Wednesday 3 January 2018

WOYWW 448- Happy New Year!

Well, that was 2017 - over in a flash!  I hope 2018 will be kind and happy and healthy for all.

We meet once again for WOYWW for our latest desk sharing time.
I thought I'd have my last order from the Country View advent sale but it hasn't arrived yet.

I spent New Year getting a head start on some January birthday cards, I seem to have need for several - but can't share them here yet! 
After I finished my card making session, I was sorting through my new journals for the next one to start, when my friend Emma mentioned that France Papillon had just put a notice on her FB group page, about a new journalling challenge - fate!  I have been itching to start a new journal! 

so I have started that
 the challenge (open to anyone who is part of her FB group) is to do a journal spread over the space of a week, at a layer a day.  Anything you want...

so, the smaller white journal at the front, is the new one I'd decided to use, and I stencilled some light modelling paste through a stencil.  (Donna Downey)

I added some more to a black journal and a large one too, whilst I was at it. 

I added some gelato colours to the black page, but need to go and do my day 2 layer on the FB challenge page.

I'll be round to see your desk at some stage - but being back at work after the Christmas holiday is taking it's toll and I might just put my feet up first....


  1. Happy new Year Helen, I know I say this a lot but I really would like to join in with the WOYWW one day soon. Look forward to seeing your journal process throughout the year, i'm rubbish when it comes to completing journals.
    Best wishes for 2018 Tracey x

  2. Happy New Year Helen. Thanks for the heads up on the journal challenge - must look into it. Good luck with yours. Sounds my sort of thing.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  3. Hi Helen, never tried journaling maybe 2018 is the year. Looking forward to following yours. ANickoana#7

  4. Happy WOYWW. A layer a day sounds like a really sensible challenge. I wasn't going to sign up to anything this year, after hardly doing any of the Life Book last year. However, I saw a link to a FREE year-long crafty thing on the Facebook group for Mixed Up magazine, and signed up. It is run from Australia, so they did the first tutorial last night. I am going to check it out later. Only 2 tutorials per month, plus a weekly card project, so hopefully I will actually keep up. Will go and put a link on my blog post. Ali x #9

  5. Happy New Year. Looks like you’re enjoying a new challenge....I hope we get to see how the pages develop.
    Annie x #13

  6. Happy new year Helen! I see you are already getting on with it! I think your art journal will be lovely! I intend to start on a page today - will see how it goes!
    Have a lovely week!
    Love and hugs,

  7. Can't wait to see how your journal pages turn out. France Papillon has the most beautiful tutorials and creations. Have a great week.
    sandra de @10

  8. Happy New Year Helen. That page you have started, and the black page are looking good - I like the colours you have used on the black. Trust this will be a really special year for you.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  9. Hi Helen,that journal idea was really lucky then. Need to get some cards made up as well, I'm usually running late, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  10. Happy New Year!! I have a few hundred birthdays to make cards for in January too! enjoy the journals.
    Soojay 23

  11. Happy New Year lovely gal! I hope 2018 is a good one for you :-D. Hooray for having new projects to undertake, that flower on the black cover is gorgeous. Hope you have fun creating the new journal - sounds like the right thing at the right time!!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  12. The challenge sounds like fun, I love watching France Papillon's You Tube videos! I always get in an organizing/clearing out mood this time of year, so I don't think I will take on the challenge, but I will want to see what you do with it! Have a wonderful 2018, Lindart #28

  13. Happy New Year, Helen! I need to use my Gelatos! I have a lot of items in my stash that I intend to use this year! #34

  14. Hi Helen. I love the flower stencil! Good luck with the journal challenge. I'm looking forward to seeing the results. Thanks for stoppihg by. Have a lovely week Heather #11

  15. what an amazing idea for a challenge, I really like that, Happy new year to you!! Laurie, #32

  16. New Year, new journal! Brill! Enjoy both.... I know you will even though you are back at the grindstone.
    Take care
    Christine #29

  17. Happy New Year! Great way to start the year, a new journal! Bet it'll be gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by!
    Carol N #22

  18. Hi Helen and thank you for visiting me. I have a lot of January birthdays as well as other things I need to do but I just can't get into it. I look forward to seeing your journalling pages. Wishing you a very happy and health new year. Anne x #17

  19. Happy New Year Helen! I love that flower on the black - so classy!! xx

  20. Happy New Years Helen, sounds like the journal will be a fun project :)
    the flower looks very elegant on the dark background too! ~Stacy #27

  21. Oooh yay a new journal! Cannot wait to see some of the finished spreads from that challenge. Sounds fun.
    Ellie #24

  22. Happy new year! Enjoy your journaling challenge. Thanks for visiting,
    Bernice #35

  23. Happy New Year Helen, hope to see you at a Crop this year! I didn’t realise that part of the art of the journal was definitive layering, another day not wasted! Very impressed that you’ve knuckled down to the birthday cards...even with need being the motivator, getting back to it is hard!!

  24. Well done, Helen, making a start on your January birthday cards. I'm afraid I failed at the first hurdle this year - my friend whose birthday is on New Year's Day got an e-card from me this year!! Love the idea of the journal and look forward to seeing your progress on that. Thank you for your visit and your nice comment - yes, we laughed at Lily's choice of Youtube viewing lol! I have been practising my song for the funeral and today it went a lot better, so hopefully it will be OK! I'm getting together with the organist on Friday for a practice. Thing are starting to come together but there's still a load to do...

    Happy WOYWW and Happy New Year,
    Shoshi #3

  25. Hi Helen, I'm waiting for an order from Country View Crafts too but I believe they were on holiday until the 2nd so hopefully they will arrive soon. I am determined to do more journaling this year but we will just have to see how it goes. Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and a very Happy New Year, Angela x15x

  26. Love that first journal page. I understand about going back to work after the holidays. It's hard to get back into the grind. April #19

  27. Hey Helen, Happy New Year! Thanks for Swinging by my blog. I did the get ahead on Jan birthday last wk, and you are so right 2 days back at work taxed me! love your journal.Dropby my blog tomorrow and you'll see my new bullet journal. Claire #26

  28. Hi dear Helen, every blessing for 2018. You certainly have and are being busy, journals and birthday cards, at least your desk work is tidy! Unlike mine.
    Thanks so much for your great desky share.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #37

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  29. Happy New Year and belated WOYWW! Just getting around. With all those journals, you should be all primed and set for Wanderlust!!! I'll meet you there tomorrow!
    Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week.
    -K #32

  30. Happy New Year again. Yep, I've got a load of birthday cards to make, will have to make a start at the weekend - or at least when I've written the dates in the new calendar.......
    The FP journal challenge sounds like fun, looking forward to seeing your pages.

  31. Hi Helen, Have fun with the journal challenege.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW

  32. Happy New Year Helen, i like the sound of that FB challenge, I shall have to check it out. Any excuse to start another journal lol. I look forward to seeing your first finished layout. Sarah #6

  33. Cool stencil, certainly makes a statement. Looking forward to seeing how these pages develop. Thanks for the visit, sorry for the delay in replying BJ#15

  34. There really is something about a new journal! The France Papillon challenge looks great....bu I won't be joining Face book! Happy New Year to you!Chrisx


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