Thursday 20 August 2015

Tar and gloss gel journal page - for Paperartsy

So, as you know Paperartsy's Gels and Mediums fortnight is rapidly passing... I got some clear tar gel the other day and had to play!

On Sunday night after Leandra's inspiring videos were posted on the blog, I mixed up some of the heavy gloss gel I'd bought on Saturday, with some polished pigments (black cherry) and stencilled it onto a couple of journal pages, and a tag - you can see them here, drying on Sunday night on top of my Fresco boxes..

(there's also some of Finn's Prima light paste, mixed with purple brusho, through the Lin Brown circles stencil, on another journal page and another tag.. still WIP those!)

just love the shimmer that shows through the gloss gel, from the polished pigments!

 I loved Sue's drippage canvas with the clear tar gel, and knew I wanted to try dripping the tar gel onto something!   Sadly, I don't have a picture of the step with the gel before I added the next layer - Claret Fresco, knocked back with a baby wipe to leave the dry gel, showing the cream of the journal page behind..
 but you an see where the gel dripped and ran as I tipped the page whilst it was still very runny.. love this stuff!!
I also added the JoFY circles from JoFY37 (the one with the caterpillar!) which I painted with a mixture of white Sharpie marker and Chalk Fresco, and dots of Plum Fresco in the centres.
still think maybe it needs some more words, but for now "do more of what makes you happy"  (JoFY38) stamped on tissue and cut to fit some of the gaps in all the luscious glossy magnificence, will do...  it made ME happy!

Entering the Paperartsy Gels and Mediums challenge, here 


  1. Fabulous Helen! Adore those colours and the shimmer and the finished pages look gorgeous.

    Lesley Xx

  2. Gorgeous yummy colours there Helen! love it all, will play with mine but won't have time for the challenge!

  3. Fabulous pages, you're really creative Helen!! Purple shimmer looks great and your tar gel work is fun. love this pages. xx

  4. Wow! Helen the effects you have achieved here look amazing! I am really snowed under with doing the class and lots of friend and family demands at the moment; but your post has made me really want so much to play with gels! The shimmer is great on this and it just seems so full of movement! Wonderful pages! xx

  5. Fabulous pages Helen! Love the colours an dthe drips are wonderful! Sue C x

  6. Oh these are gorgeous, Helen. Well done. I've got some of that tar gel but have never used it yet - it came with a starter pack of small pots of various gels when I first started. It looks fun. I love that bubbles stamp and am very tempted to get it - gorgeous for mixed media backgrounds. Off to Paperartsy to have a good look.


  7. Your page looks really cool Helen, I really must get the tar gel out for a play! x

  8. Fun!!!!!!!!! I like your pages!!!!

  9. Very pretty - love the shimmer and shine on this page xx

  10. Wowzer - you really went to town and the results are fabulous! What gorgeous colours, and what great movement in the wavy vertical textures. Love, love, love!
    Alison xx


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