Wednesday 10 May 2017

WOYWW 414 - an oops moment

Hi deskers welcome to another Wednesday WOYWW  As always our lovely host is Julia

Regular visitors will be not at all surprised to learn I have done nothing with either the book or the box yet.
On to the desk... a tale of oops indeed..  Artist Trading Post recently got in some Lindy's sprays.  Everyone I know raves about these sprays.. I took advantage of a special offer and ordered 4 to give them a go... They came on Thursday.  I opened the parcel at work and thought... oh.  bubble wrap looks kind of orange.  Didn't think much more of it...

I didn't unwrap the bubble wrap till the following morning, sitting on the sofa, ready for work, in black trousers...
You can see from the picture the mess... no wonder the bubble wrap looked orangey (gold actually) - one of the bottles had smashed in the post and the powder (you mix it yourself with warm water) was everywhere.. including my trousers..  This is how I left it and went to work..
sparkling gently....

On Saturday I salvaged what I could and tipped the remaining powder into a bottle (not a lot!) . What I thought was a bottle lid just not being screwed up tight, was a completely smashed bottle.   I tipped the powder contained in the bubble wrap onto a couple of journal pages and spritzed with water..
two very gold pages - one in my smaller (A5) journal and one double page spread in the big A4 one...

very very gold!
later on in the weekend I added to the big pages - the tree is a huge foam stamp by Donna Downey - you may have seen some of her stamps, they come glued to an acrylic mount.

I used cut and dry foam to apply black paint (Little Black Dress by Fresco) - the lumpy pages beneath made the stamping a bit wobbly, so I filled in some bits with a paintbrush.

it's not all bad news though, as ATP are sending a replacement (and a second, as compensation) which should be here soon.. So a big thumbs up for service - thanks Sue!
And, thank goodness it comes as dry powder, not ready mixed spray!!

Have a good week, and happy WOYWW!


  1. What a disaster - still alls well that ends well! Sorry but you will have to wait until next week as I won't be able to visit desks again this week!
    As for the cinema - we use a 2 for I ticket for the cinema so it is quite a bargain. sometimes we go to Odeon Silver Screen showings which are for over 55's - usually the films are about 4-6months behind their original showing date, but at £3 each and coffee and biscuit included it is a better bargain still - these showings are at 11 and 2 on Tuedsays and Thursdays swapping times for different films on the 2 days. Of course we don't take food to those - in fact we only took food this time because the film we wanted to see was at lunch time and being diabetic I had to eat(which we did when we got in while the adverts were on) Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Oh dear Helen, hope it came out those trousers?? Lovely golden hue on your journal page and the black stamped image really does make an impact. Bonus to be getting an extra as well as your replacement.. Well done Sue indeed, my order arrived Thursday too :)) Same time next week Helen, have a good one.. Hugs Tracey xx

  3. Something good came out of what began as a disaster - you got another two bottles and already had gold pages. You must let me know what you think of those sprays, I remember dem'ing them at a show.
    Like the big bold black image against the gold . Enjoy!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. I love the gold "disaster" - and can only imagine how smart you will look in the trousers if they are now gold and sparkly too!! xx Jo

  5. Oh dear a new trend in black and golden trousers. Craft suppliers are usually good whenever I have had damage goods they have always been replaced - well apart from one company!! You made good use of the damaged product just like a crafter throw nothing away. Anickoana.

  6. Don't you just hate it when that happens.
    I bought five lovely vintage dinner plates off eBay and everyone was in a million pieces. Silly woman had put kitchen towel paper between each one then wrapped them in a cereal box and brown paper.
    Needless to say I got my money back
    Lynn 14

  7. I think we should all sparkle gently every day! It would make life seem so much prettier 😊 I'm glad they're replacing the broken bottle though, maybe they need to rethink the packaging! The tree stamp is lovely btw 💖
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xx

  8. Well I do like a bit of sparkle :-) Seriously though I am amazed at times the way some things are packaged to go through the post - some folk lacking plain common sense. Hope the trousers cleaned up. Like the gold pages. Anne x #17

  9. Oh, pretty! What a shame the bottle had broken though. I had to smile about you going off to work "sparkling gently" - thank you for brightening up an already sunny Wednesday Morning :)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    Bubbles (PatchworkApples) #13

