Wednesday 6 April 2016


Hi all and happy WOYWW to you again.  it's time for the weekly link up with Julia where we share our workspaces..  I had to take immediate action when a new set of Paperartsy stamps were launched on Sunday as part of the "Wanderlust" year long online course I'm taking part in through Everything Art and they arrived on Tuesday (today as I write!)

 I bumped up the order with a copy of Art Journalling, I love this magazine, I used to get it regularly but had missed it for a while.
and received the most recent one  from a different supplier, at the weekend!  Art From The Heart, you may recognise the snazzy wrapping!

So, lots to read and keep me occupied.

Not sure if it's Julia or Lunch Lady Jan who'll be hosting today - but it'll be one of them!

short and sweet from me, gearing up for the show at Ally Pally (Crafting at AllyPally) on Saturday- can't wait!  my credit card is ready!


  1. I'm sure you'll have lots to show off seeing you've polished your credit card for the event :) and that hand stamp is really kewl looking like all the details in it hugs Nikki ??

  2. I recognise that wrapper - they do a lovely job of sending out your order don't they. How many little charms have you got now?
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx
    ps congrats on no 1 again - you must hold the record by now surely.

  3. I am well aware of the size of that magazine, so that hand must be BIG. I love it. It is something I would actually USE. And that package is beautiful. Not sure how it made it through the mail, because in the US, we aren't allowed to tie anything with strings.

  4. Oh i so love the packaging from AFTH - gorgeous - I have never read one of those magazines Helen - I really should try and get my hands on one!

    Can't wait to see your photos from Ally Pally - have a fabulous day!

  5. I love the Stampington Sew Somerset magazine. Very expensive but they are more like a book and are kept for life.
    I'm polishing my credit card ready for spending at Indigo Moon in Wales when I go on a workshop in a couple of week.
    Enjoy ally pally
    Have a good week
    Lynn 7 X

  6. Nice wrapping right enough! Enjoy your day out on Saturday - hope your credit card survives it!
    Bernice #10

  7. I only heard about AFTH this you're the second to mention it. I must go and explore...then my credit card will take a hammering too. Enjoy Ally Pally Elaine #15

  8. Great looking stamp set, should check out the wanderlust community because not sure what you're referring to. Happy WOYWW , Vicky #12

  9. You're supposed to take cash so that then, when the cash has gone, you know it's time to go home! I bet you're meeting a load of twits too, so you're guaranteed a great day, have fun! I wonder if 'I had to take immediate action' is the best summation for buying stash that anyone has ever heard!!

  10. Have a wonderful time at Ally pally. The Mag looks fab! Soojay 23 xx

  11. Wow, that's the poshest magazine wrapper I've ever seen!! I do love a good mag, especially when there not too many adverts :-). Have fun on Saturday...if the phone network runs slow, we'll know you're using your credit card!
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xx
    Ps. I won't be taking over until Julia goes in to hospital, but have had a trial run and it was ok 😊

  12. What a super way to wrap an order, customer service to the end!! Enjoy the show.
    Have a good week
    God Bless

    Bishopsmate #25

  13. Looks like you have plenty of reading to keep you busy. Enjoy!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #30

  14. Hi Helen, I'm sure we can expect lots of goodies to enable us next week then, lol.I'm just fully expecting that when I want some butterflies of a a particular colour, it will be the one colour I haven't punched out! Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #9 xx

  15. Happy Mail! I *love* adding a little bit to my stash here and there. Have fun playing with those new stamps!

    Clair WOYWW #20

  16. I'm having a lunchtime catch up with my fav blogs today as my curtain cutting assistant came early and I then went on to shorten the dreaded curtains first....they are all done now :-)
    What fab wrapping on your parcel.
    Hug's Annie x # 10

  17. Lovely goodies. I love that magazine but it is quite expensive so it's a once-in-a-while treat. Nice to look at for inspiration.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #42

  18. Hello Helen. Great goodies you have received there and yes so true great packing on it. Have fun at the show with credit card in hand. Hugs~Anne L #44

  19. Oh yes, those are lovely stamps. And the mag looks interesting. They certainly packaged it very beautifully.
    I spotted the Ally Pally ticket! Have fun!
    Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting,
    Have a great week ahead,

  20. Fabulous goodies Helen :o) Have fun at the Ally Pally.

  21. Those stamps do look rather gorgeous. I can see why you had to take immediate action!

    Fiona #48

  22. Gosh that was short and sweet from you. Happy reading & WOYWW BJ#51

  23. New stamps and a new magazine to peek at. It sounds like life is just wonderful in your part of the world. Enjoy! PJ #57

  24. Oh yes I'm looking forward to Ally Pally too - it's been a while since I last went.

  25. Impressive packaging dont do that in Oz... but am grateful to get things downunder none the less ... love the look of your stamps too!
    Thanks so much for popping over!
    Shaz in Oz.x #36

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  26. We all love a bit of snazzy packing don't we. I buy yarn from Loveknitting and they always send it in a lovely little chiffon bag. I expect I pay for it in the long run but it's nice all the same. Enjoy Allypally.x Jo

  27. I love Journaling Magazine, actually I love all of Stampington's magazines. The hand stamp is is that big or is it just the photo? Either way, love it.
    Happy Creating!

  28. I am loving your new goodies, I am a huge fan of the journal magazine and of course paperartsy stamps are the best. I love saving the fibres and metal hearts from the AFTH wrapping, it always feels like you are opening a pressie. Wish I was at Ally Pally this weekend, maybe in September. It's tax season and I shall be working with numbers all wkend yuck lol. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  29. Hi Helen, I recognise that wrapping and have several little hearts myself. Enjoy your trip to Ally Pally, I'm off to a craft retreat this weekend and can't wait. Happy belated woyww, Angela x 24

  30. Ooh lovely new stash, Helen! All very exciting. Thanks for the heads up on the Infusions - I've been keeping my eyes open, because they do seem to be cropping up more often now, as people are experimenting with the "advance copy" version lol!

    Thank you for your lovely comment - I am now fully recovered and can only think it was a 24-hour minor inner ear infection or something like that. Horrible while it lasted but soon over! The decorating is now finished and I am thrilled with how it came out - seeing my vision becoming a reality is marvellous and it couldn't be better. We still have a few things to bring back in but we are using it again and loving the new uncluttered feel.

    We've had an extremely busy couple of days because as well as the decorating and other odd jobs being done, the men came at very short notice yesterday to replace our blown double glazed units with nice new clear ones, and we had to move at high speed to clear the rooms ready for them. I am therefore very behind with all my WOYWW comments as I didn't have any time to be on the computer yesterday.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #28

  31. I ordered the new PA WL stamps too - hopefully they're patiently awaiting my return home. I'm much less patiently awaiting my chance to play with them... though will finally be enjoying a bit of time to play as well as work in New York after today.
    Alison x


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