Wednesday 8 July 2015

WOYWW? Anyone for tennis?

It's Wednesday again and Julia is mustering the troops at the Stamping Ground for desk inspection...

The lovely people at Paperartsy are part way through a week of new releases, which are in the stores now and I "may" have bought some on Sunday (launch night)
 someone commented about the green canvas water bucket a few weeks ago which I forgot to reply to - sorry, can't remember who it was... it doesn't leak because it's lined with plastic

close up of the new stuff - one stencil and 3 new stamp plates (and another on order...)

well, it's been at least a couple of weeks since I bought anything!!

I won't be able to visit many desks until later in the week (or maybe after the weekend) because today will see me at Wimbledon watching the tennis again (love my boss!) and then at the weekend I am going to the Peak District to do a couple of workshops.. luckily I have next week off work to recover!  If any of you were interested in the Hampton Court flower show (I went on Saturday) there are 3 (yes, 3) posts on the "photosbyh" blog (click the picture of the fountain at the top of my blog... enjoy!


  1. Just us chicken up this morning :). Busy day for me too but just time to pop into say hi. I know it may take me till tomorrow to get to many deskers but I'll make it round eventually. Enjoy yor new stash...and the tennis!

    Happy WOYWW

  2. OOOhh I wish I had a boss who took me to Wimbledon! Have a great day and enjoy playing with your new stash!
    Lynda B No 8

  3. ahhh, Helen, so much sport going on the tennis, le Tour, and the Ashes start now too as well as home sport.. but le Tour is my fav. :D

    I really love the look of hte new stamp sets!

    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #5

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  4. Your job perks sound fantastic have a fun time and look forward to seeing you use your new stash. Love flower shows so many wonderful displays to see hugs Nikki 6

  5. OOh ahhh, some serious goodies on your desk.Love those stamps too.
    Judy #7

  6. Me? jealous of you going to Wimbledon? Too blooming right I am!! Have a fab day, you might get to see Andy Murray...have fun :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xxx

  7. Wimbledon followed by crafting - sounds like bliss, oh peak district crafting where where? What are you doing does it look fun?

  8. Have a great time at Wimbledon - Lucky you! Great new stamps you have there. Can't choose my favourite from them. Barb#16

  9. What a wonderful boss - and what a wonderful shopping spree. Gosh they arrived quickly didn't they?
    Enjoy your workshop up in the Peak District - lovely countryside. Busting to know what you are doing.
    Hugs, Neet (thanks for alerting me to the fact that my post was 200+ late - doh!) xx

  10. Lucky you going to see the tennis....could you sneak me in in your pocket? Have a wonderful time and cheer Andy on for us.
    Annie x # 19

  11. What fun. Tennis and new toys. Life is grand. The flowers would have made my day. Peg R 17

  12. Finally enough bandwidth to actually comment! Our internet in Spain is woeful..they think 6MBP is fast! I'm watching the Papertartsy releases too...lordy they are lovely arent they. Will purchase vicariously through you for a while, I haven't even made time to play with the birds you stamped for me yet - it's been workshop stuff and nothing else for a while. It was so much easier when I had a child at home and didn't work for real!
    LOVING your Hampton Court pics...I think I've spent about 2 hours mulling through them now...I should comment but I go in through Facebook and then the bloody iPad or google or something makes the comment take about 3 days and OMG! Suffice..I'm LOVING them. |Hope you have a lovely Wimbledon day and a fantastic weekend in the Peaks.

  13. Got totally distracted by the HC pics - they are gorgeous!! More goodies -like Julia I shall just lust after yours for now as trying to be good (did give on the birdie stamps though which I can see on your desk!) Enjoy the tennis and have a great weekend Cindy #24

  14. WOW, have a great day! Love your new stuff, especially the butterflies1

    Happy WOYWW,
    Evalila/Evelyn # 23

  15. That sou ds like a great week ahead of you. Going to Wimbledon curtecy of the boss! Then to the lovely Peak District. I do hope you have nice weather. Last week was even hot in the UK I heard....
    I love your new stamps. Have a great week,

  16. I've said it before and I'll say it on earth do you manage to craft on the floor? I would not be able to get up after spending any time there for sure. hehehe... Love the butterfly stamps! Glenda #33

  17. I love those paperartsy stamps as well but after the weekend we've had thought - not this month!!

    Have a stamping, tennising, workshoping week!!!
    Bishopsmate #34

  18. Hi Helen, I may have got through this post without going off and spending any money, lol. But I do love that butterfly plate, so maybe not. My son was at Hampton Court all last week, editing the programme for TV airing. He said it was stunning- just a nightmare to get out at the end of the day. Your pics were amazing, by the way. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #10 xxx

  19. I hope the weather keeps fine for your Wimbledon trip and the Peaks always look fab when the sun shines! have fun. x Jo

  20. Lucky you having new Paperartsy stamps, they look brill, not envious of a trip to Wimbledon, I think I'm the only person who hates it.
    Have a great days watching.
    Jan no 31

  21. I have seen these new stamps and I am very tempted and you're not helping Lol! Enjoy the tennis and have a great week, Angela x 30

  22. Wimbledon, what a wonderful treat! Enjoy your workshop in the Peaks - what a fab setting for a workshop :-)

  23. Hi Helen, well I do hope you're enjoying the tennis, can't say much about the bad behavior of the young Aussies :-( Our TV is full of sport at present, tennis, cricket and we've just had a big state rugby match last night, yeah out team won. Thanks for visiting and enjoy your workshops Cheers RobynO#11

  24. Gorgeous stamps.... I don't know how you keep track of all those goodies in your amazing craft room
    sandra de @32

  25. Love the new butterfly stamps, Helen. I don't think one can ever have enough butterflies. You haven't bought anything for a fortnight??? Watch out, you'll be getting withdrawal symptoms lol lol!!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #42

  26. You say tennis, my husband is busy watching the Scotish Open. (golf) :)
    Love all your newly purchased goodies. We never get enough, do we? #49

  27. You are busy. Yes, you will need next week to recover. Love the butterfly stamps! Not shopped in 2 weeks?! You were way overdue hehe. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #41

  28. Sounds like you are having all kinds of fun between Wimbleton and new goodies : ). #48


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