  10. I'm glad that everything turned out OK in the end. Hope the powder came out of your trousers OK. Lovely pages with the trees. The gold is certainly amazing. Sarah #25

  11. Hi Helen, great customer service there- always deserves a shout out. You saying Lindys stamp gang reminded me of something. I have some lovely 2 tone Embossing Powders, that were bought quite a few years ago, and I assumed they were no longer available, then I saw them on the Lindys Stamp Gang site, so they must be making them now. Great, 'cos I can get some more colours, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxXx

  12. Love the gold, but perhaps not everywhere, glad they're compensating you well, and love the tree stamp too Helen. Happy WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
    Shaz in Oz.x 20

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. One of my mottos- when in doubt- add gold!! way to make a design element out of a n oops!
    Robyn 3

  14. Great service from ATP. Sorry about the trousers, but hey - gentle sparkling is never, ever a bad thing really! You rescued well, looks as though you've used gold leaf on the pages, really lush!

  15. As I read your post, Helen, I was thinking, oh no, the paint is going to go everywhere, that was until I got to the bit about it being powder and then was so relieved for you but I can still imagine that it made quite a mess. However, you sparkled for a day and that can't be a bad thing. And the pages you created with the saved powder, though very, very gold, do look lovely. That tree stamp is gorgeous. Great service from ATP. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #11

  16. Im playing catch up after my fun morning with little Theo.....he's a real pleasure to look after. He left after lunch and since then I've had to catch up with urgently needed sewing so am rather late joining in today.
    Oops indeed. Guess it could have been worse but a mess for you non the less. Bet you sparkled at work though lol
    Hope you have a good week.
    Annie x #5

  17. Hi Helen. Just adore your gold - oh so gold - pages! The thought of you going out to work shimmery is a lovely one!! Glad you got such excellent service.
    No post from me this week as I have spent the day at Bodnant gardens with a friend. Glorious - assaulted by colour, shape and scent.
    Take care. God bless.

  18. Did anyone notice you were sparkly at work??? Great salvage and super great compensation. Got my plain driving glasses today and they are GREAT, hope the varifocals work as well. Thanks for the visit earlier. BJ#21

  19. thanks for your visit earlier.
    OMG! As you say thank goodness it was a powder. Look forward to the finished pages.
    Christine #22

  20. Pearshaped said it first - All's well that ends well. That is the loveliest Oops i've seen in a very long while. Beautiful, in fact. You've just illustrated what the old saying means:"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
    Rose of Rose's Art Garden

  21. Oh poor you, Helen, what a disaster! I had to laugh though - a very gold page, very gold trousers, and not just one, but two replacements on the way - methinks the colour scheme in your work for the next few years will be..... gold? Lol! Love what you did with the pages though - that's a great tree stamp and I love the fact that the gold doesn't go to the edges of the pages and there are some white patches too - it's a great background! Thank you for your two lovely comments and your sympathy over my health difficulties recently. We'll get through it all, I've no doubt, but it's a rather frustrating situation. Scan on Sunday, then we'll see.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #19

  22. I don't understand some companies. If they are going to send stuff by post they should make sure the packaging is up to it, still at least they are sending you a replacement but what about your trousers! Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x16x

  23. Hi Helen, Good save with the gold powder and well done the company for replacing it and second a second as compensation.

    The gold journal pages with the trees are fab.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #18

  24. The pages are lovely. I don't think there are ever disasters in creating! Sometimes things just don't go as we planned but that can make a beautiful creation!

    Thanks for the visit!
    Angie #30

  25. What a great way to make lemonade from lemons! Good save onto your journal pages - which looks awesome! Too bad the jar broke in transit - you might just want to let them know so they can package them better in the future (and maybe they will send you another one!) Sorry I'm so late this week! Lindart#37

  26. hi, Helen thanks for visiting yesterday had issues with the internet, ongoing problem drives me nuts ! sorted for now hence late visit. Good use of a leaky bottle and fab service from the company.I like the trees and looking forward to seeing how they develop have a good weekend Andrea #4

  27. Oh that was unlucky with the post but lucky you were wearing black trousers (albeit now sparkly) 😊😊

  28. Eek - so glad you were able to make use of some of the exploded powder - and how good of Sue to leap into action to compensate you (though not for the glittery appearance you made at work!). Love that tree stamp - may have to investigate DD's foam stamps while I'm over here...
    Alison x


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