Wednesday 2 December 2015

It's all new around here.. WOYWW339

... well it may be .  I splurged and bought a new computer (yes, I know, Black Friday has a lot to answer for...) and I am writing this early in case I can't get it up and running ha ha!!
So, it's Wednesday, it's bloody December, and it's WOYWW again!!

 it's an all in one pc, so no tower.. which confuses me.. it's on the floor, where my craft mat normally goes, and regular visitors will recognise space cleared to the right of my work space, because of course I have to get behind the tv to where all the cables need to be plugged in...

If it works, I'll come back and edit this to prove it!
I did get some non Christmas crafting done at the weekend, for a FB group I'm in, for a tag/atc swap which has since been delayed
but mine are done, so there!!
Theme, in case you can't tell (!!) is trees/woodland.

ok. let's leave it at this and see if I come back.. if you don't see me at Julia's, please someone link me, lol!!

I'm here (on the old one still - the files are still backing up ready for swap over!)


  1. Now there is worrying you didn't come back to tell us it was working - hope it is good, we've had an all in one for ages and love it!

    Loving the crafting as always!

  2. Nice shiny new computer it's amazing how they fit everything into a laptop I like the tower then you can add in extra bits hugs Nikki 9

  3. I just saw this on my reading list so popped in to say hello Helene, don't seem to have been here for ages, apols !

    Fingers crossed Mr Charisma fires them up tonight.

    B x

  4. Good luck with your new pc. Vicky (#1)

  5. All the best with the new technology. I tend to rely on apple to get me unpacked, plugged in and ready to go. No technical now how in my house. Love the tags ... I am sure they can be used for Xmas cards if needed,
    sandra de @19

  6. I am having to go into a certain well known PC shop today so I will investigate this 'all in one' ......... will be interested in the updates that appear.

    Hope the swap goes live cos those creations are beautiful.

    Have a good week

    Bishopsmate #24

  7. I always hate getting new computers! I think it makes life so tedious cause I'm not very tech savvy! Good luck!
    Glenda #25

  8. Well done you to be able to set up your new PC. That's something I would be getting our son to do for me :-)
    Really hope all goes well for you.
    Annie x #15

  9. Congratulations on your new computer and on setting it up yourself. I would probably need a 'young person' to do this for me. I need a new computer too. And I nearly bought an all-in-one, but then I discovered it didn't have a dvd player. I want to buy a newer version of Photoshop Elements which comes on a CD. (My internet connection is too slow for a download of a large programme).
    I'll probably end up with a desk top. But for you on the floor this seems an ideal solution. Well done!
    Have a great week,

  10. Hi Helen, smashing looking new computer. And on the floor works well, lol. Love the tags, Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #4 xxx

  11. Woohoo, new tech is always good! Good luck with the swap over....hope nothing important goes AWOL!!
    I like your tree backgrounds....very mysterious :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xxx

  12. I had to get a new system and I hated all that setting up to get it going again. Good luck with yours! Nice tags!
    Gabriele 39

  13. Get you with your whizzy new computer. Couldn't resist eh!? Hope the changeover goes smoothly. Loving your beautiful tags. Lx

  14. This is definitely an exciting moment -I hope you get on well together - I am not friends with mine at all at the moment! Chrisx

  15. Looks very swish Helen!
    Love your tags & ATCs x

  16. A new computer - how exciting! I got a new laptop recently as well. Love your tags and ATCs. Thank you for your sweet comment and it was nice to be missed!! It's been quite a year and I've got some adjusting to do now I've got the all-clear verdict. I am sure things will get back to normal in time and I'm trying not to worry about it!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #21

  17. New machine looks fab, hope you enjoy making friends! The tags and ATCs look lovely and it's nice to see some non-Christmas artwork. Happy crafting, Max #31 :-)

  18. You are very resourceful...I get someone anyone else to do the tech stuff for me, I'm ashamed to say! Now as you ve made your Christmas cards, and suddenly you're ahead with the tag swap, crikey - what will you do?!!

  19. Ooh, wow - that's a beautiful new computer! Hope once all the files are backed up it will play nicely.

    Love, love, love those tree tags - with the fabulous fibre toppings too.
    Alison xx

  20. Love those tags Helen, what a gorgeous stamp and you have used it beautifully.
    Good luck with the new computer, thankfully I have a man who can sort mine out..
    Hugs - Very LateNeet xx


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