Wednesday 12 April 2017

WOYWW 410 - the post Ally Pally one...

Hi, lovely deskers.  It's Wednesday again, and time to bare all (desks, desks!) once more..
Julia is as ever, our wonderful host here

Now, Ally Pally on Saturday -   a fabulous day out - glorious sunshine - friends - shopping - what more could a girl want?

You may have seen the full post of the day in the previous post (here if not)
I did meet some deskers  - Dolores, Erika and Cindy - but failed to get any pictures with/of them!
I know you'll want to see the stash even if you don't have time to read the whole day's story.

I think you'll agree that is quite a small haul for me! ***(excuse to follow)

you probably can't make out in the first photo, the small stencil that was probably made for me - or indeed, several of us deskers...
here's a close up!
I don't have a clue when I'll use it, but I had to buy it!

*** Since I got home, I have ordered some more stamps from That's Crafty - some stamps by Carabelle Studios - I saw a gorgeous one on a stand on Saturday but research on the spot (where would we be without mobile technology!) proved I could save several ££ by getting it online... so there will be new stuff next week again too!

For now, I will leave you and let you get back to the link... thanks for stopping by..
I would like to say too, that I am sorry I can never leave a comment on the Google Plus ladies as I simply won't join Google Plus but I do always love your desks!


  1. A magnificent horde on your desk today Helen, I am envious of your Ally Pally visit, I would love to attend but it's a little too far for me to travel.. I too would have brought the *I'm Creative...* stencil it would answer so many questions for me..!! Have fun with those goodies.. Hugs Tracey xx

  2. I will definitely be looking out for that stencil at Port Sunlight. I've found That's Crafty to be a good source for Carabelle stamps too. Love the stash. I'm counting down the days to Port Sunlight now as it's the only show that I go to all year, although I spend enough online! Happy WOYWW Sarah #8

  3. Hi Helen yes it's good to be back! You have a lovely selection of new stash to play with.....if only! Lol
    Lynda B #11

  4. Ooooh, I'd love to go to Ally Pally, I think I would have brought home far more than you have. That last stencil is brilliant, I want one too, but like you I'm not sure what I would use it for.
    Chris #10

  5. Oh some lovely stencils there Helen and a WHITE pen, is it one of the ones which keeps going? I've never found one that works yet..... Thanks for the visit. BJ#5

  6. Morning Helen. Goodness - you had FUN! I just love the creative stencil... oh how true is the sentiment! That bird wing stamp is beautiful too. There are some of the google plus folk I can't comment on either without joining google plus - I don't do it either! Odd, though, that many google plus folk I can actually comment on - must be the way it is all set up...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  7. SMALL HAUL?! Surely not! Looks like you will be having a great time breaking the seals on that little lot - ENJOY



  8. Love the new stash esp the last stamp.....I think that applies to us all.
    Annie x #15

  9. Bit short of time today as I have to go and see a friend who has broken her arm but just have to say I love all those stencils (back later to view the stash). I have the Stencil girl leafy one but not used it yet so look forward to seeing what you do with it. Ally Pally looks gorgeous but never been, just a bit far for me all on my own. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela xXx 20

  10. So glad you had a wonderful time at Ally Pally!! That is a great haul of new stash - loving the butterflies especially. That last stamp made me hoot - errrm, hands up all of us that it applies to!!
    Hugs, LLJ 13 xxx

  11. Happy WOYWW. Great stash from Ally Pally (another show I have always wanted to go to). Ali x #22

  12. Hi Helen, lots of lovely stencils I see, and I'd have had to buy that one too. In fact I'm pretty sure Doug would have insisted it was written with me in mind! Ally Pally is on the to-do list for one of the years. :)
    Agree about the tech- I have Microsofts One Note on my phone, just to keep track of my crafting supplies and stop me buying duplicates. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 XxXx

  13. I think that quote is perfect for many of us Deskers!

    Fiona #29

  14. Hi Helen, I enjoyed both your posts - great photos. I spotted that brilliant stencil immediately - it was made for me too. So impressed with the stamp and stencil collection - very nice. Have a great holiday weekend. Elizabeth x #27

  15. Yeah, I've enjoyed both posts too. And, hey, this afternoons sunshine on my desk had me considering the bare all theory!! Didn't notice that TH alphabet before, that's scrumpy innit. As for the stencil, well, I would have brought it too!!

  16. We all need that stencil. In US I found they cost more at shows than online. Quite amazing. Now you just have to get busy and use them so you need more.
    Monica #31

  17. Love the haul... and I'm sure you'll find lots of crafty things to create with it all :) Love that mask - I'd make a plaque with it and hang it right inside my front door so when visitors arrive, I don't have to explain the mess - I'll just point to my creation lol

    Here's hoping your Wednesday was a wonderful one!

    Bubbles #26

  18. Yep, love the stencil! Dorlene #34

  19. Hi Helen, You'll have fund with all your new stash. I love the crafting quote.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #17

  20. Hi Helen, great collection of stencils and stamps. You must be sitting on a small fortune with all those goodies on your desk.
    sandra de @23

  21. Sorry I am so late, visitor got i the way of commenting yesterday and I was flat out trying to do my journal post for today in the evening. Sorry.
    Lovely haul, even if it is a bit small by your standards, but I do like the large stencil next to the letters - looks great. Now pray tell where I can get some Carabelle stamps a little cheaper please.
    Have a lovely Easter, look forward to seeing what you are up to.
    Hugs, Neet xx 3

  22. Oooh so many fun things followed you home Helen, I think I will be living vicariously through these visits while the work is being done so, I had to laugh over that stencil too. ~Stacy #32

  23. Lovely goodies to play with! Such restraint. LOL Though when I go, I do try to stick to a budget. I'v found taking set amount in cash and only using cash helps. :-) Look forward to seeing what you ordered. Thanks for stopping by. Creative Blessings! Kelly #33

  24. WOW! Awesome lot of stuff you got at Ally Pally! Had planned on going to a similar even in Dallas but health being what it is I stayed home. I love the new stencils coming out and I guarantee you that I am in the same boat when it comes to cleaning or crafting there is a standing decision on that! Hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by my desk earlier! Vickie #38

  25. What a wonderful these stashes Helen!! I'm looking forward to seeing what you are making to. xx

  26. I think it's just as well I was in the wrong country for Ally Pally... I'd have been spending too. I want EVERYTHING in your first photo, and all that 7 Gypsies stuff Leandra showed in her Periscope too...

    Stunning stencils too - the alphabet and the script - whose are they? I need to shop!
    Alison x

  27. Aaah…so that explains it!!!! Wondering now which Carabelle stamps caught your eye as I have my eye on quite a few (I have been saving!!!) Love the stencils - a few crafty gifts coming up I think!!! Happy Easter, Chrisx


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