Wednesday 31 May 2017

WOYWW 417 - the atcs are landing..

.. which is somewhat embarrassing as I only had two (as you saw) to send out myself.
But first, let me welcome you back to WOYWW as we start the 9th year.. I was able to visit every desk last week but couldn't comment on the google + desks, sorry Sarah!

Despite having a long Bank Holiday weekend, I don't have any finished "stuff" to share as I just lazed about after going to Kew on Saturday morning (pics here if you are interested, some of you have seen already)

But first the atcs - I knew that Jo and Annie had kindly put me on their list of recipients but I was delighted to also receive one from Jan and yesterday from our lovely Julia too...
My swappee was Elizabeth (and Bleubeard) and hers is on it's way so I will share that another time.

top left is a dumfing beauty from Jo, top right is Annie; together with a card and poem inside.

bottom left ( or middle, really) is Julia's and bottom right is Jan's a gorgeous copy of her new blog header.

I think you will agree, that they are all gorgeous.

there is a bit of faffing going on again in the journal though, although it's not done yet and I haven't taken the picture in close up just to tease you a bit!

short and sweet for me today, happy desking.


  1. You should wake up. Julia has already posted and I'm not playing this week. Too many end of the month things to take care of. You got some incredible ATCs. They are simply STUNNING. And yes, mine is on its way.

  2. Happy WOYWW. All of the ATCs are fantastic. I will be showing what I received next week, when I have some crafting on my desk to pose them against! Yes, I will be blogging and Instagramming about our Silverstone trip - it may get boring if you are not a crazy F1 fan like me! We have our new car now, a very posh Maserati, so that will feature too. Ali x #7

  3. Isn't it nice to get an unexpected atc - I got one but I see you got two or four. Off to see the Kew pictures now because you won't share the journal page in more detail.
    `Hugs, Neet 13 xx

  4. Great collection of ATC's and the journal page is looking pretty fantastic. Sometimes I find the backgrounds so pretty I can't imagine putting anything else on top. Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @5

  5. Oh lucky you, I still have some left too, so if I'm passing you never know..........
    Thanks for the visit BJ#11

  6. So glad to see the ATCs arrived safely. Hope you have a fun week.
    Annie x #17

  7. I had to send you one Helen, you're always the first person to comment on my blog each week and I really appreciate that! I'm glad you had a laze about, you seem to have been on the go recently - your allium pics are quite stunning. I must plant some in my new garden :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xxx

  8. Happy WOYWW... Love the ATC's Love the journal page Have a happy week ahead...May#19

  9. Love those ATC's Helen, and your journal page is great.I have neglected my journals for a while.I have got them out now- you have inspired me!
    Have a great end of week, and good next week.June nearly!!Just too scary!!

  10. Don't worry about not being able to comment. I'll have to get my son to look at the page and see if there's something we can do as he is far more IT savvy than me. Lovely collection of ATCs and I look forward to seeing that journal page in all its glory. Sarah #22

  11. Isn't it nice to get an unexpected atc - I got one but I see you got two or four. Off to see the Kew pictures now because you won't share the journal page in more detail.
    `Hugs, Neet 13 xx
    (second time I have tried to send this - just found it on my desktop but it would not allow to send)

  12. Lovely ATCs, and no harm in taking it easy, or faffing, such moments in life are savoured far more than the rushed frenzy of a busy week... Dxx 27

  13. Hi Helen. Those surprise ATCs are lovely - Isn't it great getting them all through the post?! A real treat.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #9

  14. I love 'faffing' - sometimes it's my favourite part of a project :)
    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
    Bubbles #31

  15. What a fabulous collection of ATC's you had. I love a bit of a faff - looking forward to seeing how it all develops.
    Have a great week - I need a rest after reading about your six miles round Kew!
    Diana x #23


    Great looking ATC's

    lilian B #35

  17. Lovely ATCs! One of these years I will join too...! Nice busy desk - I really have to get to my next journal page this week! Looks like you have a great start on yours. Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41

  18. Been looking at Kew ..... wonderful photos, love all the different views.
    hope that you can finish your journal page soon.
    have a good week
    Christine #25

  19. Great ATC's Helen isn't it fabulous when the little delights arrive.I'm not taking part this week, I haven't had time unfortunately and still trying to catch up on last week too !. Looking forward to the close ups of the work in progress journal page.Hope you have a good crafty week hugs Andrea x

  20. Glad our little ATCs arrived safely -it's just a bit of fun and Annie and I will get together to swap post tomorrow so even more WOYWW ATC fun! x Jo

  21. Great ATCs! I just sent mine out but posted it anyway. And just got mine from Kim but haven't taken its photo. Thanks for the visit and have a great rest of the week!
    Carol N #34

  22. It's such a joy to receive little envelopes of art instead of the usual bills isn't it? You are teasing us with your page but I like anyone who faffs about...I do a lot of that!!
    Thanks for stopping by earlier.
    Hugs Lisax #26

  23. You have some wonderful ATCs there! Love how your journal page is coming along! Hugs,Chrisx

  24. Hi,
    Love the wonderful journal. It's inspired me to dig out my papers and have a go!
    Katie xx

  25. Lovely collection of ATCs and great journal page too. I don't know what made me think of using the Tax discs it was just that I happened to be there when my friend was having a clear out and there they were and so many, just had to play with them. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy crafty woyww, Angela x21x

  26. oooh Thanks Helen, I had not thought to add glue to the tape haha :)
    Stacy #40

  27. Hi Helen.Thanks for popping by this week. Pretty ATCs you've received. Since I missed the last couple of weeks I am behind but hope to have mine ready to mail this weekend. Creative Blessings! Kelly #36

  28. Helen Wonderful ATC's you have there and love the colours you've used in your journal pages so peaceful looking
    hugs Nikki 10

  29. Nice collection of ATCs Helen! Sometimes I do journal backgrounds which I like so much I don't want to cover them :)

  30. Great ATCs. I'll have to take part next year. Have a wonderful and thanks for visiting me earlier. Dorlene #39 not to be confused with DArlene #38 LOL

  31. Lovely set of ATCs you have. Lots of short posts this week must be the Bank Holiday weekend. Have a good week ANickoana #6

  32. Hi Helen, Lovely ATcs. Your journal page looks great.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #24

  33. Just wanted to thank you for stopping by to view my bag. Big hugs, Angela xXx

  34. Happy happy ATC mail! Looking forward to getting a closer look at that journalling too.
    Alison x

  35. Hi Helen, you've received a lovely lot of ATCs. They're all so different too. I'm off to check out your Kew Gardens photos now. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #33

  36. There is a glitch in my e-mail. I received your message that you had received my ATC (WOW, that was FAST), but when I tried to send one to you, it wouldn't allow me to. Sorry there weren't more "goodies" in the package, but I hope you liked the paper. I chose it for the color.

  37. Happy super belated WOYWW! Such wonderful ATC's!, and your journal pge looks promising! Have a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by.
    -K #32

  38. I just read about the Saturday night bombing on London Bridge. I hope none of it affects you.


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