Friday 26 January 2018

France Papillon - ALAD/ASAW - week 4, Emotions in Shapes

Facebook group challenge - France Papillon and Creative Butterflies group - ALAD/ASAW (a layer a day/a spread a week) -Emotions in Shapes...

Found this a hard prompt to get started with.. but everyone loves circles so I used circles again..
Took lots of daily pictures of each stage, but all by artificial light or flash, so bear with me!

 my page was pre-gesso'd, and I added distress oxides in Fossilized Amber, Twisted Citron and Salty Ocean... the Fossilized Amber didn't show up as much as I wanted, so added some Wild Honey over the top. smooshed and blended them with water a bit...
When it was dry, I carefully (with a silicone brush) added clear gesso to seal it. That is the extra texture you can see in the colours)
Day 2, the first circles - a fantastic stencil by Stencil Girl (well part of a stencil (I wish they'd put the names on the packets, I don't know what this is called)  anyway, I used Deco Art crackle paste and let it do it's thing

(another never used before stencil!)

GORGEOUS crackles!

 Day 3 was more stamping - using the same colour distress oxides and a Dina Wakley stamp (I love this stamp)
if you click on the picture you will see some of the Honey/Citron stamping

Day 4 was some doodling - I could see faces in the crackle shapes so I decided to emphasise them (especially the one top left) 
Day 5, more circles, another stencil.  This is a That's Crafty Dinky stencil.  First, I used Paperartsy Fresco paint in Bora Bora ( a gorgeous blue/green) and when that dried, "bumped" the stencil - moved it just a fraction off centre to the original position and stencilled Snowflake Fresco.

 you get a great shadow.

it's ages since I used this technique

Day 6, more stamping, a Paperartsy JoFY Mini stamp - little circles and a criss-cross hatch design that mimics the shapes in the crackle and the other circles.

Doodled over them with a couple of Stabilo felt pens

close up of the doodles

Final layer - day 7, today
I had to decide on a title, and I needed words on my page..

Much searching of stamps in my (large) collection... until I used one that was staring me in the face from a Dina Wakley set.

Art Is Life,
Stop Thinking, Just Create. 

Edged the page in Black Soot distress oxide
Looking forward to the next prompt tomorrow..


  1. Another super duper page! The colours are really nice and love all the circles. You're right I think everyone does love circles. They are calming and comforting, unlike shapes with hard corners and angles. I love both the stencils you have used, the first one especially so and I've never seen it before.

    Lesley Xx

  2. I can’t believe how late I am visiting. Seems EVERYONE posted the one day I was gone. I really LOVE seeing how this page came together. It makes it fun for me to see how one entry builds on the next. This is fabulous.

  3. stunning page Helen - love this!

  4. I'm loving seeing these Helen! The circles were clearly part of your prompt but I love how you crackled them! A really lovely spread! Chrisx

  5. That's a wonderful page... it may have felt sticky to start with, but once those amazing crackled circles are in place it just keeps getting better. Love that stencil! I didn't know France was doing a Facebook challenge. Almost enough to make me yield to FB... but not quite!!
    Alison x

  6. Fab page, the crackle circles look great.

  7. Love the crackle circles! A fab page Helen! x


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