Wednesday 27 January 2016

WOYWW 347 - new stuff!

Morning and welcome to another What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday snoop.. pop over to Julia's the Stamping Ground for the link/info.

I went shopping on Saturday, with a desire to spend some money... in which I was only partly successful... always the way, you go with an intention to buy new clothes etc, and you don't see anything you want/like...  Anyhow, I digress - I was also intending to pop into the art shops, (a small firm with just a couple of branches, and also Cass Art of which there are several throughout the UK. The Kingston one however, is not very big...)  Cass Art have a sale on... although it may be nearly over, I think it's been going a while now.

 I managed to grab a few bargains..

 "one or two" new journals... the little square one was just too cute to leave behind, even though I don't often work this small... the kraft covered one and the landscape orientated one, are intended just to use for the paper they were quite cheap...

At the back is a Prima journal which a friend gave me... and the A4 spiral bound one is another good size... a spare!

I also got... a pad of mixed media paper and some thick cartridge paper, think these will come in handy for the Wanderlust course I'm doing (and very slowly catching up with)

The paints were a bargain, and the pastels - well, also on offer, but I just fancied trying them!

The tub of paste is fibre paste, so textured, and will be used for... whatever!!

Probably just a well I didn't see much in the clothing area as these bags were heavy!!
I got home and immediately started to play..

 the mixed media pad and the pastels were put straight into action on this piece for the Paperartsy blog challenge...
and I did a bit more to the journal page I was playing with the other week...

So, finally I seem to have got the "bug" back - shame I have to keep going to work- I just want to play now!!

Thanks for stopping by, hope you had a good visit - leave me your desk number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. Love your playing Helen - great results. Looks as if you had a good old spend but isn't it good when there is a sale on? So much for your money!
    Afraid my friend will not get out with us before we leave - she really is in a mss and incapacitated so it will be nursing duties right up to the bitter end. I hope she can find someone to come in in my place.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. I blinked and you beat me to #1 hahaha. Yep i get that too, so now I buy when i see and when its on sale but then that will be it for 5 years hahaha I hate clothes shopping. So you were successful in the shopping department-just not for clothes
    Bridget #4

  3. Pretty use of the pastels and journal page. I just got a few new coloring items for a new adult coloring book. Just need some free time. Looks like you had some fun shopping...I too have intentions for clothes shopping but don't find my size and venture to my favorite "other" shops.
    Happy WOYWW enjoy a great week.

  4. Sometimes you just can't avoid those sales I know with art supplies if I see them for a fantastic price I'd snag them when I can. Eventually I will use them shopping for clothing can be a Hassel for sure hugs Nikki 6

  5. Ohh Helen you always pick up the best bargains and I am sure you are going to use them in the wanderlust classes. Looks like lots of great ideas from what I have seen other woyww post.
    sandra de @14

  6. Had to chuckle Helen at nit seeing clothes you liked but loads of arty goodies, how well you've used them already ... :)
    Happy WOYWW, nice to be back in Deskland again, too!
    Shaz in Oz.x #15

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  7. Oh new arting goodies and beautiful journals to boot - nothing finer!

  8. Great purchases and your journal pages look wonderful. Linda #20

  9. Loads of great stuff there Helen. I was looking at a little square journal myself the other day so looking forward to seeing what you do with yours. LOVE your two journal pages. Lx

  10. Well, you were successful on your shopping trip...just not quite in the clothes dept! Lovely stash of painty things - have fun!!
    And many many thanks for supporting the Skydive for're a star :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xx

  11. I love the painty stash you've been buying.....I have lots of arty stash that I've had for years but just never seem to find the time to play with day maybe. :-)
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 11

  12. It's always so nice to have new goodies to play with! Your journal pages are so beautiful. You really have a good eye for color! Glenda #31

  13. it seems to work that way, the more you have to stay away from it, the more active your mojo!
    I'm a danger in stationery shops, not least because I need nothing and want everything...always come home with stuff. At least as a mixed media gal there's a chance you'll get around to these!

  14. Pleased to see you found some nice goodies in the sale. I took my mum to shopping yesterday we looked round at the clothes and then big mistake I called in at Hobbycraft and well the rest is history. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela xXx 29

  15. Hi Helen! Two days in a row... gosh, what will become of me! LOL Loving all your wonderful purchases, you are going to be having a lovely time playing with that lot! Hugs from Annette not sure what number I was.... ooh 31!!

  16. Ooh Helen! Lovely new stash those pads look great. Still waiting on my Golden paints to come. I love both pages. The bottom one is fabulous! Hope you can grab more time later. That's the problem with work!!

  17. Happy to hear the bug has re-bitten you! Lovely looking goodies - much better than spending on clothes, I'd say (but yes, it's strange how, when you're ready to spend, nothing bobs up - clothes-wise, that is).

