Wednesday 20 January 2016


Can't be Wednesday again already, surely?  That means another week's gone by and I've done hardly anything crafty and am now at least 2 weeks (and 3 challenges) behind on the Wanderlust course... these cold evenings aren't conducive to crafting, I just slob in front of the telly!
So, you're here for Workdesk Wednesday, brainchild of Julia

my desk today on the floor shows a part-done journal page and some little jars of fabric flowers that I got in Wilkinsons for £1 each I think, (I bought them for the jars truth be told but will use the flowers too - they're a bit shiny, but nothing some paint won't cure!)
 I was struggling with the colours on the journal page because it was dark and of course by artificial light the colours don't look right (especially with long-life bulbs which don't project enough light anyway) so it's been abandoned for now...
I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago I have a glut of birthdays in January, these are the next crop of cards (am taking a punt on none of the recipients reading this post as they're not Deskers, so usually give this one a miss)
as they are not yet received...

Thanks for stopping by, have a good WOYWW.


  1. Like those bottles myself. Remind me of some I once did with Leandra where we painted the outside with Fresco paint and then stamped on them I think we made flowers from cardstock for the lids - I still have a set of them in the Guest Bedroom and love them. Great birthday cards you made.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Great journal pages & cards Helen, Happy woyww Jill #4

  3. Fab work as always it is hard work colour matching in artificial light roll on summer

  4. Its the opposite with us, we can craft better in winter, summer is just too hot and humid to do anything, one feels so lethargic in the heat.
    Bridget #1

  5. Great inkiness as always Helen.

    Dismal days on the pitch lately, can only improve I guess.

    B x

  6. I would buy them for the bottles as well! so cute! Happy WOYWW!

  7. Your journal pages did it for me this week Helen. Great pattern design. Well done on finding the little jars they are great
    Lynn // 11

  8. Great cards and a good start to your journal pages - at least if you are not happy with the colours you can paint over and start again. Have a good week of crafting. Linda #17

  9. I understand the crafting lethargy...I had to force myself to sew this week! Don't worry about it, sometimes it's good to have a break and recharge the old batteries :-). Love those little bottles from Wilkinsons - what a satisfying shape they are!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  10. I like day light best for crafting and these dark nights don't encourage us do they?
    Have a great week.
    Annie x #9

  11. Love the cards, so different.
    Those bottles of flowers are a great find ...... must go and have a look in our local ..... thanks for the tip off!

    Have a good week

    Bishopsmate #33

  12. Hellloooo Helen, hope you are well. Don't talk to me about weeks flying by, I have no idea what is going on these days. Love your cards and page, really need to get some inks out. And yes, I have those flowers in a bottle (and yes, I bought them for the botles but have done nothing with them!!) Happy WOYWW Cindy #29

  13. Lighting can be a problem indeed during these dark winter-months... I bought me a daylight-lamp and that helps, but I still find myself on the couch in front of the TV in the evening... oh well, we need that too don't we?! I do love your art journal page! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #41

  14. Ha us crafters always do that. Buy things because we can see crafty potential! Your makes look good. But then you have a way with paint so they always do! I've been goig to bed about 7pm to watch programmes I've recorded or films. These cold dark nights are perfect for that I reckon! Take care Zo xx 39

  15. Hi Helen, loving the cards, really love the Birds? I too hate with a vengeance long life bulbs- the light is awful and the colour horrible. Hubby has just found some LED bulbs that have normal bayonet/screw fittings, that are the equivalent of 100w lightbulbs- and they work great. You almost need sunglasses to go upstairs now, lol. They are not cheap, around £7 a bulb, but supposed to last 3 or 4 years.Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #16 xx

  16. I know you feel Helen! I'm falling behind with my lessons as well, but I always have something else to do! Will have to pop into Wilko's for those jar/flowers - they look great! Lovely cards too - I like the one with the birds the most! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #47

  17. Lots of things you have going..Journal page has a good beginning. Fun Birthday cards also. I've got to use my Bird buys..time just flies by. Have a great WOYWW kind of day #33.

