Wednesday 26 April 2017


Wow, Wednesday again already!  Time to assemble at Julia's once again for our weekly desk share...

Still can't show you my remaining Oxides - but I have had the email saying they're on the way.. which will mean I have the full set.   It also means they will probably turn up today at work..
 I mentioned in my post on Saturday (below this one) that I'd bought some bits - just a few - at the Stitching and Hobbycrafts show at Excel (which I wrongly named Stitching and Papercrafts in my blog post)
here they are.  a metre of calico, some lengths of rikrak and some flowers.  nothing exciting at all!
On Sunday I was playing with the Oxides I do already have and getting some backgrounds started for (hopefully) some birthday cards..
you may recognise the Carabelle stamps from last week on the A4 sheet of card sitting on my journal.

Still to decide if these will make the grade for the cards I need for early May.. if I remember, I will share the results! I have been really bad at remembering to photograph finished cards lately before getting them in the post!

I did find it hard to blend the Oxides on my journal - I think it would have helped if I'd prepped the page with gesso or white paint. I definitely need more play time with these - but I do love the soft colours and the way you can layer colour on top of colour without it muddying.   The images stamped on the journal page are some of Elenazinski for Paperartsy

Hope to catch up with your desks soon.


  1. I do love your Wednesday workdesk blogs Helen but they always make me feel like i've peeked over someones garden fence Haa haa!! You wouldn't know I had a workspace with everything I have on mine. Look forward to seeing what you create with that lovely calico.. Have a great day Hugs Tracey xx

  2. Odd that you call that calico. To me, calico has repeating images, usually flowers. Same word, very different meaning.

  3. Now, is the calico and ric rac for something to do with Powertex? I am wondering what you are going to do with it. Or are you going over to fabrics like so many.
    Shame about the Oxides but enjoy playing with the ones you have. I have not bought any! Not like me ayt all.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  4. Hi Helen, gorgeous journal page, so love the Oxides. I see you've had chance to look at that gorgeous cardi. I think you may have seen it at mine as it was there at the NEC when I went to the craft show. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x8x

  5. I love the pastel colours you're working it Helen. So pretty.
    Annie x #9

  6. The oxides definitely work better on smoother surfaces, although I find that really loading up the blending tool and using firm strokes helps too; tentative and light is not the technique with these. They work fabulously well on the manilla tags from Ranger (the original ones, i haven't tried them on the new heavy cardstock yet). Happy WOYWW Sarah #15

  7. "Playing with the Oxides"" made me giggle as a picture of a bunch of kids playing games on the street popped into my head haha
    "Right you lot come in for your tea now" shouted Mum hahaha
    Lynn 12 x

  8. You are really being kept hanging on with the Oxides aren't you - I love the anticipation of waiting for new goodies, but it would be turning into frustration by now! Hope they arrive today. Love the stamping on those gorgeous backgrounds - the colours are beautifully soft and muted.
    Have a greatg week,
    Diana x #16

  9. It's interesting to read about the oxides as I know nothing about them but have been reading an awful lot on others' blogs. It's good that the colours don't turn into the usual muddy brown :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xxx

  10. I was watching someone using oxides the other day who put them on her craft mat, spritzed them and then picked them up like ordinary distress inks, but they didn't blend but stayed true to their colours. It looked really good. I have my eye on them, but waiting for pennies to allow.
    Love your fabric buys.
    Hugs Lisax #17

  11. The colours of those Oxides are really lovely. I still haven't investigated the differences between these and the regular Distress inks. Probably best I don't!

    Fiona #21

  12. Hi Helen, I admit I'm still a little on the fence regarding the Oxides, love the soft colours, the layering ability, but not so sure about the inability to get smooth blends because of that layering ability. Think if they do more colours- which I'm sure will come in time, I may get a few, but wouldn't want them all. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 XxXx

  13. that page with the big flowers and windows is so lovely, love the pastelcolors and those stamps are awesome, the other day I saw a video from TH on the distress oxides because they keep popping up everywhere, looked cool, not sure whather I really need them though. Happy WOYWW, Vicky #6

  14. Hi Helen, well getting in tad early for change for me .. cant recall if made it to your last week as better at commenting but still not good.
    Mm loing oxides must confess what I've seen on them in going around .. esp on you tube videos .. just a guess but maybe they're like gelatos and need to be blended asap, gelatos are best worked as you lay it down and maybe they're the same .. just thought.
    They're on my hope to be one day list..if get to craft show in June maybe?

    Be interested which are your fav colours??.. so far my choice is tumbled glass and cracked pistachio.
    Also want to know can you emboss with them ie stamp a greeting, or whatever and heat emboss it??
    Thanks so much for sharing your desk and happy WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x #20

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  15. Well they look exciting to me!
    Love the soft multicoloured background.

  16. Wow such gorgeous colours! I love the backgrounds. The Journal page looks beautiful.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon k#29

  17. Not bad stash there, useful way to spend a free ticket as well.
    Take care and have a good week
    Christine #19

    PS Hope those oxides DO arrive.

  18. Wow! Lucky you to have (almost) all the oxides! I haven't got my first one yet! They look awesome on your journal pages! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #34

  19. Thank you for all the information on how the oxides work. I haven't broke down yet and ordered any. And they aren't in the local stores yet either. Enjoy! #35

  20. Ooh... those colours! Such an inspiring desk :)
    Have a Wonderful Wednesday
    Bubbles #32

  21. Now this is the first time I've actually been able to 'see' the finished oxide effect. its very pretty. Bit f a bugger that it wont blend too well on an a regular paper surface. or am I reading too much into it?! he colours are quite lovely aren't they. Hope your trek to Exel wasn't a disaster - something lacking, judging from your limited purchases!

  22. Hi Helen, Always nice to get new stash.

    Loving your background papers and your journal.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #10

  23. Gorgeous, gorgeous pages with the DOs, Helen - makes me want to try mine out SOON! I'm disciplining myself to finish my current project (Infusions mini-album) before even opening my new ink pads! One day, one day... The colours are so juicy! Thank you for your lovely comment - yes, it's a busy time Chez Shosh at the moment with lots of loose ends needing tying up which is a bit frustrating.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #27

  24. Didn't know what oxides were, thank goodness for Google.I lead a very sheltered life here in the forgotten province of Spain. Love all the exciting colours though. Have a good week. Anickoana #3

  25. I have yet to get my hands on any oxides, but your journal pages make me want them even more - they are gorgeous!

  26. I love your colour shadings! Have a good week, Lynne#30

  27. I, too, always forget to photograph my cards... I guess that's because I always create them last minute and have to run to get them in the mail on time... Thanks for visiting my blog earlier - I had a lot of appointments last week so I am very late with paying a visit back... hope you had a lovely weekend! Hug from Holland, Marit #16

  28. Gorgeous chalky backgrounds. I'm so obsessed with the wrinkle-free distress technique that I haven't even tried blending the Oxides yet. I expect it'll be easier on some paper surfaces than others. Clear gesso might also be interesting to try as a primer. Love how the Zinskis look - very cool to use outline stamps because then you still get to see all that Oxide prettiness.
    Alison x


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