Thursday 30 July 2015

Tissue trade...

My buddy Chris suggested a tissue trade a little while ago, based on something she'd seen in a magazine. (I won;t link to her blog cos I think she's only blogged once since she started it, ha ha!!)

Anyhow, 5 of us signed up although sadly Emma's sheets got lost in the post - dratted Royal Mail!....
These are the sheets I made - the "rules" were to use at least 2 Paperartsy stamps, in repeating patterns.

 I used Paperartsy white tissue, 12x12 and brayered Frescos over the sheets... I did two pinky ones,

added text background stamp in Snowflake,
 then my main image, repeatedly (used the large and small version of this stamp

used the same stamps on the next two -
two greeny ones

and the fifth one was a red one.

I had great fun with this, and now they've all been swapped, we need to think of something "creative" to do with the resulting sheets...

Here are the fabulous sheets I received back...

 you'll have to forgive the poor photograph, it's really dark this evening - sun was shining brightly through one window but all the others look as if it's about to pour with rain!

I don't know whose are whose, as they are all anonymous, but as Chris has put hers on FB, I know hers is the one top left... If I had to stab a guess,I'd say they then go, Lin, top right, Linda bottom left and Lucy bottom right, but I could be way off!

so, now I am going to try and come up with something creative for Chris's second part of the challenge... don't hold your breath though!


  1. How rude but how true! Must get blogging soon. Too many projects. Love your photos Helen - as always!

  2. What a fab challenge, looking forward to seeing what you all make x

  3. Golly. these are stunning. You made some fantastic tissues to trade and got a few lovely ones in return, too. Lucky, lucky you!

  4. What a fabulous idea with some wonderful tissue papers! Can't wait to see what you (and the others!) make with them!

  5. Love this idea Helen and what you created was fab. Love the ones you have been sent too xx

  6. What an inspired idea for a trade - love your tissue paper, and what a joy to receive all those artful papers in return.
    Alison xx

  7. Ooh what a truly gorgeous swap. Cannot wait to see what you do with the papers - I would want to sit and just look at them.

  8. Fab collection! Looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

  9. What a fab idea, all looks amazing! x


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