  18. I like the cards! The Tim Holtz birds are cute and crazy. I haven't given in and bought them yet but I love them!

    Sharon #52

  19. what a great find - the jars are so cute. I love your cards. Have a great week. Soojay 28 xx

  20. Hi Helen,
    I'm glad I'm not the only one that buys things just for the bottle or box! Everything has a use though. The beginnings of your journal page looks great.

    Thanks for wishing me luck in my clean-out! I'm going to need it....
    Also, thanks for visiting!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (12)

  21. Great design Helen, I just don't know how you can craft in the floor, you must be a lot more supple than me. Keep cosy! Elaine

  22. Your birthday cards are beautiful! (I have some cards to make too).
    I do suffer from winter lethargy. Nothing gets done really. Never mind. It will be spring soon.
    Have a good week,

  23. Great cards Helen, I must get around to the few I need, all my January birthdays are from Friday onwards. I can't work in the evening now, as you say, the lights a huge prob....and yep, it's a bit chilly to be kneeling on the floor! I've changed the number on my post....gone dyslexic in my old age!

  24. Those are sweet little jars you've found Helen. I'll be popping into my local Wilkinson's next time I'm in town :) Those long-life bulbs are worse than useless, especially if, like me, you are sight challenged. I have a daylight bulb and a Purelight lamp to work with. Your cards are all lovely. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #48

  25. Hi nice to meet you its my 3rd week in and so enjoy meeting new people.

    Love the ideas of a journal not tried one yet

    Crafty hugs Pen x #61

  26. Oh, what a shame that the winter weather is affecting your creativity. (Although, having said that, I love the art journalling you have on show, it's awesome!) Take it easy on yourself, those Wanderlust prompts will be there for you when you're ready. If it's any consolation I'm still working on my Journal Your Christmas!

    Clair @ Obstinate Pursuit
    WOYWW #13

  27. Great journal pages and wonderful cards. It's snowing here looks like we may have about 4-5 inches in my yard!
    Glenda #31

  28. Hi Helen,
    Well we're having a heatwave here! (41 degrees in the car!) And it's likewise not conducive to doing anything. And I'd gladly send some of it your way, if possible :)
    I don't expect to keep up with everything from Wanderlust, but I'm not going to stress about it :)
    Thanks for dropping by too.

  29. Those cards look great, Helen. I hope your recipients like them as much. Thank you for your visit and, yeas, I am enjoying all my juices apart from the fennel. That particular thing will never darken my door again. All the rest are delicious. Have a good week. xx Maggie #65

  30. Cool little jars Helen! Looks like you've been busy with the cards, they look great!

  31. I love this start to your journal page! I haven't been in Wilkinsons for ages...maybe I need to call in some time! I am trying to get ahead of myself - a lot going on here - including a little matter of some surgery! Hugs, Chrisx

  32. great looking cards. I am also already behind with my wanderlust course. Vicky#66

  33. It's good to know I'm not the only one who has a thing about little storage bottles! Journal layout looks good and I'm sure your birthday cards will be very much appreciated. Thanks for your visit - sorry I'm late coming back - don't know where the time went! Hugs MMx #49

  34. I'm the same with journal pages - I start out with great energy and then somehow lose my way and then they'll wait for days or sometimes months before I go back to them (if I ever do!). I'm sure this one will perk up if the sun ever comes out again. Great looking cards - aren't January birthdays annoying so soon after Christmas?! Cestina's just had one...
    Alison xx

  35. Hi Helen, mm i can relate to weather affecting crafty creating...

    Y'see I'm blaming our hot weather for me not wanting to get in there and make stuff, and have a veritable rash of cards needing to be made.

    Love the bottle too, and page underneath. Shaz in Oz.x


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