Wednesday 27 April 2016


Hello and welcome to another Wednesday... time for WOYWW once again.. hard to believe in a few short weeks we'll be celebrating the 7th anniversary of this desk-fest!  If you don't know what this is or want to know more, check the link to Julia's gaff, here  I' m not sure if I'll get time to make more than the one official atc to swap, so don't want to commit just yet...

I don't have much on show on my desk   floor space today, a couple of part done journal pages (starting as mop up from the weekend's play for the Wanderlust journal pages (here and here )
so I'm giving you a bird's eye view..
hmm think it makes it look even more cluttered  busy!

Short and sweet for sure today, I'll do my best to make it to all the desks who visit me at the very least!


  1. It looks a wonderful place to create..even if your knees do protest!

  2. You've given me a yearning for a desk dedicated to Papercrafting just so I can leave everything out and roam over to it anytime I get the urge
    Lynn 12 x

  3. Indeed, busy not cluttered, haha. I just looked at your Wanderlust pages, wonderful, I'm so way behind, I even have to see 3 lessons or so. thx for your early visit already Vicky #6

  4. It's tedious when life gets in the way of crafting huh?! If I didn't have the buntings to be getting on with, I don't know what I'd be sewing at the moment.... Great Wanderlust pages, btw :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xxxx

  5. Gosh Helen, nothing new today! you look busy though, great pages. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 21

  6. I marvel each time I see your work space.It's quite a while since kneeling was an option!!I'd need a fork lift to hoist me up!!Have a lovely rest of the week

  7. Nope, don't know how you manage on the floor!! Looking busy as always. Have a goof Wednesday x Cindy #13

  8. What a lot has happened in the last 7 years Helen. I feel so blessed to be part of such a lovely group don't you?
    Have a great week.
    Annie x #10

  9. It's hard to believe this has been going for 7 years! I've been in and out depending on what I had posting on Wednesdays for several years now. I don't think I've been here for 7 years though. Love your space but could never play in the floor, as I would never be able to get up. Glenda #30

  10. Morning Helen. Thanks so much for already visiting - we also have had some snow this week... although only a flurry amidst the hail!!! But, the air feels different - so much so that I have been tempted out into the jungle. I'm not a person who spends days each week doing gardening - just do it when there is time between caring for John.
    Great space this morning - you say there isn't a lot going on - but it always looks wonderfully creative to me!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  11. Your desk always looks like it is bursting with creativity. The wanderlust workshop seems to be a great buy.
    sandra de @31

  12. Loving the pinks on those journal pages.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #26

  13. It looks like a veritable treasure trove of goodies there in the corner. Happy WOYWW. Susanne #38

  14. Looks like you've been very busy. Love your journal pages. The one with the flowers is great and such a good technique.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #46

  15. See that view just makes me want to come and play! Take care Zo xx 44

  16. I love that view, how marvellous to be able to have everything within reach - jealous! me! not much lol
    I sometimes feel very constrained in my little room, but PJ says no to moving into a bigger bedroom!!!
    Take care and have a good week

    Bishopsmate #49

  17. I should just start scrapping on my floor. More then 1/2 my stuff is there anyway!!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #36

  18. Loved the wanderlust pages, you are doing well with that challenge, huh! The mop up oops God too, bnut more exciting .... At this angle we get to see the 1% of stuff that you keep to hand; all those colours of ink pad and all the mediums too - bliss! When you think of something, do you unthink it if you can't immediately last your hands on it? I do.

  19. Hi Helen, interesting view of your desk today. You seem to have everything close at hand, ready for crafting action :) Hope you have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #40

  20. Wow what a lot of goodies you have to create with! Anne x #56

  21. you really have so much space to spread out on the floor it looks like. I feel like sometimes playing on tables really limits how much you can have drying at once so this is just fun to visit your room that way you know :) ~Stacy #55

  22. Bird's eye view of your "desk" today. You sure have a lot of pots and jars of this and that. So much fun! PJ & Dio #57

  23. Had a little peek at your wanderlust journal pages - fab! I really love "Everything I did today". Had a hectic day wet-felting loads of new background pieces so just dropping in for a quick snoop! Happy crafting, Max #37 :-)

  24. Your floor desk looks brilliant - good to see journal pages on the way! Chrisx

  25. I've just went to the links to look at your journal pages. Each totally different. I like the doodled Shakespeare page as well as the Kew Gardens page. I can tell you had fun with those.
    I have recently bought a journal but we're in the process of moving my craft space somewhere else and I won't be creating anything for a couple of weeks yet.
    Thanks for visiting,
    Happy WOYWW,
    Have a good week too,

  26. Definitely busy, Helen! That's what we like to see. A tidy, empty desk (floor) is a sterile space lol!!

    Thanks for your visit and your nice comment - I feel like a rank beginner, getting to grips with my technology again! I shall have to depend on musle memory or something if I'm going to get anywhere, I think. I'm still not 100% happy with the painting but it will come.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #62

  27. Looks brilliantly busy and exciting from this angle... I'm off to enjoy your Wanderlust adventures.
    Alison x

  28. What floor space? The sunflower is sprouting its next set of leaves and will soon have outgrown the CD case! Thanks for visiting me yesterday, BJ#32

  29. Creativity happening there!
    Mischra ♥ #18 this week

  30. Fab looking desk - sorry to be late wishing you happy WOYWW

    No 43

  31. It could be a desk I am looking at, it is full of goodness, especially the PPA paints - just love that chalky finish you get with so many of them. If only my old bones would allow me to get on and off the floor quickly and easily. You would laugh at me crawling on hands and knees to find something to pull myself up with when I get down. Enjoy whilst you can Helen!
    Hugs & thank you for visiting me, sorry I am so late this week.
    Neet 3 xx

  32. Had a quick peek at your Woanderlust - sounds cheeky!! beautiful work. Hopelessly late at visiting again this week - busy with Ben, curtains and lunch out with Sister in law - all good fun!

  33. A lovely view on a busy desk! I'd love to flip through those journals!!! Have a great day and 'see you on Wednesday', Marit #39

  34. Helen I have to say I spend so much time having a good nosy every week at your crafty space. I enlarge it, lots of oooooos and aaaahhhhhhhhs and I have that, I want that lol. Sorry I am late again this week. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  35. I was sure I had already commented!!

    Gorgeous page Helen- I love the colours you've used.

    Can't believe you haven't bought anything!! LOLQ


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