Wednesday 19 July 2017


Welcome back... as I write this (Tuesday evening) it's getting dark.. but not dark from being late.. dark as it in might rain... we are forecast heavy thunderstorms... hope they're wrong!  It's very humid..

Anyhow, it is time to assemble for Julia's weekly WOYWW  (What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday)  and the first thing I am going to do is send you away.. if you want to of course - THIS is the link for the post about my day at Wimbledon last Saturday for the Ladies Final...  I know a lot of you have already been and seen, so thank you.
In case you don't have time to check out the post (there were a lot of photos!) this photo proves I was there...

at the last minute I found a new dress to wear... well, it was a posh hospitality package, we had to dress up!

Anyhows, onto my deak...

 this is actually a cheat, as it's from Saturday night when I got home - my souvenirs from the tennis - the towel (see below) in it's own clear holdall with a carrying strap, very useful (always good to know where your towel is, as every HitchHiker should know...)  - the ticket, the programme, the lanyard and the Karen Millen voucher (read the post for full details!)

I had to open the towel to check it out... not sure I will be using it, it's too good a souvenir to actually use!

I also had happy mail last week, in the form of.....

the new Distress Oxides - all at once, all together, all earlier than I expected.... and yes I gave the same place I got them from last time, another chance to deliver - which they did!

Once I'd recovered from Saturday . I had to have a little play...
these are the Oxides, applied over a gesso'd journal page, direct to paper and then smooshed around with a wet paintbrush.  Dried, and then threw some droplets of water at them...

just realised there should be another colour on there, the Black Soot... which I have used... sit tight a sec....

I stencilled Black Soot onto the background.

Obviously since then, the journal has sat on the craft mat waiting for something else to happen to it....  soon, journal, soon!

Ok, I've kept you long enough... off to the next desk!  Thanks for visiting.


  1. What a fabulous experience Helen and an added bonus to find all those goodies on your return. Love your Distress Oxide Patchwork of colours.. Look forward to seeing your finished Journal piece.. Hugs Tracey

  2. The towel looks wonderful. What a fabulous gift and a wonderful souvenir as part of the package Monica purchased. I can't believe Monica spent all that money on each and every person in her employ. I was telling Sally about it, and reminding her how the only thing I ever got from a boss was a frozen turkey one year at Thanksgiving. Your boss is far more generous!

  3. Morning Helen. I must come back later and read your Wimbl3don post and see your photos. I did look for you on the TV - but couldn't see you - sorry. It looks like a great day - and a real treat. What a boss.! Those two pages trying out your new paints are fun - I rather like them.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret - no number yet

  4. How fantastic to go to Wimbledon and to go in such style. You look smashing.
    Lynn x 6

  5. Well, in my post you will see I succumbed to buying some Oxides. Not sure which are the new and which the old colours of the ones I got. I just rang up and went through what I wanted - no browns! I have all the browns int he Distress Inks and rarely use them these days (used to but I have passed that stage).
    Fabulous dress, look the part mi' lady. And what fabulous souvenirs. If ever you get hard up you can auction that towel and get a fortune I am sure. Now I think it needs it's own space on the wall - display something like that - I am green with envy.
    Off to your other post now.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  6. Oh wow, you lucky girl! I went to Wimbledon back in the 1980s with a friend from college, it's a wonderful experience, isn't it?
    Happy WOYWW!
    Claire no. 2

  7. I did visit your Wimbledon post, but am very happy to talk about it again, what an amazing day you had..the hospitality is brilliant isnt it! I'm the same about souvenirs, except that now i force myself to get over it and then enjoy using them...but it takes a couple of years, and usually the 'souvenir' ends up being in the way or difficult to store, so I use it instead, and wonder why I didnt do it in the first instance!!
    The Oxides look nice..first pic I've seen that shows how smoothly chalky they appear. AM sure the journal will be patient, although Im guessing that you've got loads to say!

