Saturday 15 August 2015

ATC and Tag swap

I'm a bit behind on sharing the tags and atcs for the swap group I'm in, these are from the July swap - theme stencils.

 did a double layer of stencilling on the tags and atcs, with and Old French Script stencil (Americana Decor)
 and added stamps from some of the new Paperartsy Hotpicks
stencilled some texture paste on the atc round the stamping, too.

so, whilst I'm here and so I don't forget, these are the next ones due by the end of this month - the new theme is texture.
covered the tags with torn book pages and scrunched up tissue wrap and painted the tags - can't remember which blue I used, but the green is Sage!

Added some of the fabric stamping we did on our James Sharp weekend
 covered the atcs with burlap and torn corrogated card (from a coffee cup wrapper)

Added tissue stamped images
 to the top of the blue tag I added some glass bead gel for added texture.
and some stencilled paste on the green one
close up of the top of the blue tag.

thanks for looking


  1. Lovely Helen, love the blues and that tease, is gorgeous . Love the face image too. Lovely piece. Tracy x x

  2. Wow Helen! I love all of them! I have caught up now. ..apologies for taking so long! !!!Chrisx

  3. Fab tags and ATCs for both months Helen! Love that bead gel!

    Lesley Xx

  4. They all look lovely I'm starting to like ATC s ore and more xxx

  5. Amazing! Love all the texture on the second two and the fabric stamping....and I love the script stencil. Hmmm, I like the sound of the bead gel too....

  6. Ooh Helen, me likey likey! Great tags, I especially love the ones that were late. Maybe it is the colour that makes me like those the best. Gorgeous - all of them. Some great ideas.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. I love how fresh and bright your Stencil swaps are, and the texture ones are so tactile. Brilliant swapping...
    Alison xx

  8. These are Amazing tags!! Great techniques and very beautiful result, I love the blue and green tags.xx


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