Friday 27 October 2017

Cheam Scream 2017

Today saw the second Cheam Scream Hallowe'en event in Cheam where I work, organised by Cheam Life, a local social media network that encourages community spirit in the local area.

My office at Monica Bradley Associates joined in again....

We decorated the office this morning in readiness for 3pm and the anticipated 1000 ish kids who'd bought wristbands to take part...

the sun was shining brightly, very un-hallow'en like!

Dressing up time!

 Josh cutting a dashing Dracula
 Josh and Leslie, looking the part

Leslie supplied the wall hangings,

Josh and Leslie  and the other Lesley.,  told you it was sunny!
Ready for 3pm and the start ....

 we were soon surrounded by witches and skeletons and all sorts..  there were some fabulous costumes!

 although we were in the quieter road, it was still busy!

It got a bit crowded outside...tried to have an in one door out the other... not very successfully!

 Monica and the daughter of one of her friends

 some scary final visitors...
 time for a welcome drink!
and a gorgeous sky as I got home!

I meant to write this on my photos blog, but can't change it now!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all!!

  2. Fab post Helen and the office decorations looked ace! Love the costumes and the kids looked to be having a great time. What a lovely community idea!

    Lesley Xx

  3. It looked fabulous's so great how your office plays such a large part in the community.

  4. That all looks like lots of fun - so glad you had a sunny day for it (though that's less spooky, I suppose!).
    Alison x

  5. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all!!

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