Wednesday 9 March 2016


Happy WOYWW to my desk hopping buddies... After last week's little bag of goodies, there is nothing new on my workspace...
but I am working at a journal page
 it's basically a couple of pieces left from a masterboard and some extra paint and stencils on the page to blend it in..
 closer up look.. not finished yet, needs a focal point I think, just not sure what... will ponder for a while!  the colours are mostly the new frescos in winter green, zucchini and white fire, with some granny smith and chalk, thrown in.
have been playing with the Paperartsy Infusion powders, to make the background on this tag, (no close ups sorry) - that was sitting on the mat last workdesk post..
finished it off with some more of the stamps from the "Shrek girl" plate and sent it off as a thank you to ....

won't say in case it hasn't arrived (it should, if the post is kind today)

hope you have some great desk hopping and will catch you soon.


  1. Your book is looking great love the greens and sweet looking tag such a fun image
    hugs Nikki ??

  2. I love those Fresco paints and those album pages look fascinating already. I hope you can soon decide that you think you need to add. I also hope you are not being kept awake, like me, by the torrential rain hammering against the bedroom window. Have a good week. xxx Maggie

  3. Lovely pages and the tag is gorgeous too!

  4. Love the various shades of green on your journal page. Not seen the Infusion powders yet but guess they will be at Port Sunny - if it doesn't clash with Paris again.
    Hugs and Have a Great Week Helen
    Neet 2 xx

  5. Hello Helen. I like the shades in the pages - and love the leaves on them. Hope you find just what you need for the focus you want.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  6. Linked you up ok.. Love those pages, the names of the colours made me laugh though. Do they have 'Bogey Green' perchance?!
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xx

  7. Journal page is looking interesting already, sure you'll find a suiting focal point. That tag is wonderful, like the ribbons. Happy WOYWW from Vicky#8

  8. Cool tag & art journal pages . Happy woyww Jill #10

  9. ahhh great greens in those fresco colours, I really love that page and look forward to seeing what you do, Helen!
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x # 7

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  10. What gorgeous pages today Helen.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Annie x # 30

  11. I love the greens on your page, and the tag is great.

    Jan no 43

  12. The colors on your background page are gorgeous (and so is the tag) and I'm sure you will come up with a lovely 'focal image/text' to finish it! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #34

  13. Beautiful background in shades of green. Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #38

  14. The page is coming along nicely - lots of shades of green. I love the tag.

    Sharon K #48

  15. Hi Helen,yes, It was a bit of a shocker when I found out how many cards were needed- I'd expected maybe 3 or 4, not 12!Love your masterboards, you inspired me to have a go at some, it's a really fun thing to do, I'm quite captivated by the,.Love the greens of your page, by the way. I do love that colour. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  16. Sent off to ME!!!! :-D She arrived this morning!! Love her!! She will hang on my anglepoise lamp over my desk so I can look up and smile when I see her....

    Journal page is coming along well....

    Happy WOYWW

  17. Love your journal page! I love journaling. I will be taking regular peeks at it!
    Happy Creating to you this week!

  18. Hi Helen glad to see you having fun with your new stash! Ali #68

  19. Wow! Your journal page looks amazing. Haven't done a master board for ages so thanks for reminding me about them. May have to do one this week! Love your tag too.
    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon xx #50

  20. I love your green pages. And your tag is cute. Stacy did a similar tag...
    Sorry I´m late. I had my new computer today and I have been fiddling about with that but now I have everything going. (I am typing this on my new keyboard, which is Spanish, so I am constantly looking for things that are in a different place). I still have to sort out the printer and some speakers, but the system works!
    Have a great week and thanks for visiting me earlier.

  21. Love your tag! I love the Paper artsy stamps, but I don't have any :-( Luckily my friend Marg does! Your journal page background looks great - hopefully you will show us the finished page next week! Thanks for visiting my blog! Lindart #67

  22. Wonderful grungey organic art journal page, Helen! Lovely tag, too. Please could you tell me how I can get hold of the PaperArtsy Infusions powders? I haven't been able to find them anywhere, not even on their website.

    Thank you for your comment - yes, far too busy at the moment, and suffering for it in between when I don't have anything on - I'm resting again on the recliner today. What I need is time and energy together, which I'm not getting! Glad you like the look of my studio - it is a tip at the moment but I'll get it straight again.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #53

  23. Very cool tag!
    And beautiful pagebackground.

    Have a nice creative weekend!
    Sussie, nr 44 WOYWW, sorry for being late...

  24. Hi Helen, thanks so much for getting back to me re my query. It's nice to know they are on their way and it wasn't just me missing something! I shall keep looking out for them.


  25. You always have something interesting going on in your space - I'd love to do art journals but never have the time now!

    Thanks for stopping by


  26. I love that tag, it would make a great art doll!

    Lucy x

  27. Loving your journal.... and shrek girl is adorable!

  28. Love that journal page background color. I'm like you. Focal point? Pretty as it is? Work around the edges? Look forward to seeing what the page tells you. I say your Shrek girl tag. Turned out great! Creative Blessings! Kelly #61

  29. Stunning spring greens - beautifully layered pages. Clearly I'm going to have to check out those new green paints too.
    Alison x


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