you had a fabulous day.

    Thanks for your visit last week. I'm late getting round 'cause I've been gone. See you tomorrow!
    Creative Blessings! Kelly #39


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