Wednesday 24 June 2015

Dragons Dream - Tag It On - Brown and Crackle

So, Wednesday again... and time for another challenge from the Dragons at Tag it On - this time, the super talented Julie Ann's choice which is - brown, and to use crackle.. Any choice of crackle you prefer - paste, paint, whatever.

I reached for my trusty Paperartsy crackle glaze, because I was in a bit of a hurry to get this started before I went away for last weekend (nothing like last minute round here!)

I used Chocolate Pudding on the base tag and Buff on top... quite subtle cracks.   I added the honeycomb stamp from JoFY 30 in Potting Soil archival ink.

I stamped the bee hive on white card, and took one of the chipboard shapes that matches the large bee from the same set, before stamping the bee on the shape. Coloured it with Inktense pencils
Stamped some of the little bees direct on the tag, and and the text; in black archival.

Do come and join the Dragons and see what my team-mates have dreamt up for you this fortnight - to join in, you need to use one real stamp on your tag. have fun!


  1. You say this is last minute, Helen; but it's a brilliant tag! I love bees and the crackle looks fantastic. This is a lovely piece of art, reminiscent of lazy summer days. xxx

  2. Love those bees, great tag Helen! x

  3. What a fun tag! Love the bees and the words! This definitely doesn't look like a rushed job! ! Chrisx

  4. WOW Helen. I just LOVE this tag. I have been eyeing up these stamps and they are high on my wish list. Maybe I shall just borrow yours!!!Haa Haa!!

  5. It's a cool! Helen Awesome design for you used Jofy's stamps. Busy bees always lovely. xxx

  6. Oh fabulous background and tag design Helen.

    Hugs Diane

  7. Love your tag, it's beautiful!

  8. It's Friday in my world, so it's time to wish you a virtual happy birthday. Enjoy your day as much as I enjoy your art. Have fun and maybe even eat cake.

  9. Wow Helen I love this tag. The crackle looks fab and Jofy's stamp compliments it wonderfully. Xx

  10. Perfect crackled background and your busy bee is adorable - great take on Julie Ann's lovely recipe.
    Alison xx

  11. That's a wonderful tag,great design and fabulous images. Happy belated birthday wishes :)

  12. Aw this is lovely Helen. Bees are one of my favourite subjects at the moment, probably because of our resident ones in the wisteria which Jo's cute ones remind me of. I think the tag is fab and it certainly doesn't look rushed. Excellent subtle crackle you have achieved.

    Lesley Xx


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