    Love your pastel hearts - beautiful with that Sara stamp, and I love your earthy circles too.
    Alison xx

  18. Never heard of Cass Art before! Looks like they have their own brand of products, like Jacksons. Will check them out! Great haul and lovely pages! zsuzsa #38

  19. Nice Haul - I just love new journals :) Love your paperartys Challenge - I always mean to join inj and watch every post - then forget! enjoy your new stash. Thanks for the earlier visit Soojay xx

  20. ooh some lovely goodies, but Cass Art, how can one resist ?
    The journal pages are looking lovely

  21. I love your creations and crafty/arty purchases.
    Have a good week.
    Catherine x #22

  22. Hi Helen, completely agree about the spending. Always happens, when you have money to spend you can't find a thing you want. Loads of great bargains you collected regardless though. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #8 xxx

  23. Funny how you can never find clothes when you are looking, at least you found a use for your money and I have a couple of journal type books that are small but I just had to buy, love the pages you've finished
    Jan N0 39

  24. I hate clothes shopping. Can never find what I want/need/looking for. Your crafty buys look great! Have fun with them

    Sharon K #49

  25. What wonderful new stash and such bargains not wonder you grabbed them. Am sure every page will be Helen inked and painted before long! Take care Zo xx 44

  26. Some things never change LOL! I see those TH birds are on Julia's recently. Oh and love that quote - I am so a "throw all the paint" kinda gal!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (41)

  27. Just had to pop over and say hi to no. 1! Your shopping reminds me I desperately need both mixed media paper and watercolor paper. Have a good week! Sandy Leigh #39

  28. Well who wants to buy clothes when there's crafting stuff to buy. You had a good time by the look of it and alredy busy will your new stash. Your journal oages look beautiful. Barbx #54

  29. Wonderful shopping! or should I say - artistic shopping!
    Journal page looks good.
    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #27

  30. Just one or two, eh? Hmmm. From one sketch book, notebook and diary hoarder to another, I understand!

    Clair @ Obstinate Pursuit
    WOYWW #13

  31. I'm someone else who is a sucker for a new book or two or three hee hee
    Lynn 18
    Back to the clearing n sorting

  32. Thanks for your visit, Helen - lovely to get one's mojo back, isn't it!! I love all your wonderful new stash and you are going to have lots of fun playing with that. Work - what's that? PLAY's the thing lol!! I love your page, too. Great colours, and I do love circles.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #24

  33. Fiber paste, cool. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

    enjoy, Pat #61

  34. Gorgeous pages & I love the new stash, really fab assortment of goodies.

  35. Happy WOYWW - and congrats on the No.1 spot. You did some great shopping - did us proud! Ali x #37

  36. New stuff is always so inspiring, isn't it?

    Very fine pages!

    #60 this week
    with 37 atcs

  37. Yummy new supplies there. I am glad you had a play with them already. I sometimes get home and don't even get things out of the shopping bag. I am not a robot. lol Peg 63

  38. Always fun getting new goodies! Your pages are lovely!

    brenda lee #64

  39. That looks a lovely haul of goodies, looking forward to seeing what you make with them.

  40. That looks like a heavy bag of supplies! Well done you on that haul.
    I bought a box of pastels too recently but I haven't used them yet. You have inspired me and I will soon after seeing your lovely journal page.
    Thank you for taking the trouble to visit and for your sweet comment.
    Greetings from sunny Spain,

  41. Hi Helen, You have some lovely stash there and all the better if it's a bargain:)

    Looking forward to seeing how your new journals progress. I love the pages you have shown. I've never thought of doing journals, but might just have to start one:)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #26

  42. I love that feeling when you've got new kit and want to get creative with it! Looks like a fab haul. Happy crafting, Max #33 :-)

  43. Love your journal page :-) and I like buying art stuff, have so much I need to try though before I buy more! Glad you like my french shop!
    Dawn #21

  44. Hello, Helen, happy WOYWW and thanks for your visit. Glad you had some luck at the shops and even better, time to play with some of your new goodies when you got home. Hope you have a continued good week. Best, Laura #45

  45. Getting new materials usually draws out the muse, isn't it? Great stuff you got there Helen, enjoy! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week - I'm a bit late myself but happy woyww, have a nice weekend! Hug, Marit #28

  46. Awww! I was in the Art Shop on Saturday, after seeing Alison Bomber and spent some vouchers I was given for Christmas. I bought some more watercolour pencils to compliment the ones I already have (no point changing to another make when you like the ones you have). It was so fun spending the money yet not spending actual money. I could pick the pencils individually and was like a kiddie in a sweet shop!!

  47. ooh some nice shopping.....Cass art....oh that is my downfall ;-)
    Thanks for visiting my desk already


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