  8. Glad you enjoyed your hospitality package to Wimbledon, you certainly looked glam too.

    Lovely project pix too

    Happy WOYWW


  9. You looked fabulous in that dress for Wimbledon - I did read your post, what a fantastic day you were treated to :-D. And I always know where my towel is, being a massive HH's not as wonderful as yours though, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  10. What a fabulous Wimbledon experience, your stash of souvenirs is amazing too. I'm waiting for my new set of Oxides to arrive. They should arrive any day now as I ordered them at the first opportunity and before they were forced to put the price up. Happy WOYWW Sarah #17

  11. I'm rather late calling in today but yesterday ( on my day off!) I had a customer request 3 School Memory bears making for Thursday (yes tomorrow!) so I've been head down sewing all morning....have now got an evening dress to shorten and a gents jacket to shorten the sleeves on.....all being collected tomorrow!!
    Love your dress Helen....I kept an eye out for you on the telly but didn't see you. Looks like you had a wonderful time.
    Annie x #8

  12. What a day, Helen!!!
    .. And great to swishly dress for the occasion too, why not!! Look great, love the material. And the DOX. I'm way behind, won't get many more colours I've half a dozen. Mm black soot really finishes them off well, looks great stencilled like that.
    Thanks so much for your great desky share.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #13

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. Wow what a great experience to be at Wimbledon! And aren't the new oxide inks yummy? I LOVE them too! Have a wonderful week! xo Cheetarah WOYWW #22
    Contemplations of a Kitty

  14. Whoo! Look at you looking glamorous and beautiful! You really do look amazing :) My youngest daughter is a wee bit jealous - she'd love to go to Wimbledon. Great 'stuff' too - I would keep the towel and never use it either lol
    Have a great day! :)
    Bubbles #5

  15. Helen, WOW, you looked marvelous for your part! I don't own many dresses, so I'd be in a fix for that package! I hope you had a wonderful time! What a treat! And great souvenirs to boot! The best bit would have been coming home to happy mail! And great beginnings to a new project! Thanks for sharing those Wimbledon pix, they were fabulous! Blessings, Felicia #32

  16. I'm jealous of you regarding Wimbledon and also for the oxide inks (I must get some, I keep thinking about it). Hazel WOYWW 12 x

  17. Meant to thank you for your visit to my blog and for your comments. Have a good week. Hazel WOYWW 12 x

  18. you look so happy, what a neat gown and I am just a tinge green over your new inks. ( I need to make time to order some for someday when we get done with the remodel haha) :)

  19. What great souvenirs from your trip! And love the dress! Your pages are so colorful, very cool! Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
    Carol N #26

  20. Sound like you had a good time at the tennis, great souvenirs. So pleased your new Oxides have arrived too. Please show us the finished pages when complete. Thanks for the visit to mine and have a great WOYWW, Angela x9x

  21. What a great trip! I love the oxide inks. I can't wait to get the new colors!!!
    Have a great day!
    Diane #19

  22. Hi Helen, Your Wimbledon event looked fab. Your dress is lovely.

    Love the journal pages.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #11

  23. You look lovely in your dress. And how awesome to be at Wimbledon - great souvenirs! Have a great week. Dorlene #31

  24. Hi Helen,
    What a great time you must have had at Wimbledon. Your new dress and wrap look stunning.
    Aren't the distress oxides great. I don't have any of the new colors yet; I should go check Amazon..... The black definitely adds something to your journal spread. Can't wait to see what the next layer is!
    I'm visiting late this week!! Today is my last day on the job and I'm taking advantage!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (28)

  25. Cool Wimbledon experience, love the dress. Super page too, I like to use new stuff like that too, although not bought anything in ages. Was in The Works Thursday but only got a couple of paper 6x6 books glitter/metallic, not sure that counts. As it so DID rain on Tuesday night! Thanks for the visit BJ#16

  26. What a great post or should I say what great posts! I did look at every one of your Wimbledon photos and read it all too! Thank you for posting. I had no idea what a day at .Wimbledon would be like. Very educational for me. You looked lovely in your hat and scarf! And what a lovely treat by your boss! Ok , now to this post. I love the oxides, and I have gotten a few, but haven't played with them much. Love your journal page, and look forward to what else you do on it. Thank you for your earlier visit. #33

  27. What a brilliant experience. Have fun with the new inks. Sorry it's taken me so long to return your Wednesday visit. It's been one of those weeks!

  28. Wow - lucky you at the women's final (though if we're picking, it's Federer I would really love to see play!), and yes, definitely no using that towel! Love your Oxide smooshing - so glad they flew through the post this time around.
    Alison x


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