Saturday 23 April 2016

Catching up with Wanderlust...

.. have fallen a couple of prompts behind on my Wanderlust book prompts, part of the Everything Art course.  This one, prompt 7, was "Everything I did today" and was going to be something completely different, as Monty Python would have said.

I brayered my journal page with Stone, Mushroom, Zucchini, Winter Green frescos leaving a patchy look to the background.  I lightly sanded it so I would be able to write over it better.

 I hunted through my Paperartsy stamps sets for some springlike flowers and stamped them in Watering Can archival ink, on the page.  It's a bit bumpy because of what's beneath it now, so got a rustic effect!   I also stamped some grassy images repeatedly across the bottom of the page, in both green and black

Rummaged through some old Kew photos (back in the day before I had a digital camera, so had prints of my visits! - this is from May 2009) but the blossom was evident last week when I actually went for the purpose of this page
 then wrote on my page

Regular blog visitors will know how much I love going to Kew, and I have some very happy memories of trips there.

Hope you like this one, now on to the next prompt!


  1. I love this Helen, it reflects the pleasure and beauty that you enjoy at Kew! Am I right in thinking that you are more confident with your writing too? Xx

  2. I don't like it.....I LOVE IT! Gorgeous soft colours and love the PA stamps you used.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Very lovely page Helen. I felt atmosphere of spring in full bloom. Stunning the background and words. xx

  4. oh this is lovely Helen xx

  5. love your description of your stamping, it didn't work out the way you thought but that is rustic, haha

  6. Beautiful Helen! A perfect combination!Chrisx

  7. Absolutely love this - the gentle spring greens and fantastic photo - great paint layers in the background. It's just lovely.
    Alison x

  8. I love this page, the background colours I would have never used but wow I want to use them now, they look fab together. Happy Art :-) Kezzy xxx

  9. This looks fabulous Helen! Lovely background! x


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