Wednesday 27 September 2017


well that week went fast again... here we are back to share our crafty workspaces once again. Julia as always, hosts
Amazingly, my floor shows signs of crafting activity - I don't really count the birthday cards because those were "must do"... at least both ladies liked them!

 but my large journal has been calling me... when I made the wedding card a few weeks ago for my work colleague Josh, I had turned the stencil covered in gloss gel paste down onto the empty page to get a reverse impression of the design and to avoid wasting the spare gel.

I took a couple of Lindys Stamp Gang sprays and spritzed over the page, and let it drip and run..

I filled some gaps with some DecoArt crackle paste
I added some distress oxides in toning colours (broken china and twited citron)

the right hand page has some tinted paste that I used for one of the birthday cards, smeared on randomly, (mixed up quite a bit more than I needed, as you can see) and although it doesn't show I added crackle paste to that too.

that's as far as it's got, the journal has been sat there since Sunday...

On Saturday I went to Kew, again.  I was keen to see some more of the temporary Sculpt at Kew exhibits...  just before I left, I saw one that was just perfect for our lovely LLJ -
the full post is here  but in case you can't stop by to see all of them, here is "Jan's"
not a very good picture, as I was in a rush at the time, I'll get some better ones  this weekend - I'll be heading back again this Saturday, it's the last day of their special opening early at 8am for members for the end of the season, so at least after this weekend, I get to have a bit of a lie in on a Saturday - but I'll be heading back lots after then anyway.

So, when you're all getting together at the crop at Margaret's I'll be at Kew - but with you in spirit - have a fabulous time, and take lots of pictures please!


  1. Morning Helen. we shall miss you - but know that you really enjoy going to Kew... he's quite a sculpture, isn't he? Well done on the journal page next instalment.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  2. Love how you use up stuff from elsewhere to start your journal pages, I should remember that! Super sculpture, did I mention "Hares" was my maiden name? Curious why you're not going to the crop although getting there from here would be a tad awkward. Happy WOYWW BJ#3

  3. Hi Helen. Great idea for your journal page, that hare is fab. Only visited Kew once but it is wonderful, hope to go again one of these days. Would have been fun to meet you - if I actually make it - hope to but have learned not to plan too much. Anne x #6

  4. Love that sculpture - must visit your other blog to see them all. Wish I lived closer as ~I so enjoy seeing things like that. Must see what Chatsworth has lined up.
    Well, I liked my journal page until I saw yours. What a lot of work you have put into it, but it has paid off and you have a beauty there. Both have green as the main colour - now what is there about green (except a certain someone is addicted to it that we both know)
    Have a great time Saturday.
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  5. I love to hear how you build up your journal pages Helen get such lovely results. Sorry to hear you're not coming to the crop but really hope you have a fun time at Kew.
    Annie x #10

  6. Oooh, that hare sculpture would look very nice in my new garden - was it just a bit too big to fit in your rucksack?! I love seeing artwork out of doors, there's an amazing place called Roche Court near Salisbury, which is free admittance, they have amazing artworks there including Anthony Gormley and Barbara Hepworth. We used to go there a lot!
    Love you journal pages too :-D
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx
    PS It'll be weird at the Crop without you...

  7. I look forward Helen to your photos of Kew... Love the Hare he looks fab... Great journal page I love the colours Aqua and Greens are my favorite ... your desk is full of wonder... Have a great week ahead... May #19

  8. Happy WOYWW. You are so lucky to live close to Kew. I always love it there and took hubby in 2014. It is far too big for me to walk around much now, so I would really enjoy being able to visit regularly to explore it properly. Ali x #26

  9. That looks like an amazing place to visit :) We are hoping our trees here will change colors this year rather than just drop all the leaves. ( weather has been wonky ) love your layers of color in the journal pages too Helen, tfs! ~Stacy #28

  10. Kew sounds like an awesome place! I love the rabbit! Isn't playing in a journal page fun? You never know what your going to get and where it will take you! Have fun! Have a great week, and thanks for sharing! Lindart #29

  11. Happy WOYWW (speed visiting). Sarah #30

  12. Thanks for your visit earlier.
    Will miss you at the Crop, but do enjoy your visit to Kew.

  13. Those pages look great so far!
    Love the hare too.

  14. Hi Helen, loving the hare. Interesting pages so far, hope we get to see more. Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x11x

  15. The journal page looks great. Have a great time at Kew, I'm off to your other blog to see the photos from last Saturday......

  16. Hi Helen, nice pages! I do the same. Any leftover paint etc, gets wiped off on a journal page and used in backgrounds. Love that rabbit sculpture!

  17. Lovely journal page -I love that blue. Cute bunny. :-)
    April #20

  18. Oh Helen, so sorry you can't come to the crop! I was looking forward to seeing all the woyww-ers!Anyway I like your art journal page and that rabbit is fab! Have a lovely time at the Kews and we will be thinking of you too!
    Lots of hugs,

  19. Hi Helen, Your journal pages look interesting.

    Love the Hare.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #16

  20. Love, love, love that hare... I'm a hare fan too! Gorgeous layers in that background, and in such lovely colours too. Wonder what's next!
    Alison x

  21. Great pages there Helen. The hare is lovely - I am sure I feel some hare dumfing coming along!! x Jo

  22. Must try and visit Kew next time I go to the UK. Love that hare. Have a good week and don't work too hard. Anickoana

  23. I've just had to point out distress oxides to hubby as I still haven't tried them and we were talking Christmas. I love the colours in your journal and I loved your sculpture photos - how fantastic are they!

  24. Love the detail in the sculpture and from what I can see, the area looks like the perfect reason to get out a bit early and enjoy a Saturday. Must be something in the air as I'm getting back to my art journals, too. Didn't realize how much I've missed them til I put the first slap on. LOL
    Thanks for the stop by. Yes, we had a fabulous summer with the girls I'm already stashing money back to insure we get a repeat next summer. Creative Blessings! Kel # 24

  25. Well done on the journal page next instalment.

    thai porn


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