Saturday 12 September 2015

Winners - Ally Pally Tickets

Time to announce the winners of the Ally Pally tickets, donates by Paperartsy  for next weekend - two one day tickets, so you can go either day.  Thanks again to Paperartsy for donating the tickets.

I had 19 people comment but only 5 who wanted to be in for a chance to win tickets, so in time honoured fashion I wrote the names on pieces of paper and, shutting my eyes, picked out two at random.

So, well done to Jo and to Lin..  sorry to the others!

I'll send them off on Monday so you should get them in good time.

Now, I have 300 photos from Kew to sift through and blog... bear with!!


  1. Congrats to Jo and LIn. If any of the others who were trying haven't already signed up at mine, I'm drawing mine tomorrow!!
    Alison xx

  2. Oh dear, spose I better draw mine! Been a busy weekend! Congrats to Jo & Lin! x


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