Wednesday 15 November 2017


Hi, fellow deskers.  Welcome to another What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday... I am still having to force myself to keep at the Christmas cards..
 A little pile of cards I've made  this week, (well at the weekend really) although I have made the fatal mistake of not getting out my wordy Christmas stamps to stamp inside as I go (I never use inserts, just can't be faffed!) 

some colouring being done too on the sheet on the left. and at top just under the teetering box of "stuff" are some of the trees I was using last time
On the craft mat you can see some dies...

so here is the pic I took of them (ready for today) when they arrived..

3 new Seth Apter dies for his Spellbinders range, and a stamp - it is called French Script ... it's quite a Gothic style so you can't (well, I can't) make out any of the words... but will make a good background. 

So, I should be eating dinner and getting some more colouring done (writing this before Tuesday dinner!)  - we'll see if that happens! 

Had a slightly damp trip to Kew on Saturday (couldn't miss two in a row) and snapped some great raindrop shots (they are all here if you have time)  but I'll leave you with my favourite to whet your appetite...
Happy desk day!! 


  1. Great Christmas card shots, it's whats on most peoples desk atm, I'll be glad when mine are finished. Loving Seth dies, hope to see what you make or create with them.. Beautiful raindrop shot btw.
    Have a great week.. Hugs Tracey

  2. Dies look fab and your stamping and colouring is quite festive. Just how I like it. I will be sitting down to my dinner shortly as well :)sandra de @4

  3. Morning Helen. Well done for plodding on with the Christmas cards. I have now officially given up! Many need to go abroad, and if they are not made by now... computer generated it will be. Great watery, rainy shot at Kew.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  4. Another one well on with her Christmas cards, Helen! Well done. The new dies look great, especially the text one - they are always nice for backgrounds.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #8

  5. Help! Another person who's well on with Christmas; I feel ashamed of myself. One of these days I'll get some more done LOL. Great Seth Apter dies and background stamp. Happy WOYWW Sarah #10

  6. Be sure that every Christmas card you make is one more than me as I’ve not started at all yet....I have thought about it now though so I guess that’s a start lol
    Annie x #9

  7. Hi Helen, I'm so loving watching you make your cards. It's great to see someone using the same stamps differently, I've just finished some more and must post a photo soon. Not seen the stamp before and loving it. Happy woyww your stamping friend, Angela x11x

  8. Love the new stash - the Seth Apter dies are fab, I love his stuff. The stamp is unusual, it will make a fab background, just giving the impression of text - Like it!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #17

  9. Hey Helen! Oh my goodness that gothic script stamp is lovely, can't wait to see you use it.
    Happy desking
    Ellie #19

  10. I do like a bit of Gothic writing, it'll make an awesome background. I hope you get through the Christmas cards - I don't know if you're like me, but if I HAVE to do something then I find it tedious! And that's why I buy my cards, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 15 xx

  11. Hi Helen, love wordy background stamps you can't actually read. You get the texture without the distraction of reading what it says! Loving the Christmas Cards, you always have some fab images. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  12. Happy WOYWW. Great Christmas cards. None made here - and I am probably going to write out some charity ones again this year. I love all that is Seth Apter (always watch his Periscope and other social media videos). I have none of his products (got everything on my Wish List) except for a book on my Kindle app. However, I was lucky enough to buy one of his mixed media pieces earlier this year - which I treasure greatly. My ambition is to go to one of his workshops. Ali x #22

  13. I am having Seth envy right at this moment. Love that script stamp - just fine for my 'dark side'.
    Loved your Kew pics.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. Those dies look great! And the xmas cards too! Happy WOYWW! xox Cheetarah #28

  15. Helen, poor you with the Christmas Cards.....when the fun fizzles out....ugghhh! I still love them though! Just too cute! Also I LOVE the Seth Apter goodies! What great projects! Gonna go check out your raindrop photos, I love looking at your photos, and just LOVE those gorgeous lavender flowers! Blessings, Felicia #26

  16. Hi Helen, thanks for your return visit! Glad you like the socks.


  17. Those are some fun looking trees on those Christmas cards. You are so good. I haven't done anything for Christmas yet so I better get to it! Dorlene #32

  18. Your Christmas cards look great, compared to mine, which are nonexistent! Someday . . . I really like that cross die, it looks so elegant. Have a great week.

    Suzanne #31

  19. Hi Helen, looks like it was a great trip through the gardens :) and fun things are piling up in your space too. ~Stacy #30 ( oh, I always have to force my self to stamp the insides and do the envelopes of Christmas cards too) ai ai lol

  20. Hi Helen, what a lot of tempting goodies on your desk today - but don't look at them!! ... keep on with those Christmas cards :D Gorgeous raindrop shot, I have very fond memories of Kew, one of my favourite places! Annie C #20

  21. had to do it didn't I? Follow the link to Kew .....
    Super new dies - I'm having to stop buying stash now and concentrate on Christmas pressies - I love Seth's work.
    Have a good week
    Christine #33

  22. I cant work out what to do with those SA dies - I'm so out of touch with non run-of-the-mill stuff! Loving the non traditional colours on the cards, so nice to please yourself. I dont do inserts either,and frankly, often, I dont stamp inside either, a lazy stamper!!!

  23. Looks like you've got quite the production line going now... the hat-trees are looking great! And I just love your rainy flowers - wonderful photo.
    Alison x

  24. Hi Helen,

    New dies will keep you busy.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #18

  25. Looks like you have a great start on your Christmas Cards! And great choices for your new toys! It is so nice to see beautiful colourful flowers, when all of mine are dead due to frost! Thanks for your earlier visit, have a great week! Lindart #25

  26. Oh my word those dies are to die for!!! Love them - no please don't tell me where I can get them - fatal!! Loving your colourful Chrimbo cards and yes I totally get the not doing inserts faff. Cold so much better this week, foot still sore and hot flashes are getting interesting. Thanks for the visit BJ#7

  27. Cards look great Helen! And, I have die envy! Lol!

  28. Yep with you about the faff of inserts-love the seth apter dies and looking forward to seeing what you make with them.
    Thanks for visiting my desk already

  29. Good morning, Helen. I have most all of my Christmas cards done - just not the inside. I'm horrid at getting that part done. I think that will work on that better in 2018.
    Look forward to seeing what you do with new script background. Might be quite elegant looking on a black and white card background. Love your photo from Kew. You get some great shots on your travels. Thanks for the bop-by this week. Always a pleasure to see you. Creative Blessings! Kelly #29


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